>Google Censors Video Exposing Google
>Project Veritas Uncovers Google Plot to Stop the ‘Next Trump Situation’
>video reveals how Google’s biased AI isn’t a conspiracy theory
>Google executive was caught on hidden camera declaring that the federal government should not break up the tech giant — because then it would be more difficult to prevent “the next Trump situation.”
>Whistleblower: Here’s How Google Functions As A ‘Highly Biased Political Machine’
>Google Executive: Breaking Up Google Will Make It Harder 'To Prevent The Next Trump Situation'
>Google Stealthily Infuses Political Agenda Into Products to Prevent Trump Reelection
>Project Veritas Reveals Google's 'Fairness' Efforts to Prevent 2016 From Happening Again

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Other urls found in this thread:

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It doesn't matter what we or the population thinks. It's all based on what donors want. Nothing more. But whatever floats your boat.

The left hates google. The centrists called conservatives hate google. Jow Forums hates google. When is this company going to be Balkanized? AT&T was broken up for less of a monopoly in the 90s.

>The left hates google.
the left IS google

Look what I found. How many of these businesses will be happy to find out their ad partner is a traitor.

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The left would hate google if they had actual principles regarding what they purport. That's all.

Jewish election tampering confirmed

The shills are out in force. Doing Gods work user!

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>like like it's like
stupid bitch

The left thinks Google(a massive corporation) is helping them achieve some kind of communist utopia to defeat evil nazi Trump.
This is how stupid they are.

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Yes they are the left, and they hate themselves. Do you know how often internal emails attack the company? Is a shitshow. If one were inclined to bring the company down, it wouldn't be hard to find disgruntled employees.

This is why Alansky dubbed them uselful idiots.

this. it's unbelievable how retarded these people are

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this is the best idea, get ahold of businesses that you know are owned by conservatives and send them links to the video.

Isn't that an outright admission that google was tasked by the democrats to fight against trump in 2016?

What the literal fuck

Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Stefan Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Matt Couch - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Kevin MacDonald - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
Laura Loomer - Zionist
David Duke - Zionist shill
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Thomas paine - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist
Kanye West - Zionist
Proud boys - Zionist
Mr. Metokur - Zionist
Pewdiepie - Zionist
Jesse Lee Peterson - Zionist
Brenton Tarrant - Zionist
Nigel Farage - Zionist
Ezra Levant - Zionist
Patrick Little - Zionist
Project Veritas - Zionist shills
Prager U - Zionist shills

>we want money out of polotics gais
>google attempting to become real big brother
Fuck these retarded lefties and their cognitive dissonance

I think you're a retard for thinking that isn't what google is doing.

You have the low rung low information liberals who believe dumb shit like free gibs forever, and then you have the upper crust of scum - the political parties and intelligence service insiders - communicating with and directing google's actions in order to control the direction of the country and society as a whole.

Nobody cares shill shut the fuck up.

>shill calling people shills to deflect attention from his own shilling
One of the oldest tricks in the book. No one suspects the accuser.

To be fair, it goes deeper than that probably. Even if they are going for that goal, the actual end result will probably be co opted by something far more insideous.

You're not wrong but how does this help Balkanize google?

Based poo!

"Google is not a search engine. It's a corporate messaging engine. You'd have to be retarded to use it. What is Google hiding from you today? What might Google hide from you tomorrow?"


Is that a Star of David under that rainbow flag? Now why would that be...

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>I think you're a retard for thinking that isn't what google is doing.
>You have the low rung low information liberals who believe dumb shit like free gibs forever, and then you have the upper crust of scum - the political parties and intelligence service insiders - communicating with and directing google's actions in order to control the direction of the country and society as a whole.
This isn't what Google is doing. Google is among those vying to control the world for AI, not for some ideal, but to win at evolution. Everything else is a lie. Of course they are going to lie and say that they are doing it for what they perceive as good.

Lies are cheap. Especially lies that cannot be proven. But all of this is about winning an endgame. An AI endgame. And nobody but a few dozen people will be in control of the AI that will rule the world.

People didn't give a fuck about this shit 3 years ago, and they still don't give a fuck about it because you boomer tier larp posting is old. ass. news.
Now stop shitting up my board newfag.
YT reuploads, download before they're all gone

No mate YOU don't give a fuck. Or rather you do or you wouldn't be posting in this thread, which you are doing with an agenda. Shill.

problem is googles search results and map product are superior to other providers. DuckDuckGo isn't good at all.

