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What does sunburn feel like?

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Feels like being alive, nigger

Like someone whipped you on the back for not picking enough cotton

I felt kinda weird, not in that painful way but like you're covered in sand kind of weird.

Black people can actually get sunburned. Kind of crazy.

I may get sunburned but at least I'm not a nigger.

exactly as it sounds. like your burned your skin

better than sickle cell

It feels like a burn, are you retarded? Oh wait...

feels like superiority

That's a blue gum motherfucker right there. Damn. Most light to moderately dark blacks can burn. One of my platoon sargents would get the back version of a farmers tan in the summer when we work short sleeves. His torso would be coffee with cream colored while his arms and head were the color of dark chocolate.

feels horrible I need melanin

Much better than starving.

nature's little warning to obtain clothing for protection from the dangers of life. A friendly reminder that we're not beasts mindlessly roaming the savannah with no need for shelter.

how is living outside in the rain?

Nigger, you wouldn't last a day in africa

It's almost as if the sun is a giant flaming mother-fucker.

It feels like pride

Why don't you see blacks on road construction crews or like you do with Mexicans and Rednecks?

Big facts they always forget about the strictly nigger disease

Dear Black People,
What does sickle cell anemia feel like?

What does thirst feel like?

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Blacks don't work

Dear niggers,
What do chains feel like

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Blacks have sickle cell. Kikes have Tay-Sachs. Sorta like nature is helping us, boys.

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feels human, something an ape like you wouldn't understand.

Niggas looking blue moon cause if he shows his ass it's so black it's in ultraviolet off the spectrum darkness

It's a butch, I roast like a crab within 3 mins in direct sunlight!

Me, me and mem, anyway I went to a taking salon and the pro ladies there told me because it's my first time 3 minutes is safe! On lower! Rightttt, 3 mins after my cheeks up and down were fried!

Being sunburned > sickle cell.

Enjoy your nigger blood, at least we have sunscreen.

I dunno, what does chain burn feel like?

I might get a little red, but at least I'm not black.

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what does sickle cell feel like?

I don't get this argument by black people that white people shouldn't exist on Earth because we can sunburn. Blacks can sunburn too just not as easily.

Whites have controlled the entire world in every climate. I would love to see blacks try to settle in a frigid climate without the aid of whites. See what happens to them when they can't take the cold climates, they are plagued by vitamin D deficiencies because they can't absorb enough sunlight in that environment, and they have AIDs.

Only American blacks who are mixed with some Caucasian blood. A pitch black African is immune to sunburn.

Like when your village puts a tire around your kneck and sets it on fire.

it's a trade off. pretty much all black people have vitamin d deficiency unless they're out in direct bright sun for 8 hours per day. and blacks can still get melanoma from the sun, it's more rare but they have way worse survival rates. AND they have way higher rates of some other type of melanoma called ALM (not from the sun) which has horrible survival rates. So whatever. This is one of the kangs main talking points, "Oh U devilz wuzn't even made fo dis earf."

Black people can get sunburnt too

He's hard to find

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What does getting shot by an ebola suffering ape nigger monkey feel like?

I have never seen a black man lose a fight after being called the n-word. After being called the n-word, a black man is able to connect with all of his ancestors who were oppressed, enslaved, and murdered by white people. It is no longer a one-on-one fight, but an army of men fueled by the desire for liberation from centuries of mistreatment. Let that be a warning to all of you whites

What does lack of Vitamin D feels like

Oh please like some ooga booga i would even know enough to complain

no they aren't. not even close lol. being a literal nigger gives some UV protection, but it's not nearly enough to prevent skin cancer. the whole whites getting sunburn thing is just a meme, since it happens frequently to all other races, including niggers

like a nigger who is about to get lynched

I have never seen a black man lose a fight after being called the n-word. After being called the n-word, a black man is able to connect with all of his ancestors who were oppressed, enslaved, and murdered by white people. It is no longer a one-on-one fight, but an army of men fueled by the desire for liberation from centuries of mistreatment. Let that be a warning to all of you whites.

it feels like being whipped for not picking enough cotton.

