When the Democrats subvert democracy, it's "The Resistance"

But when Republicans do it, it's "Domestic Terrorism".

In case you haven't been following the situation unfolding in Oregon, recently elected Portland communists have gained a super-majority in the state senate, and proceeded to usher in a golden era of prosperity and cooperation. By which I mean, flood the floor with bills banning scary assault rifles, giving illegal immigrants free drivers licenses with no documentation, and most recently trying to pass a "climate change act" which would make it illegal to buy and sell diesel pickup trucks made prior to 2007 while jacking up fuel taxes in an effort to "encourage use of public transit".
This would "unintentionally" bankrupt most small-medium size farmers and many businesses in rural Eastern Oregon.

From the article:
>The Republican senators—with the full support of the Oregon Republican Party—made common cause with armed domestic terror groups. (Calling them a militia is a misnomer, regardless of what they may think of themselves.)

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Calling them a militia is a misnomer, regardless of what they may think of themselves.
I guess they must not be able bodied men age 17-45.

The Managed Race War comes closer...as according to the Grand Plan


Democrats have pushed all of these measures through by labeling them "emergencies", which suspends the normal process of referring them to the voters at the ballot, which would almost certainly result in them being rejected like the last time they tried a "motor voter" bill to give their little illegal alien pets the right to vote Democrat.

Repubs responded in the only way they could, which was by denying the Senate a quorum by fleeing to Idaho. This led to the bisexual bolshevik governor Kate Brown ordering the Oregon State Police to "hunt down and return" the Senators so the legislation could be pushed through, despite her personally using this technique in 2001 when she was a state senator.

How many do you think post here?

how many what? niggers? millions. kikes? 6 gorillion. spics? billions. gooks? just one, tenda spencer

This has been coming for a longtime, hopefully it will wake up the retards who don't vote and they will btfo the Dems in 2020, this is our last chance to save this state, from becoming a workers Paradise.


This led to the activation of militias across the state to protect the republican senators, who were also holding out against a proposed complete ban on all semiautomatic firearms, also being pushed through with unwarranted emergency powers.

On Saturday, (((someone))) called in a "credible threat of violence" to the state capital building, causing the suspension of a senate floor session (which wouldn't have done anything anyways, since they don't have a quorum).

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Close to none, too old or too brainwashed. Check out archive.is/xNNej. I don't think the Christian Identity and NatSoc types are going to stick their necks out here.

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I hate to say it but part of me is sort of hoping that situations like this evolve into lots of blood and gore. Anyone else here like this?

The sort of naive idiot larpers you find in the 3%-ers are more Jow Forums-faire that delight in virtue signaling how not Jow Forums they are.
I quit posting on Jow Forums ages ago, even before Jow Forums was a board, because I just couldn't stand the blank check they handed the government while paying lip service to some sort of spirit of resistance.

yes except i don't hate to say it. a bloody reckoning has been a long time coming. I absolutely despise democrats, moreso than any foreign enemy.

The race is now on to the 30th of July - if the quorum cannot be filled by them (which only requires the presence of two of the rogue senators), then the issues will be referred to the voters.

This sorely vexes the communists, as they really don't want people to be able to vote on these issues. Believe it or not, a lot of the registered Democrats in Oregon are fairly pro-gun, and this stands little chance of passing if brought before voters.

The most important thing to remember about this whole issue is that resistance to the globalist agenda is still possible. At the end of the day, the government only has as much authority as they have the ability to commit violence. You don't need to be on their level of violence to gain some of that authority, just close enough to be noticed as a competitor.

Are .22 and 9mm the best two calibers to stock up on? I know they don’t do a lot of damage but we’re talking about what will be the easiest to stock up and find in a post collapse scenario.

Shoo shoo, glow worm. The only people who need to be removed here are the commies in the senate, and they'll fold with a stiff caning. Going overboard on violent reactions will help their cause at this point, society is just too prosperous and healthy to enjoy blood theater right now.

There are still solid posters on Jow Forums, most look at the feds as filth and cop lovers like scum. Doesn't mean /leftypol/ and t_d hasn't stuck it's gunless tendrils into the place and turned the casual racism into big stink. Let people love guns and hate niggers for goodness sake. I've seen more backbone on weekendgunnit, which I'm still surprised exists.