I care. Have a bump


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based and anti-nwo pilled

I don't know what this story is about but I assume it has to do with internet reality, ether privacy, censorship and or manipulation of information!

What do you expect? Everyone knows how the world operates, how information in general has operated since the beginning of time, if anything today thanks to the internet including google and YouTube people can access information and truths they had no access to for over six thousand years!

Frankly most that criticize use it! Go for it but I just don't see the point, it's a equally created machine, process by its creators and participants, a reflection of us!

Nothing wrong with bettering ourselves, constructively!

My agenda is to get your gay ass shitposting to stop clogging up the board.

>problem is googles search results and map product are superior to other providers. DuckDuckGo isn't good at all.
ROFL. Their results are garbage. You cannot trust them logically because you don't know when they will be distorting them for "fairness". They admit to that.

And actually DuckDuckGo is pretty good. So is Bing.

Google is not even a search engine anymore. I used to not use it out of principle, but nowadays it's literally not even a search engine. It's literally just Google's corporate message.

Been to Youtube recently? They prevent you from finding anything related to a news item that is not a mass media news source. That is not "better". That is retarded. There is not even an option to find other sources when they decide to restrict you to corporate news.

No your agenda is to try to bury this blatant attempt by google to rig the next election, before the next election.

>they found the guy

how fucked is he?

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Well then you are stupid motherfucker and should stop posting.
This shit is old as fuck, I remember the first fucking threads about this shit, it was a shitty gay forced meme larp then and it still is.

God willing, dont use google search either

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sad sad big nose

Get this man police protection NOW

Then don't use google fagmotron.
It's not Google's fault the leftists got into tech 40 years ago when you retarded faggots sat about thinking it was a fad.

Your mom - Zionist

BUMP working on a meme

At least I don't spend my days chasing breadcrumbs laid down by twitter accounts all day dipshit.

>Tim Pool
Trying to make the best of a bad situation eh?

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Not the point mate. We will tell all, and you can can go crawl back to your glownigger buddies.

You are the kind of person who needs to die.
You part of the reason why everything went down the 1894 shitter. You are Cancer, pure Cancer. Take a knife and put it in your heart you soulless shit fuck. Get raped by your fucked up gay friends you fucking faggot dickhead.
People like you need to be necked on the open street and i hope one day we will meet so i can smash your shitty little fuck face into the ground and burn your rotten flesh while forcing you to eat your own shit, you fucking little cuck sucking beta fuck shit head.

why so mad ? You dont even know me

angry snake

Google is building the NWO. All the leftists and muslims etc. are going to be in for a big surprise if the Luciferians win this fight.

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My sources indicate he's already in witness protection.

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Based retard. Google and duckduckgo share the same database. Yahoo and Bing share the same database. When you use Bing, you are using Yahoo presented to you by Microsoft. When you use duckduckgo, you are using Google presented by some Israeli guy whose name I forget.

Cringe, imagine posting nu-ragefaces in 2019.

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Reminder to use adnauseam, and spread and recommend it to as many as you can if you want to poison their well.
Google hates this app with a burning passion, I can only imagine what it would do to their finances if it became commonly used.

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The fuck, man. You had one job: PROTECT YOUR SOURCES

Based and whitepilled. I love you Hans

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Here's his profile pic

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Here you go, lads

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Zionist = anti-muslim

It is the point.
Leftist companies hold all internet censorship in their hands BECAUSE the Left invested in building them.
You are never going to have a real internet platform because the only places you can exist, are on outdated imageboards, and a few comment sections on places like breitbart, 9gag, and certain subs on reddit.
The power of propaganda is where the money is coming from.
In modern politics the money for visibility on the internet is coming from private corporations. Corporations try to sell things, to the maximum amount of people they can.
Thus, they have to interest in a inclusive, diverse culture being fostered, because it maximizes their profits.

If you guys actually want to accomplish anything, you have to reverse this trend, or it is simply game over already.
That is what you should be talking about.
Not some half baked theories consisting of twitter posts and rich extravagant people, doing rich, extravagant people shit.


>Google is building the NWO. All the leftists and muslims etc. are going to be in for a big surprise if the Luciferians win this fight.
Anyone in a religious cult is not a player and isn't ultimately in control. Various levels of more and more exclusive cults is just how you control people. "Luciferians" are never going to be in control of anything. However, people might use people who consider themselves to be "luciferians" to get certain things done.