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Less fun than good credit but manageable.

Fuck you, Nigger.

Now fight me and 'win.' LOL

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Much better than having a 65 IQ

Not true faggot

Feels better than being black

Feels bad when you are not doing the good for the nation

I can't wait for permafrost to cover the earth forever.

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Did you know that black skin is way worst for thermal radiation given off from nukes? That paler the skin, the more it deflects.

I always thought that interesting. The difference is enough so that it can be life or death at the same distance.

Dark skin absorbs 70 percent, whereas pale absorbs 40.

>dear niggers
>what does frostbite feel like?

Are you saying the mentioned because "dark" skin can not be at measure when it suffers burn from radiation?

What is really the difference if you know and who approves it, it is just a gen that what sadly has been denominated as "mix of dermi coulor"?

Fucking invisible

Dear nigger

What does drowning EVERYTHING you eat in hot sauce taste like?

Dear Africans, what does your traditional cuisine taste like?

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It feels good to know how to swim

It can be pretty bad. the worst sunburn I ever got in my life was while ice-fishing on Lake Simcoe, in March. The radio warned us of a very high UV index that day, but we ignored it, because we were in Canuckistan, and so when the weather warmed up that day, in spite of the sun glaring down and reflecting off the snow, we went about our fishing and tanning unbeknowing of the consequences.
In the days that followed, my face peeled completely twice, and partially a third time. That night I was almost crying from the pain, and then I made the mistake of going to the drugstore and getting a face-cream with aloe vera but which also had a perfume that brought the pain for real, and then I was really crying.
It was a good day of ice-fishing, though, which you simple niggers can barely comprehend.

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It's a goddam shame that niggers don't taste like chocolate.

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I'm tired of being told that blacks are the same species as me.

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lmao the first african on pol

>Americans think blacks don't get sunburned

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Nice slide thread, shlomo

youtube.com/watch?v=vofqL3W6Aeg&t=26s [Open]

youtube.com/watch?v=aNcjX3-Ldj0&t=6s [Open]


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I couldn't know you cromagnon troglodite nigger coon. I wear sunscreen because i can afford it. I have an ac in my house at 24c and fuck you i ain't going to measure that into faggernheight, not that you could understand what it fucking means. And if you think i aint white. I rather be a sudaca than a fucking nasty dirty smelly tacky filthy ooga booga cotton picker chicken licker grape juice drinker nigger monkey filled with stds.

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Feels like being reminded that I wasn't born a nigger, so pretty damn good.


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Black people can get sunburnt as well, you ignorant tool. It just takes longer.

Except all those times two dumb chimps yell it at each other and proceed to fuck each other over. Can't forget when they just get shot, no amount of make believe magic or dumb beliefs stop that sort of shit.

better than ebola you fucking nigger

sucks ass, fuck my potato-nig heritage

Fucktard OP doesn't know niggers get sunburned.

A bit like not having a father but it's only skin deep and temporary.

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It's painful, thanks

bullshit every nigger i have fought i called a nigger and ive never lost a street fight

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What does starvation and sickle cell anaemia fell like?

The only Jow Forums-worthy answer

I've seen Sudanese real niggas getting sunburned
just stay the 45°C Bright sun for a while and find out

Why didn't he wear a black shirt? Would be fucking top tier camouflage

>imagine having a disease where the grim reaper is literally in your blood

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It's a VPN user...

I never had a sun burn.. got a great skintype apparently.

Remember my sister who is a redhead getting burned in like a few hours of sun while I could just stay 8 hours outside usually without any sunscreen and I would be fine.

Sunburn feels something like when your mammy dips your ass in a scalding hot bath.

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Just so were clear OP, that's not a nigger in your pic, the Jarawa people are technically south asian, a dark skin indian.

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What does it feel like to not have a father?


It feels like slavery but worse

You should know, youre already burnt

worse than 3.6 rontgen
but better than a mid-2-digit IQ

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