I hope you all bought gold when he told you

> Gold price soaring
> Central banks buying up more gold than at any other time through history
> IMF and other leading monetary/banking organizations pointing towards a hard-reset

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Other urls found in this thread:



I love the smell of rallying gold in the morning.

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>Economy goes to hell
>Bitcoin goes to 380k per coin in 2021
>Gold goes to 1700 and price supressed through ETFs

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I used to be a fan of his, he was predicting Gold $5000 back in 2009 according to him "possibly as soon as 2011".
What a joke

Gold hucksters are parasites on the right, they are exploiting your stupidity. Gold is a hedge that should be no more than 10% of your portfolio, more like 5% since if you were smart you would have other assets in there not just gold

oy vey goyim buy this useless metal instead of learning to sustenance farm and make your own ammo

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Looks like someone didn't buy any gold...

If it weren't for the government bailouts, he would have likely been right.

Buy BTC. It's going to fucking Pluto when shit hits the fan!
It's unironically following the gold standard. So this is what is going to happen:
>We're overdue for a massive correction/ monetary crash
>Gold soars when markets crash
>BTC follows the gold trend
>BTC is way more volatile than gold
>BTC fucking explodes off the scales

Do it now or be too late!

I was buying gold way before I ever heard of this kike.

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Buy link instead. It tripled in price over a couple weeks.

This guy always says to buy gold. Even when the market is up.

Gold has a ton of uses

Don't buy bitcoins. Wait telegram coin and then buy it. You can't have a useful infrastructure with bitcoins.

Both gold and Bitcoin prices have risen recently, causing many to erroneously conclude that the two are rising for the same reason. But stock and bond prices are also rising. Bitcoin and stocks are rising as speculative assets, while gold and bonds are rising as safe havens.

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Dont worry I did. Gotta buy another ounce tho so that jew can send it to me from his jew site


>10% of your portfolio
lol. more like 1%, if youre super rich; otherwise, 0%. if you want that segment of your portfolio to languish and earn nothing in real terms, and provide no better protection than a diversified portfolio of equities and bonds (and a gun collection or whatever other assets you might have), then you can waste your money on gold. look at the charts of the s&p vs gold over pretty much any period, and realize what a poor idiot you would be to have chosen gold over stocks at any point. and you could have found countless doomsayer retards like whoever the fuck the guy in the OP is touting gold along the way.

Wrong bitcoin has risen due to the announcement of lower interest rates same as gold and stocks.

On a 2008 style crisis bitcoin would moon , then gold and stocks would go to hell.

Only reason why gold and silver don't moon to their right place is because fake paper gold supress the price and through capital controls they prevent any big market to gold.

They can do the paper shit on crypto but eventually the p2p price catches the fake and the ones selling "fictional crypto" will be btfo.

A few "trading" sites of crypto don't let you redeem them to your wallet , they are trying to do the same thing but eventually they will go full bitconnect if they lack the funds to pay back.

So they are pumping gold?


You are correct on everything except that btc follows gold.

Both btc and gold are a protection against inflation a crisis means that fiat will be rekt to pump the economy and thus gold and crypto go up.

But gold and silver are supressed massively there are not free exchanges for them , sure you can buy a gold coin but then to sell it you have to pay capital gains.

Meanwhile crypto is free and that is the reason it's more volatile.

Crypto is going up the same way that gold should but it's not because they supress it through laws , capital controls and fake paper gold.

Oh and one last thing bitcoin is not going to pluto , it's going outside of the solar system at this point.

This pre halving bullrun has gained momentum from the economic reality and low interest rates being forced again.

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Good job buying at a permanent loss, retards

You are just delusional nigger. Not only is bitcoin not backed by anything, not even (government ) guarantees like fiat currencies. so he still eats electricity for existence and does not have infrastructure. Who will wait 10 minutes after deal? You are pathetic. Bitcoin is just a speculation

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No they are dumping fiat , Trump is causing this because he want to make the us industry cheaper to fix the export imports unbalance.

He has been bullying the fed to lower rates(even when they were already low).
Both the fucking fed and trump are right but shit has been mismanaged for so long that both ways they are fucked.

If the fed lower interest rates gold and bitcoin go to the moon while the us economy grows(but starts to suffer high inflation).

If the fed increases interest rates the us economy slows down heavily and many shit companies go broke , this is needed due to the ammount of retarded startups that appeared the last 10 years of low interest rates(like the california wagecuck box hostel).
But if the fed increases rates and trump goes full retard and intervenes a shitstorm will start.

In short 50 years of economic mismanagement globally is starting to catch the western world.

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95% of fiat is digital , if they try to shut down electricity and the internet the fiat system goes with bitcoin as bankruns would start.

Bitcoin is more backed than (((governments))) fiat currencies , government fiat currencies have unlimited supply while bitcoin is limited.

