The Real Reason Whites are Not Having Babies

Upwards mobility is fucking dead in America.

Why would anyone want to bring a child into an existence where the hope of upwards mobility is gone?

Makes too much common sense for it to be wrong.

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slide thread google exposed Twenty threads made in the past five minutes Oy vey!

well, yeah
this has happened before in history. When wages stagnate (decline via inflation) the society dies, and people start living on debt.

Yep, why bring new life into such a hopeless existence.

Fuck off fags, have kids and teach them to code.

I have student loans; no fucking way am I "staring a family" any time soon, if ever.

Same. My damn liberal mother shoved college down my throat growing up and I took the bait hook and all. Now I'm financially ruined with 500 dollar a month loan payments on a 2k/mo salary because of my stupid meme degree. There's no way in hell I'll ever be able to afford a family anytime soon and I'm already 28 years old. Should've said fuck it and just fled the country to Ukraine or something. Sure I'd probably be poor but at least I wouldn't be a debt slave.

Looks about right

Attached: Volume-of-US-Immigration-and-Continent-of-Origin-by-Decade.png (881x651, 45K)

hey faggot

for millions of years your ancestors reproduced despite having a thousand times less food/housing/personal security than you do

>Makes too much common sense for it to be wrong.
it makes no fucking sense whatsoever faggot retard, the white race would not go extinct because it could no longer afford ipads and trips to cabo

literally fucking kill yourself retarded nigger

STEM or learn a trade you pussy snowflake. Anything worthwhile in this world takes hard work and sacrafice, something you millennial wussbags know nothing of. Study hard, work hard, don't do drugs or drink, make the right choices in life and have kids. Or you can be a 40 year old faggot living in an apartment with a car, no kids, no wife, no girlfriend and no life. The choice is yours, and a lot of you are 25 + so the clock is ticking bitchboy.

White people are selfish, that's why they don't have kids. Too hung up on themselves. Too busy taking selfies and stroking their egos on dating apps to give a fuck about reproducing.

Only whites give a damn about providing a good and stable household for children.
All other races just drop them wherever they happen to be, without regard to their well being.

Your approach already failed, which is why birthrates are down and the US is gradually falling to pieces. This is a systemic problem, not an individual problem. You can't solve systemic problems by yelling at individual actors to change individual behaviors. That's an iron law of history.

>for millions of years your ancestors reproduced despite having a thousand times less food/housing/personal security than you do

Not really comparable, because those people lived in actual communities. Modern whites don't really have that anymore.

last time I checked white men that are doing it right are having kids, its just losers like you that will not pass on their genetics. The future will be less white, but the whites we do have will be elite. Works for me. No more shitbag genetics.

Too many brainwashed white liberal cucks... in my homesteading area our Christain based families, have about 5 kids each... I'm on my third.

Drive down to the nearest city and nobody has kids, just small dogs and cats.

Completely wrong. White fertility has become dysgenic, IQ is declining, etc. This is increasingly well-documented. You seem to have a certain kind of fantasy about "moral justice" about how you feel things OUGHT to work. "Hard-working" men will win while "losers" will not.

Instead, in practice, we're experiencing a generalized collapse in white birth rates, disproportionate fertility among those with less intelligence and impulse control,m and instead of going after the system which creates the structure behind these trends, you are stuck obsessing over the irrelevant individual level.

Normie individuals are not history's "actors." You have to look at leaders/structures/systems if you actually want to effect change.

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Where else?

It's both individual and system.

People kept fucking
Thats how we survived
Not through any sort of trails. Its because humans fuck.

Times change. We are not tribal savages anymore. People have kids when upwards mobility is good so their kids have hope for a better future, but right now upwards mobility is shit.

I blame corporations.

I'm doing way better than my parents ever did and so are all 4 of my siblings. Fuck are you on about?

Anecdotal. The statistics state otherwise

Are millennials truly fucked?

I've been sitting at my job for 5 years, not a single chance for promotion.

Will I be passed up for a gen Zer when an opportunity finally comes in 10 years?