How the fuck are we supposed to do it alone?

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לאט ובזהירות

Leave Iran alone, what did they do to you?

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Do what??

Be a good neighbor. Cuddle your nukes at night to help you sleep.

Last power on earth that is still challenging Israel..

Fuck off, you filthy yid [Open] [Open]
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We got to nuke them before they get nukes of their own.

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Why do you even want to war with them? The whole thing seems like you are butthurt about them saying mean things.


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You dont.
Der Jude,
hinter jedem Kriege.

You made your bed, now sleep in it.

pakis nuke you, arab nigger

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You won’t be alone when push comes to shove, shlomo. Semites unite when majoos attack. Fax.

We Nuke pakis

That would be a win then. I hope Russia nukes you then and we would be down 3 shithole countries.

We cant Israel and Iran be friends :(

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I want the post-nuke hellscape it is all I have to live for before deaths sweet embrace and God's judgment.

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we arent

Lets fuck 'em all. you take the oil we take the land.

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no jew bank


I will defend Israel to the last American.

You dont. You get destroyed.

>the jews of europe bringing the heat
You are jewish bro come home kike man

Listen gyp-user this world needs a cleansing fire. Gyp-user you know the world needs to move past clown world. The honk honk has to end. Tis' time to welcome the nuclear hell-scape. Aren't you excited to see what comes next eternity Jow Forums awaits.

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>come home kike man

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Fucking kek

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Ahhh shiet i guess ima move back to russia now

Don't worry, dude. Iranians are easy to conquer.

You know why user! To please KEK!

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The whole point is watching you getting slaughtered anyway...

You better move out of Israel, it's not going to last very long

Joking and rage aside, some hard Truths would probably put 80% of the global population on the same page. The 20% that refuses to accept it would become irrelevant.

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This is why Kikes are universally hated.

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Shut up, we had enough Jews moving to places already. They can all fuck off to their sand Disneyland.

Quality of life for the average Iranian would unironically increase under this arrangement. Everybody wins when the mullahs fold.

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Yous gods chosen, hell make sure you win,just gotta have dat leap of faith.

Israel straight up wiped off the map. BYEEE BYEEEE!!

And you're arguing about which side of the kosher sandwich is best? Get the fuck out of here with your ice cold boomer takes

The fuck are you on about?
You have nuclear weapons too!
Hell, you have all of us hostages!

That's not what america is about, abraham

post the image with the US Air Bases around Iran please

There is your answer

A couple of nukes should do the trick

Chill out, stop taking your religion so seriously. Become secular. Welcome immigrants. Make peace with the Palestinians. Stop trying to be god's chosen people and just be people.

This thread

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No wonder the best shitposters here are Aussies. They got nothing to lose and have the best murderous genes.

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Oh hell...
Why are people always thinking this?

Please don't nuke us,it was the white peoples. We have crescent on our flag we didn't do anything to you

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That’s like saying “I have to go shoot me neighbor before he buys a gun.” Why can’t you just trust your fellow man?

>trusting arabs

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Israel can die. I wish we never created you.
In fact, Israel can stay, as long as all the Jews die in it.

People say the same thing about you kike.

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Death to Israel

>Persians are arabs

you know they might think the exact same thing? Better get nukes, before Israel nukes us. At least with nukes, you can't nuke them without tasting your own medicine.


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You want them dead, you kill them.
Seems fair.

You guys are pros at fighting the entirety of Asia Minor, this is just one country.

use the kurds duh
also in case of emergency dont forget to nuke them

Iran is too much, albeit they mustn’t get nukes.

Your leaders need to back down, either engage in diplomacy or let Iran seethe and distract from the Palestinian terrorists.

stop being little sissy bitches. Man you come of as so jewish, the next pimple you get could hospitalize you.

stop being such a fucking warmonger.