> Bitcoin is just a speculation

Fiat is just speculation , look at the retarded boomers looking at us interest rates to know if they will be rekt.

Meanwhile i can tell you how many bitcoins will be mined until the next halving.

Bitcoin is and will always be a speculative asset, despite efforts there are no real practical uses yet for the typical normie consumer. Still they are being tricked into this market played solely by the big whales and time after time their investments get wiped out. All im saying as pro-gold, its a much better time-tested safe haven to protect your assets than any digital currency, for when the shit hits the fan for real (like it always does) your Bitcoins will be as useless as paper money in Zimbabwe during a hyperinflation.

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Since you told your opinion politely i am taking my memeflag out.

Look i have lived with 50% of YEARLY inflation levels for year.
Gold is worthless , i can't trade it due to capital controls.

Meanwhile with bitcoin i can buy anything i want without needing a credit card i simply buy btc with cash and send a payment for any service i need online.

When i grew up i could never do this because due to the inflationary shitstorm i live in banks did not give credit cards to anyone.

Today with bitcoin i can do anything i want.

I would love gold to be stronger but governments have already put mines all around it and it's price is already supressed as fuck.

>for when the shit hits the fan for real (like it always does) your Bitcoins will be as useless as paper money in Zimbabwe during a hyperinflation.

Venezuela begs to differ


Check the volume

Also in the most popular economic venezuelan site


You can see the value of the usd and usd already in bitcoins.

Want to know why the price is also shown as 1usd in bitcoin?
Because they can't take their gold away due to flight regulations in planes , and they can't take it via land due to corruption.

Now go and check the btc volume in Venezuela.

I am saying that bitcoin system is not replacing for even fiat money system, not mention something above. If you think otherwise you have a stroke maybe

You are 100% correct ,it will replace the swift / sepa system in fact it already has become the default for the developening world that used to be disconnected from the bank system unless you were rich.

And soon it will replace banks too , but fiat?No forget it we don't have the capacity without centralization and that goes against the point.

But it will change monetary policies forever , as crypto inflation (bitcoin , litecoin and monero) is about to go bellow fiat inflation rates.

Ye ye exactly. But you can't simply buy stuff. But with telegram coin, if it will be, you can

>default for the developening world that used to be disconnected from the bank system unless you were rich.
What are you saying? I can't spent bitcoins even in MacDonalds, not mention general grocerys

Sure you can , you just have to lurk moar , you ate the propaganda bullshit , not only you can buy anything with bitcoin , there are also an insane ammount of debit cards that use your crypto funds to buy stuff.

So if a place accepts masterdcard and visa you can buy with bitcoin.
The card simply takes of your wallet the needed fiat at the present exchange rate.

>But with telegram coin, if it will be, you can

And regarding zuckbucks , they will be a stablecoin backed with fiat so expect a 3% yearly inflation minimum.

It's too late to kill bitcoin , bitcoin cash , litecoin , and monero.

Those 4 will have lower inflation levels than zuckbucks so they will survive.

All shitcoins will die as the growing bitcoin dominance of the crypto market is showing.

Yes you can.

Not so simple. What I am saying is that we need bitcoin with proper infrastructure, not waiting minutes etc. This is what durov want to do.

Gime info about such debit cards please

Never going to happen , proper infrastructure means centralization.

Slow bitcoin means that 10 years in operation the blockchain is only 250gb.

Bitcoin can process million of transactions per second but that would need petabyte size blockchain and would be against he ideals.

The ideal is a p2p system that is small for anyone to run it's flawed but this is why it's "digital gold".

You don't go to mc donalds with gold , it would take too much time to verify if it's real gold too if they would accept it.

If btc is upgraded to process 60m tx per day eventually 10 companies would end up controlling everything and centralizing and eventually destroying it.

It's better to have a slow coin and descentralized.

XRP will do just fine--its the most regulatory compliant "shitcoin" on the market, and their ripplenet is poised to replace SWIFT.





Fucking hell there must be like 90 companies doing this search more if you want.

Please explain why more fast coin going to centralise? You almost got me

I am not sure with zuckbucks gaining ground i think that proof of work mined coins will be the only ones to survive.

Bitcoin is guaranteed to survive due to it's already low supply by 2030 99% will be mined so we are already mining the last.

Same for monero , litecoin and bitcoin cash , now xrp i am not sure.

bitcoin has even higher returns.

Because it's a peer to peer system , you can run a bitcoin node yourself and download the entire blockchain(250 GB after 10 years of operation).

If you allow for unlimited transactions you would not even be speaking of terabytes but of petabyte size of blockchain.

Who could run the network when the blockchain size is a 5 petabytes?
Companies and if you want companies running your money you may as well stay at banks because they will be eventually bullied and the system centralized.

The idea of it being descentralized is that there is no central point to cuck and bully by governments into submission.

