Whats the most Jow Forums based religion

whats the most Jow Forums based religion

>or something else? :o

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somewhere between paganism and buddhism the culture and history of paganism and the mindset of buddhism

Christianity is the only true religion.

show nose

Thigh religion

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Sage, there's literally 3 divide and conquer religion threads up right now stop trying to slide Google threads you kike



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not based retard


it's the only way to restore and protect some traditions and decency.

Based AND redpilled

Agnostic athiesm


unironically this, but their god is a pedophile so no.

No one here is religious, they only fake it.


dont forget about gods chosen goy

Not Judaism

They've become quite progressive as of recent

Attached: Progressive Rabbi.png (1053x658, 1.09M)

all germans have autism. change my mind

Some fusion between Christianity, Paganism and Buddhism would be the most ideal

Christianity keeps a moral fabric, but is too cucked to function on its own. They'll let in everyone and anyone as long as they're say they're a Christian also. Paganism works with this to help people remember their ancestry, native traditions and helps people to strive to be the best version of themselves without self-flagellating every day. Buddhism promotes things like self-reflection and meditation, which is sorely lacking in today's world of everyone looking for fast and easy dopamine hits to make themselves feel good, instead of addressing their own shortcomings.

Which one?

>Jesus said to his followers: the bible is the only true word of God
>The followers muttered among themselves: "What is a bible?"


>everyone looking for fast and easy dopamine hits to make themselves feel good, instead of addressing their own shortcomings

I would reply to you but...

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Honestly pastafarianism is the most likely based religion because spaghetti and meatballs exist

cancer tier slide thread

ignore shareblue slide threads, GET IN HERE

new testament

Religions are formed by their followers. Any white religion will be "based".


Obviously esoteric bowlcutism

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Christianity. Nothing is more anti kike that it. It literally says that God called the kikes children of the devil, hypocrites, brood of vipers and synagogue of Satan. Also God himself claimed the board a couple times already

Attached: Revelation of pol.png (1440x2000, 1.07M)

Islam minus the shitskins, kiddy diddling & goat fucking

Christ founded the Church, not wrote a book.

We never forget

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Don't matter so long as it doesn't stop you from gassing lefties, kikes, nigs and fags


Judaism, because jews know where all christian and islamic traditions come from and are immune to joining other religions
Plus we control the global economy


Israel, wrapt in the densest veils of satanic fancy and false imaginings, is still
expectant that the idol of her own handiwork will appear with such signs as she
herself hath conceived! Thus hath God laid hold of them for their sins, hath
extinguished in them the spirit of faith, and tormented them with the flames of the
nethermost fire.
And this for no other reason except that Israel refused to apprehend the meaning of
such words as have been revealed in the Bible concerning the signs of the coming
Revelation. As she never grasped their true significance, and, to outward seeming,
such events never came to pass, she, therefore, remained deprived of recognizing the
beauty of Jesus and of beholding the Face of God.

bahaullahs world order is pro life, marriage and family, anti degeneracy, i.e anti gay,
anti abortion, anti communism, anti racist, anti drug and alcohol abuse, and have fixed
national borders to control immigration.

with out global anti trust laws to stop corporate monopolies, and global corporate
law, forcing companies to share a set amount of their profit with their employees,
free market capitalism will continue to fail as monopolies take control. the only
way to combat the unelected bureaucrats destroying the world with their monopolies
is to create a better way to rule it.
a world federation with elected representatives from a pool
of people who qualify by living up to certain righteous spiritual standards, it needs
legislative, executive, and tribunal branches of government. with laws that combat, over
centralized power and tyranny such as nepotism, oligarchs, despotism, and regulates the
spirit freeing creative power of capitalism while protecting the rights of the workers and
producing welfare for the poor and needy. where taxes are payed to local communities first.

what about the other gospel that didn't make it into the "official" version?

and what medium do we have that tells us about the actions of Christ?


Judaism is unironically the most alpha


Jews/Christians fear a revival of Paganism, fighting spirit, honor in death, respecting nature, strong community etc. These all go against thier degenerate exploitation of others and the cattle mentality of thier slave followers

Russian Orthodox

indo aryan spirituality with the fides at its core