Absolute Banter
Absolute Banter
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Trump is going to rip him a new one
Sounds more like fact than bantz.
Hyuk Hyuk i get your joke!
He's right. Trump is an illegitimate president and a traitor. But please don't use offensive terms like "retarded."
What a madman
Holy shit trump btfo
and just like that, libshits loved iran
The only joke is your country and president.
Iran out memeing bloumpf
I mean... he's not wrong...
Lol. The irony.
The only thing the White House is afflicted by is Jews
Lmao fuck orange Cheeto man!!!!!
Powerful So Strong I'm literally shaking
>WW3 will be started over which President is the bigger retard
Clown world
damn maybe the neocons were right and shouldve slaughtered sandniggers before their ego trips became too outrageous
Kek, Americans are so pathetic, all it takes is one insult from some raghead and they're all turning on their own country
Seriously, if Americans weren't such pussies I bet they'd gladly fight for Iran if given a chance
Trump on suicide watch
does he not know how genocidal white men can get
*speaks in tranny*
you are completely normal and deserve to be replaced by niggers in the city that built the modern world
can iran stop BTFOing JewSA for one day?
Trump has changed foreign policy into a shit flinging contest. It's actually hilarious.
the sandnigger brain operates less like a white humanoid and more like a nigger. the more you give them, the more they attack you like an ungrateful pitbull niggerdog.
t. ayyyylmao
Isn't there some petrol somewhere you should be huffing?
But it is.
Look at the warmongers there.
Trump is probably the LEAST insane of the lot of them.
Another embarrassment for the US
Its so true. Drumpf is a low IQ tard who loves junk food.
How the fuck does trump manage to make anyone he wants resort to namecalling. No one can resist trying to out banter trump. It gives trump an excuse to say something more clever back in a tweet that always makes it look like he solved some global happening.
canadian faggot dying of ebola is back.
holy fucking shit i cant stop laughing
Its the same pattern as Kim.
But how can he top my button is bigger?
nigger dick sucking faggot back before dying of ebola infection received by sucking congolese jungle bunny.
your country and its political systems are like if america had a bastard child with tattoine. fuck off cunt. and i mean that the way we say it here.
Iran can't Meme
That was weak as hell
>Trump : spent third of his presidency tweeting meaningless shit like "witch hunt"
>Rouhani : says one thing and brings the entire zog down
Imagine how hysteric Trump is right now I bet he's having a hissy fit
Since ww3 will be jokes and pranks... let’s do a flyover and air drop bacon on Iran’s government building.
>that flag
>sucking off mudslimes
Imagine my shock...
i have no love for the golems that occupy my country and force down sandniggers on us as per their (((masters))) directive
They just say what they mean.
Lol. I bet, Ahkmed. Don't you have a cathedral to burn down or something?
Yea it's America that is pathetic Habib. You got a liocense for that post?
Big if true
He's right though.
Hello muhamed
Breaking news: this american is mentally retarded
You mistook us for uk friend
Could get. All of the genocidal wh*te bois are dead. Now it's just a bunch of faggots LARPing.
I can't tell if this is satire, but if it is it's perfect.
Is there any more information to establish whether he meant Trump or the retards surrounding Trump?
Let's avoid trusting the press when they publish a statement that forms a basis for war when they've been lying about everything they can to cause war so far in this debacle.
Hey, a jew!
I mean, it's pretty clear it's Trump. Trump's advisors are evil, not retarded. But he's definitely a retard for trusting any of (((them))).
how do we even know he really said that
AP is jews
Hahaha we love you too, Australia.
What makes you believe "it's pretty clear it's Trump"? Is Trump now a geographical location?
lol i actually feel bad for Trump desu
he isnt that bad if i must say, and even fucking Obama didnt get insult like that when he was in office
Lol he won't do anything you delusional redneck honkey.
Does Iran want a war?
asking for it
Trump is the only retarded asshole between those goatfuckers and israel-commanded U.S. military
I'm starting to think that Iran actually wants the US to start a war, what would they win with that?
trump and his office legit is full of drooling retards though, constantly doing shit that goes against global AND united states interests
either that, or the office is truly satan levels of evil, out to cause chaos
Go dialate your open wound, you fucking disgusting tranny
>Google Censors Video Exposing Google
>Project Veritas Uncovers Google Plot to Stop the ‘Next Trump Situation’
>video reveals how Google’s biased AI isn’t a conspiracy theory
>Google executive was caught on hidden camera declaring that the federal government should not break up the tech giant — because then it would be more difficult to prevent “the next Trump situation.”
>Whistleblower: Here’s How Google Functions As A ‘Highly Biased Political Machine’
>Google Executive: Breaking Up Google Will Make It Harder 'To Prevent The Next Trump Situation'
>Google Stealthily Infuses Political Agenda Into Products to Prevent Trump Reelection
>Project Veritas Reveals Google's 'Fairness' Efforts to Prevent 2016 From Happening Again
His cabinet is evil, he's retarded. If only for trusting his cabinet.
Serious question... are you autistic?
Using specific locations to refer to the people composing governments headquartered there is extremely common. Have you legitimately never interacted with another human being before?
Error processing. Please repeat your query you outrageous queer.
Let's use an inverse analogy to explain how dumb you are because I'm convinced that enough people will understand it so they laugh at you but I dislike you and I think you're dumb so I'm confident you won't get it.
If I quoted your post and said "man Jow Forums is dumb" I would obviously be referring to you as a person, not all Jow Forums users.
Man Jow Forums is dumb.
But he's right
>sand people
Literally subhuman . No one cares
ziocons blown the fuck out
i unironically consider persians more human than americans
So it looks like Iran is trying to bait Trump into attacking.
Maybe Trump is trying to look weak to bait Iran into attacking?
>actually believing this
seems the white house is not the only one afflicted with retardation
Sounds similar to Kim Jong-Un's dotard talk before he eventually bent the knee.
Ok, this is epic
How could you even be mad about this
So that was a yes to the autism?
Your analogy is shit. Is Jow Forums a government that I am the undisputed head of?
Christ... I genuinely feel bad for you...
We are well aware. The Koran is quite explicit on how you mudslime view infidels.
lol retard
so will the left be more mad at trump for being trump or the iran president for using the word retard?
Iranians are absolutely based
Persians are Aryan, jew boy
Why is it that every shitpost thread is british in origin?
We're just better at things in general.
¿Qué estás tratando de decir, amigo?
Also: iranian literally means "aryan" as the other hombre pointed out
>cant waint for new trump tweet
Shitpost wars have begun
Is he allowed to say that??
I'm taller? My jet bigger? My navy bigger? My wife hotter? I dont wear outdated dresses
It’s over
Even Iran knows Trump is a retard.
Can't wait for Biden to come into office.
D-daddy T-T-Trump will rip him a new one!
(AJ) Jews are Iranian
Historically France had little to do with NAFTA and as the second largest land army in Europe is under no real """occupation""" and could remove American bases if it desired.
>force on us
How can you be so pathetically ignorant of your own country's history? Sandniggers in your country are entirely a result of French colonial policy which held as long as a colonial could get citizenship they were considered 100% French. This resulted in millions of niggers and sandniggers flooding into your country after independence to avoid the shitholes the French were leaving behind, pozzing your dumb country to this day.
I'm so tired of talking to obvious fucking zoomers who don't know a single damn thing.
Pretty sure it was already like this before, it's just that when Iran calls America "satan" then Trump shitposts back that Iran is a shithole where before Obama and Bush would just say nothing.
Iran has gone full metal Jow Forums. I wonder if they fuck goats there?