Is Japan a ethnostate?

Debating with a leftist about it, who claim that Japan do not has harsh immigration laws, that Europe and America are apparently harder to immigrate in than Japan.
Is it true?

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a foreigner can't even own property in japan

w r o n g

Japan is already starting to become a country, immigration has never been so high there since Shinzo Abe went to the commands.
So your friend is kinda right

I wish this was true

yes but they'll need to change soon bc dying old farts and capitalism leading to people not having sex and needing to slave away all their time to pay rent

>Europe and America are apparently harder to immigrate in than Japan.
Are you debating someone with Down Syndrome?

t. Brainlet

Fake you retard, they can.
And the current foreign workers there will become citizen in 5 years, because you just need to live 5 years there to become japanese, and their contracts last 5 years, coincidence?
Fucking crap.

Japan has very specific immigration laws and its easier to immigrate if you’re from the first world and have an education and can remain employed.
Otherwise you’re out on your ass
In that sense it’s easier for useful people to come and harder for human shit, generally speaking

Easy to get into japan legally. Marry and in one year you have citizenship. Try doing that in US. I have a friend whos married a chink and its been a 3 year process so far to get her citizenship. They even have laws they cant be together in US.

Any direct sources to prove the leftist wrong?
The turd claim that people just don't want to immigrate in Japan, which is why it's homogenous according to his claims

The new nigger visa is a non-immigration visa and either it’s not extendable or the time doesn’t count, I forget which.

Can you provide sources that Japan doesn't want immigration, hate non whites and has extremely harsh immigration laws please?

most of the international marriage laws are based around the idea of middle aged incels marrying Filipina slaves so their family line doesn’t die out

They have a shitload of Chink mafia, filipino whores, and Nigs in Tokyo. But mostly yes.

European style immigration (i.e human garbage only) would quickly destroy the social fabric of japan. It's going to be tragic if it happens

Do you need mechanical engineers with railway skills?

No, and the only ones you’ll find are hearsay because they have a general policy of not writing these things down, but you won’t find many jp flags who disagree

Look I can't prove the leftist and Noah Smith's crowd wrong if I have no sources to back me up.
How can we debunk them without sources?

The best way to come over here as a skilled professional is to get a job with a company in your country who will send you here, you will make probably 5 times the salary.
You don’t want to be on a level playing field with Japanese engineers, you want to have an angle.

Yes to which question?
If you say yes to ethnostate, please provide sources about Japan trying to preserve directly the current demographics.

fuck man I don’t know you could try d e b i t o d o t o r g, he’s an (((SJW))) who always trashes japan and their immigration policies despite taking Japanese citizenship.
He sued some onsens for not letting him in and won.
He sued Hiro when Hiro owned 2ch because people were calling him a nigger on 2ch, he won the court case but Hiro refused to pay and nothing happened because you can’t get jailed for contempt for refusing a court order to pay here

Why would I want to or allow anyone to go over there. Japan for the Japanese, Europe for the European, Africa for the apes.

Problem is, Africa is really really really really huge, and full of yummy resources.

Link to this debitodorg?

Why post kpop and talk about Japan?

just google the first 6 letters of the word, that’s his name, he’s quite famous

I will wait for the day OP is not retarded

I never said that the Africans had to be the ones controlling the territory now did I? I'm all for colonialism 2.0.

Found it thanks

2 seconds on google
>Type 1 status of residence has a training slavery loophole of "three-year job training." The nursing care industry has already used "job training" to exploit foreign nurses/caregivers for three years and then flunk the trainees on knowledge tests conducted in medical Japanese (only about 50 trainees per year have been able to pass their how-to-empty-a-bed-pan tests).
plenty of people there seem to have a bad experience trying to become japanese

Then it's only fair if the Africans use their most powerful weapon (their abundant numbers) to counter colonialists, by becoming their subject citizens and thus gaining the right to live in the homes of their "masters", hehehe.

Fuck this stupid martin luther king nigger cunt debito SJW no respect for the country that gave him citizenship

There is a lot of leftist who argue against debito though, why is he hated by the left too?

Is he really black or white?

Japan is an ethnostate because no one wants to live there. Weebs aren't people.