In a post collapse scenario, allies and close friends are much more valuable than bullets. It doesn't matter how many machine guns you have if you're alone, since you will need to sleep eventually. And with electricity being a major target of subversives, the only thing that will keep you safe are multiple sets of faithful eyeballs watching your back.

Demographics matter the Republican party sold out their white voting base for cheap fucking labor and manufacturing overseas. Now the dying boomertards are going to defend them from facing the consequences of their own choices. It's like pottery it rhymes.

Semiauto ban? Didn't see it mentioned in the article, is there another?

This is what the second amendment was designed to allow .... and that's a good thing!

It's been tabled, but still on the agenda. They could pass it if they wanted to, but agreed not to due to a previous threat of walkout.

you mean having dogs?

Dogs can't fetch supplies or fix fences while you watch the treeline. Dogs can't fix generators and haul gas. They can do a lot of things, but people close to you are the most important safeguard when government control fails.

Unless your dog can farm, shoot, or fuck, no. Battle buddies are good for a lot of things, but man's best friend comes second to man itself.

If you can only have 2 calibers yes, both are cheap and plentiful, currently. Think about and AR in 5.56 and/or a 12ga shotgun.

Living in Oregon, I can't tell you people are way to passive aggressive and limp wristed to actually do that here.

Based and foundingfatherspilled

They got a super majority, I don't get how this is going to end well..

>Unless your dog fuck
This is the wrong place to ask this question

He wasn't Canadian, I thought I was safe.

When they lose the monopoly on violence, real change happens

right....because if you can't win with the strength of your argument, then destroy our Republic by bringing in armed cucks with no brains

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It wont either end well or end, this sounds like (hopefully) the proverbial start.
Fingers crossed annon.

God bless and God speed brave citizen militia men.
Founding fathers are smiling down from heavens.

Commie fagcrats better be scared. You will be usurped if you try to force your agenda/propaganda on those who do not want it. Let those who enjoy their freedom come at no expense by not trying to take their rights away.

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kill yourself shill rat

Then change it

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They are running the clock out on this year's session.

Always kill a traitor before an enemy

>all republicans want is to have a statewide vote
>literally direct democracy

These fucking people

This article lays out the situation which led to the walkout more clearly:



Let's get this shit over with. The longer we wait, the worse its going to be for everyone involved.

Nice link, OP.

Same. Domestic enemies should and will get far worse than any foreign enemy.

The only boomers on Jow Forums are the retards that flock to boomer hate threads to cry about how they got theirs and you need to stop being entitled and pay their social security

The faster they progress they faster the West chimps out and goes full fash, leading to the extinction of all non whites. What’s happening is actually a good thing


Perhaps start thinking about your civil war and not me

That was the goal of measure 11

Change is always happening, but at that point, they lose control of the wheel, and radical shifts in direction and speed are possible.

Nothing ever happens. This is 85% news meltdown, and 15% actual protesting.

I linked it in the response accidentally


>it's okay to censor views that we don't like and violate the first amendment
>it's not okay when our ideological enemies attempt to embrace the first and second amendments

I guess Democrats just literally hate the constitution.

Statewide vote is better odds than 18 commies voting on it.

It's causing disruption of legislative activities and processes, that's something.

This is why we have the 2nd amendment. This is how we protect democracy.

That was dead after the first walk out this year.

>t shill rat on suicide watch
Definitely gonna get BTFO'd kike shill.

All they asked for was to put it to public vote you fucking brainlet. The senate of Oregon refused because they have a Democrat majority and can just push it through, they have no interest in what the people want, and they know if it went to a public vote, it wouldn't pass because they don't want it. The republicans leaving are serving their constituents by preventing the bill from passing, and the governor is sending armed police to hunt them down and bring them back so they can be forced to vote and fail. As a result, their constituents are willing to defend them against agents of the state, ordered by the head of the state. Who do you really think is in the wrong here?

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leftists use the overwhelming power of the (armed) state to terrorize citizens into submission. Blow it out your ass you cocksucking fed niggers

I'm dedicating my entire life to the ruthless extermination of leftist trash

Only tabled, they may bring it back in retaliation for Multnomah county to decide if everyone else loses their rights.

