Why, yes, of course I'm a Monarchist, how could you tell?

>Why, yes, of course I'm a Monarchist, how could you tell?

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Fascists and monarchists are the ultimate cucks

The alternative is to give every retard the right to vote (democracy). Tell me how that is better.

I literally cannot name another system of governance that gives the people as much power as monarchism

You can literally mob rule a government at any point

The alternative is stop leeching off the jews and fend for yourself

Attached: 1555582748535.jpg (480x480, 39K)

t. Italian currently living in scuffed technocracy

Our Emperors loved their country and were vilified for war propaganda.

Bring the Hollenzollern back, now!

Attached: 51ShQB-uJ3L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (333x499, 31K)

Yeah that's the problem with democracy. A guy like Bernie Sanders comes along and promises every left wing idiot free gibs if they vote for him. It's hard to get NPCs to stop leeching welfare with democracy

fuck you faggot
economy btfo
I will have my free college


I prefer monarchy, however I refuse to worship or bow down to anyone! That being said to heck with my preferences so let some logic of mine prevail! I am in favor of lawful equality! The rule of law in absolute!

What's non-cuccato, then?

B-but Jow Forums told me people without blue eyes aren't white, WTF?

The rich are already monarchs receiving inherited wealth user, except they’re worse than the actual monarchs

Which is best achieved under a monarchy. Duh.

How do you avoid the retarded second and third generation children who inevitably bring the nation to its knees??


>fend for yourself
Is this some type of extreme individualism?

Llegaly it is their money. Besides that not healthy and sooner or later down the road a great price is paid!

Unfortunately this is why the great concept of the one world conceived by those that worked for those funds is not successful carried through by their successors! And it may whole fail again, for the fifth time!

Boss man

Are you saying it’s impossible to lose 150 billion inherited dollars user?


Funny, I've had a conversation that started exactly like this not so long ago, only I wasn't naked.

No one other political system will put someone in charge who has more of an invested interest in doing the best thing for his country and people than a Monarch.

Today op is your lucky day.
I have for sale One British royal family, low mileage, good condition, slight weapon the brown wife, but full tax and mot.. £2.4 million to you squire.

>Constitutional Monarchy
Kek loser

By training them from birth for the job which they can't escape, or afford to fail.

Based and DemocracyTheGodThatFaildPilled

>of course I am
>how could you tell?
pick one

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Yeh, that happened in the past and these children grew up resenting the entire system due to their up-bringing and purposely crashed the entire system the nation was built on. The best form of Govt is the Republocan Govt the Romans had. The election of two consuls who ruled for one year, the “public life” was accessible by ancient standards, yet in our current system it’s inaccessible and you’re denied the right to enter public life if you don’t pay homage to the gaystapo. The other form of Govt that proved effective was the one the Venetians had, our democracy is up shit creek.

weird face. Probably because your parents did incest

Based and redpilled

All you need to do is improve the training system. Not scrap it and make everything worse.
>The best form of Govt is the Republocan Govt the Romans had.
Lol, good one.

Some monarchs are good, others bad.
The best part about a Monarchy is that members of it will have contrasting views so in theory you can just oust one leader for another when things aren't going well.

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