It's not incredible difficult for a Westerner to immigrate to Japan, because Japan is merit-based, so virtually anyone with a first world education and the ability to speak Japanese can find a job there.

It's difficult to immigrate into America as a Westerner, because we have a kike-based immigration system that favors non-whites, low-skill labor, and fucking beaners that don't speak English.

It all depends on where you come from, and where you're trying to go.

https :// www. debito. org/?p =15634

Classic Swiss, bantering around whilst nations around them get fucked. love you fuckers.

>I ain't clicking that shit, nigger

t's easy to Japan - it's not easy to stay. Everything I do requiring residence things (getting an apartment, paying taxes, sometimes using public services) requires I prove my ability to be in Japan through my visa. Often my landlord asks me to send a picture of my visa annually.

I'm a foreigner. Own a business, some rental property, and a house.

We can't get te government 0-1 percent loans though, requiring we have assets.

Archive it I dunno, this SJW did a good job proving that Japan is a ethnostate

IDGAF about what some whiny SJW faggot thinks. If I did, I'd be on Twitter instead of Jow Forums.

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Yeah, they have a very small non jap population. Modern day Japan is pretty nice

This is like conflating poison with medicine. Japs and whites go well together and will cause little racial conflict

The Japanese are xenophobic as hell, to try to become a citizen there when your not Japanese is hard as hell on purpose

cultural appropriation I guess, he attacks the police for chasing an illegal immigrant Nigerian gangster in Roppongi and “causing” him to trip over a sign and break his leg.
he called him something like “a Nigerian resident of japan” rather than “an illegal immigrant criminal who lures people into a fake yakuza club where they are drugged and robbed”

he’s ostensibly white but suspected to be (((white)))

Are they all traps?

Korean women don’t have vaginas, the children are injection molded

Look at the necks and broad shoulders. They are all men.

Based korean plastic surgeons sculpting perfect looking korean babies.

South Korea is the most fucked up society in the world. Disgusting levels of plastic surgery and culture in general. DPRK is where it's at.

Move to the DPRK then and see how it goes for you.

Japan has a lot of problems with koreans and chinese immigrants shitting things up.

What % of their population is indigenous Japanese?

God I'm jealous of you island fuckers. Hurry the fuck up with Brexit Britain.

blatantly untrue, you fucking retard.
weebs constantly complain about how hard it is to immigrate to japan, but it's completely untrue. The only real hurdle is learning the language, they are just lazy. Even attaining citizenship only requires working there for 5 years (belgium tier) and knowing enough of the language.

>Often my landlord asks me to send a picture of my visa annually.

WTF? Are you on one-year visas?

I just renewed my Gaijin Card and I haven't lived in Japan since 2012. When they give you Permanent Residence here, they really mean it.

Attached: Photo_ResidenceCard.jpg (314x200, 39K)

Plenty of Japanese hate the immigrants. Here in Fukuoka, my friend, and girlfriend and I always talk shit about the Sri Lankan, Indian, and other brown SEAsian monkeys that come here on their temporary work visas. The shitskins are also a nuisance in that they don’t clean up after themselves, parks and all, they always line up at the atms and take up everyone’s time by inserting tons of cash that they are getting probably getting illegally, and their neck of the woods is easily distinguished by how they don’t bother to keep their trash collection piles clean. Graffiti is also present near and sometimes on the buildings they live in, what with it being on random signs, walls, and other places degenerates tend to leave their foul marks on. They’re also super rude, and have no respect for Japanese customs, and way of life, always being obnoxiously loud in their dirka-dirka tongue in public places such as the train. They almost never tend think twice, and apologize for their rudeness when working as well.

I could go on and on about how deplorable these third worlders are, but I need to take a shower, and go to bed.

tl;dr Japanese hate immigrants who aren’t respectful/white, or (polite) Korean.

>Graffiti is also present near and sometimes on the buildings they live in, what with it being on random signs, walls, and other places degenerates tend to leave their foul marks on.

This. I'm shocked by the amount of tagging I've seen in Japan this year. Fucking gaijin, amirite?

Attached: graffiti-on-wall-meiji-dori-shibuya-ku-tokyo-kanto-japan-J24P5F.jpg (1300x952, 239K)

I thought that was a white brat thing. I hate that garbage. Even in small towns and rural landmarks they just spray that shit.