You owe us reparations

he's right you know

Give the Black man what he is owed

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Nigger logic truly is niggerish

>Give the Black man what he is owed
You mean The rope

Why is it that the Black man is expected to "just get over it" when his empires were destroyed and stripped of their wealth to build crackers' fucking empires. Why is it that the BLACK MAN is expected to just get over SLAVERY and institutional racism and getting fucking killed walking down the street. How about YOU CRACKERS FUCKING GET OVER IT WHEN A BLACK MAN BREEDS YOUR WOMEN. YOU FUCKING GET OVER YOURSELVES CRACKERS.

The greatest thing the white cracker devils fear is a Black man remembering who he is and what he built like Rome. When a Black man knows who he is he can topple the cracker system and breed every white bitch in sight inseminating their nubile wombs with black seed until the white demon genes are obliterated from existence. We won't let you forget a god damn thing you done to us but no one's gonna remember your pale cracker evil racist asses when we've bred you out of existence.

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>Give the Black man what he is owed
An all expenses paid trip back to Africa

Obvious larp. Niggers don’t have an empire. Nice try, kike. Now show your flag.

Were there not free black men in the USA at the time of slavery?

Nice pasta, my transnigger

Slavery was also sanctioned by the nigger 'empires' we bought them from.

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I'm doing my part.

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So modern black Americans also owe reparations for slavery.
Good optics

Slavery was only sanctioned by the government, when a black slave owner demanded it.

It's the Turk

just compare the earnings of a niggers family in the united states over time vs. his ancestors in africa today

If the Africa $ > US $, niggers get the difference
If the Africa $ < US $, niggers owe the difference to the treasury

We should seize land in the South that the niggers worked on and give it to them. Watch them do nothing with it lel.

3rd party reperations candadit that splits the black vote would be genius

Can we lynch this faggot already and get it over with

>give niggers $400k for being a nigger
>6 months later all nigs are dirt poor, worse than before
>drug dealers, big clothing brands, car manufacturers, electronics stores and hundred of professional and amateur recording studios make out like bandits
>”da whuite man stole our money”

I’d like to see it happen just to witness their utter misery in the aftermath

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we can throw the niggers in the concentration camps along with the leftists

Why isn't there a big hole in South America and a huge pile on Portugal and Spain in that pic?

>muh dick
>moar gibs
The only thing you topple is your own neighborhoods you retard.
I score this 1/1488 because i took the bait.

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The only people who owe black people reparations are the people who owned the slave ships and the trading companies. Spoiler: They weren't Caucasian. They were Semitic.

Show flag

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1. my family came to the US long after slavery was ended

2. nigger

This is the bottom of the barrel Jow Forums

> twitter screen shot
> something about niggers, queers, immigrants, etc
> "he right ya know"

I mean fuck how lazy have the people of Jow Forums gotten? It's embarrassing.

There were free blacks too, you know.

The confederate government was not the U.S. federal government, bud.

I'm saging this you fucking nigger

Also try doing hardwork instead of living in reparations fee. You are a kyke nigger working for the rothschild.

How do you rationalize anyone other than people who had both sides of the family all the way down the line descending from slaves? Or do white families get to marry in to reparations?

>Enslave whitey in 14th/15th century
>Expects no repercussions
Fuck niggers

im okay with reparations but they all have to leave and renounce their citizenship forever.

i identify as a black person, do I get those gibs too?

he's right you know

>Why is it that the Black man is expected to "just get over it" when his empires were destroyed and stripped of their wealth to build crackers' fucking empires
Because they weren't. The blacks did not HAVE empires, because the Bantu niggers destroyed everything before white people ever set foot on the continent. And in response to your picture, Africa is the most abundant place in the world in terms of EVERY natural resource. White people didn't plunder it, we DEVELOPED it.
Slavery was sanctioned by the federal government of England. The USA then had a bloody war to liberate themselves from England. And then they had a bloody civil war to free the slaves. White Americans owe blacks NOTHING, because they already paid the BLOOD price to free them. All the people who DO owe blacks are fucking DEAD because they lost the war, and blacks WERE paid reparations. The argument in your pic related is nothing more than excuses for infinite, never ending reparation payments. No matter how much we give you, no matter how much we pay, we could give you the entire fucking country and condemn ourselves to being YOUR slaves for ten thousand years, and you'd STILL demand more. Because it's not about righting a wrong, it's not about fixing the problems of the past, it's about fucking NIGGERS being lazy, greedy fuckwits demanding ever more free shit from whitey as reparations despite the fact that reparations have already been paid a hundred fold.

Oh yeah, and here in Canada? Niggers have started going off about 'systematic oppression' and crap. Slavery was banned in all British colonies in 1833, and Canada was founded in 1867. Slavery was never legal here. Segregation was never legal here. Escaped slaves ran north with the goal of getting to the Northern US and Canada, where WHITE PEOPLE called Quakers, risked their lives, freedom, and spent wealth to traffic you niggers north, then offered you jobs when you got there. WE OWE YOU NOTHING.

I'd love for this to happen because I'd end up rich as fuck after scamming a shitload of them out of their money.

their choice they submitted to slavery so dont cry now niggers

>I’d like to see it happen just to witness their utter misery in the aftermath
Sounds like I have your vote!
Thank you.

Thank you.

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