As a gun owner she makes so much sense

Think about it, childrens lifes are more important than guns you dont need any of these military weapons like the ar15 with its large clips and ability to fire in full auto get a brain for once and stop wanting to play soldier with your assault rifle already you fucking losers kids will always be more important than your stupid military weapons

Attached: 20190513_055911.png (480x528, 79K)

Watch as gun nuts enter in here only to get BTFO

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This is an amazing event

This is something that everybody wants to have happen in their community!

Fpbp you owned those fuckers hard lol

slide thread google exposed

Anytime you preface a statement with "as a ___" I immediately know you are full of shit and pushing an agenda.
Seriously fucking kill yourself.
Try to steal a cops gun or something

Gun grabbers will be shot.
This is not a negotiation.

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We really need to start institutionalizing you retards.

We banned alcohol and the number of homemade stills skyrocketed. You know how easy it is to make a gun with just a hacksaw and a drill?

Banning public schools would solve so many more problems

>implying any of you can fight off the military

>I like to make shit up: the post

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The military hates you.

Google Luty SMG

kill yourself shill rat

Actually nvm dont reply to my thread go and bump those threads retards ignore my bait thread

Canada is right there if you dont like things here

Gun grabbers WILL BE SHOT

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Hello fellow gun owners

No knock warrants signed on a lie or red flag orders and civil forfeiture will take your guns

So Israel's golem is mad at me? Uh oh

That was you ...

>oy vey goyim
>just give us your guns because we appeal to your emotions

No it wasn't, Look at the flags!

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didn't mean to bump shit thead


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A goat fucker speaks.

Are you really all that low iq you bump my bait thread?
Go here you dumb motherfuckers

Must be working overtime tonight with the Veritas drop.

get fucked and die of aids op

You really think cuckservative traitors think about anyone else but themselves?

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Then stop reading and talking you dumb bitch.

Post gun and date

>kids will always be more important than your stupid military weapons

this is a slide thread to keep us from talking about Google and sharing the video. but we already downloaded it, I've reposted it by automatic apps on all my social networks, and ive got 2 graphics programs open for making memes about it.
we can multi-task, can you?

Attached: scary.jpg (1152x646, 308K)

Youre literally bumping the fucking thread you low iq rerard

Lookit me posting in a low effort shill slide thread
kill yoruself faggot
it goes in allf ields