Gold is useless. At least if you buy an index or a stock it can accumulate value. Shit you're better off putting that money in a savings account.

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20 XRP is required to remain in a wallet to maintain a wallet address--once the wallet is created, 20 XRP is essentially unusable forever. Also, a small amount of XRP is destroyed during every transaction. Overtime, through usage, this will reduce the amount of XRP in circulation.

Very interesting so in some ways it simulates the pow conditions and scarcity.

Do you have a few sources to learn more about xrp?

as much as Jow Forums hates reddit, that site does have a ton of good resources and knowledgeable people about XRP. just check out r/Ripple

When all bitcoins mining out? How this system will work. Fees?

another great thing about XRP is that it doesn't require huge amount of electricity/computing power to complete a transaction, it can handle 1000's of transactions per second, and a transaction is usually verified within under a minute.

Will do , thanks.

Every 10 minutes a block is mined


And transactions verified by the network , the miner that mined the block get's 12,5 btc + transactions fee as a reward.

Every 210.000 blocks the mined bitcoins is cut in half

So after may 2020 every miner will get 6.25 btc + reward

As a result the monetary supply of btc is being reduced causing it's price to grow relative to fiat mining will continue until 2140 but since the mined coins decrease 99% will be mined by 2030.

>How this system will work. Fees?

Every transaction has a minimum fee to prevent spam , but fees are free since there is a limited space so if you are interested in fast transactions you choose a high fee.

If you are consolidating your money you choose a minimum fees.

Here you can see the live transactions being sent , and if you click on them you can see the fees the sender used.


The thing is that part of the game theory that gives a price to theory is electric use as miners sell above electric cost (and mining less after halving means that this causes the price to rise).

I am not sure that xrp would have survived without bitcoin being created sure.
Technically it's a better thing no doubt but the game theory of btc is smart as fuck.

Do you have any good threads on reddit to learn about xrp?

If XRP so fast it will be centralised according to this thread?

You can't fool me Peter.
Silver is the future.

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Is that the 'bad guy' from Mr Robot?

start here:

XRP works differently than bitcoin it's early coins were precreated that means that all monetary supply it already exist but is decreased over time.

While bitcoin is creating the monetary supply but in lower ammounts.

You will be suprised how much research and evolution has happened in the cryptocurrency sphere the last 10 years.

Crypto is the internet in 1997 and zuckbucks will bring the normans into it.

Thanks i have to leave now i will read it after , fukin saved fren.

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Ripple labs owns 50% of the XRP in circulation. it sells a percentage of its XRP holdings every month. for now, you can say its centralized, but over time it becomes decentralized.

reddit .com/comments/7l94ng

Peter Schiff is always right.

price will not always be surpressed by etfs because people will drmand the physical coins and bars

and thrn it will explode

have fun with your bitcoins during blackouts and shutdown internet

Fren wiv WEED iz gud indeed but fren wiv gold iz best am told
Cheers mates

yeah with low interest rates and thus a shares bubble

in the end, during every meltdown, gold will prevail, when thd economy is down buy shares with gold

no, BTC is virtual, not real, not physical. Gold is, for centuries money was based on gold. There is a reason gold is not taxed. It is money and the rich know it. Otherwise it would have been taxed a long time ago like silver is. The Euro, dollar, Yen is all fiat money, just paper. The central banks print them from nothing and thus you lose value. Belgian bro, go to Antwerp to the jews and buy gold to protect your wealth.
The idea of Bitcoin is that it cannot be printed, that their is a limited amount, guess what, it exist already and it has a name.

Isnt this the guy who said Puerto Rico is a great place for business then his business didnt have power for a month?

yeah, gold would be the only alternative for black markets if inflation hits the fan and power is out.

lol. youre another one of the clowns calling the stockmarket and bonds a bubble. no shot youd rather have gold (or just cash) when the market tanks, but you cant predict when that will happen. clowns like you were calling this market an overbought bubble in 2012, then 2013, better buy gold now because its all going to crash soon!!, the 2014, and again in 2015, and in 2016, 2017, 2018, and all the while you would have more than doubled you money, whereas gold has barely beaten inflation. now youre calling for a crash? maybe youre right, but im sure glad i havent listened to you to this point, and thats probably how ill feel ten hears from now when the s&p os up another 25% and gold is basically where it is now.

t-thanks for the heads up mr. Schiff, where can i buy the gold you are peddling?

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it's practically impossible for bitcoin to scale due to 8 fucking TPS & the satoshi cost per any kind of transaction would scale through the roof it it ever reached the price of 380k per coin. That'd be at least a hundred dollars per transaction

But an economic recession will happen not long from here, a recession is normal in a growing economy and gold will then rise. If you buy gold now you protect your assests incase of a global crisis. fiat "money" is not the way to survive such crisis.

>risk on
>and risk off

why are lolbertards such brainlets?