It should be the very last option after all other avenues are exhausted. These neurotic compassionate women in politics are fuckin nuts tho.

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kill yourself shill rat

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What exactly is the plan ?
Is it going to happen in Europe as well? If so when(after how many years)?
When native Europeans will wake up(after how many years from now) ? will they do something or be passive just like present?

please give answer of these questions with detailed explanation .

Fucking this

Democrats are retards, they've basically ensured a deep blue state is gonna flip red in 2020 because of this. How do they manage to piss people off so bad?

That's your gay screencap.


>liberal victim card
>check one or more options below choose a scapegoat for your unhappiness and overall failure in life.
>_ straight white men
>_ conservatives

There's nothing wrong with the way rural Oregon votes that a few hundred thousand Somalis and illegal spics wouldn't solve.

go back

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The leftists here are farther gone than you could imagine, I woudn't doubt that they have their own insane theories about the fruits of accellerationism.

Fuck yeah. I just want to watch it all burn.

No offense mate, but you're delusional if you think Oregon will go red. They could do just about anything, none of it will matter because Portland will ensure that they go blue in the federal elections.

>This is 85% news meltdown, and 15% actual protesting.

This is good, it's makes normies think is a bigger deal than it is, nobody even talked about the first walk out this year.

Most of the posters of Jow Forums are noguns children and europeans, both of which express retarded platitudes while jerking off to gun porn. Self defense, freedom, rights all of these things are meaningless to literal children. Some of the people there are decent tho
Once you sort out the actual gun owners and people whom actually give a shit about whats at stake you need to find people less concerned with political correctness. Yeah I agree tho that the left is trying to infiltrate gun culture to subvert it to their whims.

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“society is healthy”
glow more fag

You live in Portland?

People voted no on giving illegals drivers license, and they did it anyway so they can ensure the blue votes

Civil War 2 gonna kick off in Oregon. Cool.

>all of canadas shitposters is one chink


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lurk moar
there's lots of based kommandos

>Unless your dog can fuck
Oh God don't ask the leafs this question you fool.

Unfortunately, Portland is beyond lost. These people have hardly been anyone who isn't white/asian. It's practically an ethnocity, and their bubble is completely shielded from reality.

It's Oregon bro. Odds are it will involve you if it goes hot.

It is a glimpse into the future: the dark future of the genocidal communist jews stomping their boot down on the necks of Americans. California is teetering towards complete civilizational collapse and the dumb Portland cucks want to follow their leader into the ocean.

So many people in this state don't vote, 70% Multnomah County votes, so they win every election.

Actually best case scenario would be this loony governor ordering the national guard to open fire on the milita. Imagine a Kent State style massacre over a fucking climate change bill

I do, he's right.

The state of Oregon nearly went red in 2000. It peaked blue in 2008 and has been steadily going down since then. In 2018 even as other democrats won by a wide margin the shitty anti-Trump cuck running against the crazy cunt still nearly won the governor's office.

The fact here is after this fuckup you're going to see a lot of people swinging to Trump to get these people out of office. Trump says he's coming for Oregon in 2020.

>climate change bill

So much worse then that, because they'd be killing elected officials.

>"subvert democracy"

You're thinking of the Republicans. You know, the guys who ran away from home like petulant children because they didn't get their way?

Trump is supposed to come campaign here this year, hopefully he can turn this place like he did Michigan and Wisconsin

If Oregon is so against these measures the how did they get this super majority in the first place?
There must be a large number of people supporting them.

kill yourself shill rat

We're beyond a political solution. Take Trump's election, he was a revolutionary candidate in many ways, but once pitted against the entrenched establishment he discovered even as POTUS he's relatively powerless. Now like with Google, corporate power and censorship is solidly on one side. They WILL NOT negotiate with you. On topics like the enviroment, race and sexual identity they have religious fervor. To negotiate would be to them to allow evil to win. Many of them are convinced the US is being taken over by Nazis, even as their own influence grows and grows. They won't be happy until people like us don't exist and will stop at nothing to make that happen. As such, rather people face up to it or not, the possibility of reconciliation has passed. Now the only question in my mind is how long will it take for this war to go from cold to hot.