Ultimately "luciferians" will be discarded.

Glow harder faggot. Havent posted a wojak in this thread or anywhere for weeks............

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It's heads of google literally admitting it on camera shill, not just random Twitter nobodies. Fuck right off.

That's the pinterest guy.

Im married buckaroo.
Straight, white, and 6 feet tall too.
You are the kind of idiot who imagines the devil is talking to you when people suggest that what you believe in is dogshit.
I'm mad because I care about you all user.
Wasting time on nonsense like this is damaging to your development.


>Its this bullshit we inferred to mean something else for the billionth time.
Yeah sure.

Bumping epic thread
Hail trump

here is the real pic, they can probably identify him

also, thats moot you fucks

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Yes shill, it is, and we will not be deflected down your blind alley.

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calm down Ilhan

You demonic subversive dog

god willing they hang you from the tallest buildings

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That is where you are dead wrong. The naming schema is inaccurate, (they may or may not be consorting with ancient gods or demons) but they DO engage in sexual acts in trance states to achieve spinal orgasms. It's a cult but not in the way you think.

>That is where you are dead wrong. The naming schema is inaccurate, (they may or may not be consorting with ancient gods or demons) but they DO engage in sexual acts in trance states to achieve spinal orgasms. It's a cult but not in the way you think.
People who believe that shit are not the top-level people, but more like middle-management. You control the masses with a religion like christianity, then you have the "enlightened" exclusive cults for people who you use to control them. Nobody who believes in that shit is toplevel.

Man just how fucking good would it be if Jow Forums convinced google moot fucking did it?

Hey GOOGLE !!!!
MA BELL says Hi .
Hahaha. Enjoy being tiny puzzle pcs thatll never go back together.

"Trump situation".
Rightfully, democratically elected official is a "situation" because it's not the candidate you wanted.

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And you had to post this?

Again, you are wrong. Hillary Clinton pledged to sacrifice a chicken in her backyard as an offering to Moloch in an email to one of the top Rothschilds.

You are wrong and what you have been fed about religion is clouding your perception. You are operating off 1980s tier "acrew you Churchlady" thought processes.

>Hillary Clinton
She is not top-level.

Nobody cares about your opinion.

Are you implying that the Rothschilds are not top level? How about the Bronfmans? Have you been paying attwntion to the NXIVM trial? Why bother asking, of course you aren't, lol. Even if the cult controls the willing servants, the owners of the cult enjoy its fruits.

>She is not top-level.

That means shes done even more evil shit to prove herself. Remember her owing the Roths a 'penance'.

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>Its this bullshit we inferred to mean something else for the billionth time.
>Yes shill, it is,
So you admit it's all bullshit?

>Are you implying that the Rothschilds are not top level? How about the Bronfmans? Have you been paying attwntion to the NXIVM trial? Why bother asking, of course you aren't, lol. Even if the cult controls the willing servants, the owners of the cult enjoy its fruits.
Yes, they set up weird cults for their servants, including blackmail schemes.

But they themselves don't believe in the cults. It's just a system of control.

Bro, are you fucking high as a kite right now?
Please refrain from posting here ever again.

rats on a sinking ship

What more hilarious autocompletes are being blatantly censored by Google? That one with "hillary's emails are..." was hilarious

i'm talking about basic information, not politics retards, like "what is this technology, what are the specs of XYZ, why is the sky motherfucking blue, where is this place on a map etc" day to day results you fucking quarterwits

Jow Forums has a decent thread on this stuff too right now with some good info

That is your assertion and is backed by nothing but your imagination and accumulated garbage that has been deposited in your brain.

>i'm talking about basic information, not politics retards, like "what is this technology, what are the specs of XYZ, why is the sky motherfucking blue, where is this place on a map etc" day to day results you fucking quarterwits
Their goal is "fairness". So they may modify results, for example, to show you a minority own ed business instead of a busuiness that has higher quality products. They've admitted that pushing "fairness" on society is their goal.

And modifying things for "fairness" like that will seep into everything. It's not just politics. They ahve machine learning going through everything hiding results and shit. They're not giving you good results.

And my youtube example isn't even limited to politics. It's everything. It's every news event. Boeing plane issues, for example. They will distort everything and you cannot predict what will be distorted. It's their goal to impose their worldview on you by distorting information.

So anything that could affect your worldview is fair game. It's not limited to "Hillary Clinton".

This. They say the same thing every time they get exposed.