Some Catholics claim that pedos are only small percentage compared to other institutions of the same size, but this is wrong, we don't know how many pedos there really are because they hide and protect them
Catholics ARE Pedos
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Fuck off. Even if this were true- it would only go to show that demonic people (like you) have infiltrated God's church.
"Just kill all of them. For the Lord knows those that are His own."-Papal legate
Yahweh is a fake god, he is a demonic being, this is why he has freaky demonic servants with animals heads and wheels with eyes.
just revealing your own mind, devil boy
begone, satanic jew
it's christ or it's the rejection of christ- the whole world is coming round to this decision now, as anyone can see: don't be on the wrong side= alright?
I'm on the right side, you are on the side of demonic monsters devouring your people and family members because they weren't good enough slaves to a false god.
Most Christkikes are pedofags.
STFU you subhuman ginzo.
Yeah not like jews right shlomo?
where do you think Catholics got it from?
The church has been infiltrated. They want less Christians in the world. Priests were allowed to abuse kids and then moved around when parents complained so they could abuse more kids. There are evil people in the church but the church is not evil. Also, Christianity has been fragmented into many different denominations in order to weaken the Christian population as a whole
Pasta bro gets it
Your dad?
Catholics are not (((Christians))) would the Christian church ever do this?
Jews hate Catholics not (((Christians))) and will spread lies about them. I wonder why?
wow, it's like they have lot of similarities, crazy right?
Uh... no?
Let's not blow things out of proportion and be over-sensitive when there are much worser things going on that they won't intentionally report about. And not done by Catholics or other Christians.
There's zero chance that there's more pedos in Catholicism than Judaism. Literally impossible.
The city on 7 hills, Babylon
Funny how. JIDF is suddenly avoiding this thread
This user gets it. Jews like to spread lies about the true religion of Christ. The one that is never on (((TV)))
Go to thorn dot org look at the partnerships
Hmmm interdasting
Christians support that also
I agree that jews are mode pedo, does that means that being a pedo is okay as long as you aren't as much of a pedo as jew are?
You still have an edited bible though and your history is fillednwith deception
It's a recruitment hub
of course not
however, certain (((entities))) throw all the blame solely onto others
>this is wrong
>buuuut...we don't know
Wow I'm convinced by this airtight argument. OP is a faggot. This we all know.
Stephen Colbert had this one episode where he showed his recruitment. He was talking about how he met a producer then made
a skit about him crying holding his daughter, her pupils dialated like Madeline Mcann, like those kids in the pizzagate images.
what are you implying?
we can't know the exact number, all we know is there are lot more than any data can show
Politicians, Judges, celebrity.
The normie worships pedophiles.
Stars are made this way.
Miley, Britney, Dua Lipa, Arianna ...
They all are because jews control the book publishing business but Catholicism remains the most based because it was the original religion that Jesus founded and jews have always hated Catholics the most. (((Christianity))) is worship of jews and israel when you peel back all the layers. It's a jewish ripoff of Catholicism designed to co-op the true religion of Christ
That Ashton and Mila are pedophiles, part of a network. And thorn is a hub for recruitment.
Fuck off obvious jew
>Catholics claim that pedos are only small percentage compared to other institutions of the same size
Jews are pedos, so they are not wrong
Muslims also pedos
Jew over 3 years old and under 9
Muslim over 9
Thing is jew hate on Christianity, jews own 98% of the media. So they will report massively on any one single Catholic pedo.
A jew pedo on the other hand, it's a big part of their religion and they would not report on their own religious group, it's very rare.
A study was done in the early 2000's to find what religious groups where more predominant of what crimes. When it came to pedophilia most institutions would not respond on that one.
So to find out they looked at the meals going to pc (protective custody), everyone expected the meals to be overwhelmingly halhal. That wasn't the case, they where overwhelmingly kosher, by 69% kosher actually. but how can that be? jews only make up 2% of north Americas population.
so you've got your 13% = 70% rule for murder and 2% = 69% for pedophiles.
Jow Forums already admit that jews and muslims are pedophiles, now it's time to admit catholics are too
It's time to admit you are. Fuck off pedojew. You are losing the narrative and will soon be facing a gas chamber you baby dick sucking rabbi
Jew harder pedojew
imagine being so stupid that you think jews have monopoly on being a pedo, you are probably a pedo excusing your behavior by not being jewish
catholic church is not catholic anymore though
>James Mayer de Rothschild, head of the Rothschild banking family of France (Banque Rothschild), became the official Papal banker.[1] His Naples-based brother, Carl Mayer von Rothschild, geographically closer to Rome, went to meet with Pope Gregory XVI in January 1832. Here Carl Mayer was presented with the ribbon and star of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George. It was customary for Catholics to show reverence for what they regarded as the Vicar of Christ, to kiss the Pope's feet when meeting him. As a Jew, Carl Mayer von Rothschild was permitted to simply kiss the ring on his hand instead.[1] This outraged Catholic critics of the deal at the time. It even garnered a reference centuries later, by Philippe de Rothschild, a direct descendant of James and Carl, in his autobiography Milady Vine (1984).
>Reports of the transaction led to stinging criticisms of Pope Gregory XVI in the Christian (in particular, Catholic) world, almost all of which circulated around the Jewishness of the Rothschilds. The French romantic poet Alfred de Vigny said "a Jew now reigns over the Pope and Christianity. He pays monarchs and buys nations."[1] Ludwig Börne, a Jewish convert to Lutheranism and member of the Young Germany movement stated, "A wealthy Jew kisses his hand, while a poor Christian kisses the Pope's feet. The Rothschilds are assuredly nobler than their ancestor Judas Iscariot. He sold Christ for 30 small pieces of silver: the Rothschilds would buy Him, if He were for sale."[1] Another prominent example, is the mention of the loan in a sonnet of Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, Er motivio de li guai. While Belli found the Rothschilds highly objectionable, for him the Pope was even worse as a weak man who had "sold both Rome and the State" and was thus no longer worthy of wearing the Papal robes.[3]
>(((Christianity))) is worship of jews and israel when you peel back all the layers.
If any of you doubt this, try this easy experiment. Next tine you run into a Christcuck. Make a remark about how Israel attacked the USS liberty and that israel is our enemy or something similar that you know to be 100% fact and note their reaction. Christianity is nothing more than jew worship. They even tell the lie that Jesus was jewish when he clearly was not. We have all been lied to.
>gods church
The only church I go in is one god will build himself when Jesus comes back
The Vatican is filled with a bunch of swine. I hope they get destroyed, and I hope they feel gods wrath melt their skin for all eternity
>imagine being so stupid that you think jews have monopoly on being a pedo,
You mean like the way jews think Catholic. priests have a monopoly on being pedos? Nice try retard
Jew harder brainlet
you don't even deny it, get fucked you pedo
Mother Nature is #1, Father God #2 hahahaha Women RULE!! Christ ascended to the Sun of God and was the Sun of Man. The moon is a Death Star that we can use to destroy the planet whenever we’re ready. This explains how I created hurricanes Harvey and Katrina on the exact two days my Heart sank, and how we flooded the Earth many times in the past :) This go around, I don't care about walking on water or healing the sick.. what would be the ultimate miracle is if i could get my dick wet in some pussy! i figured out the secrets to the universe before i figured out how to get laid hahahahhahahahahhaa
Hey jew, tell me something. Why is it that the jewish controlled media never talks about mohammed being a pedo? Why is it only Catholic priests and never jews or muslims?
>get fucked
Send your jew mom over. She loves goy cocks in all her holes you faggot.
Look how the jew kvetches. Go shove a dildo in your ass chiam. It'll make you feel right at home
Look how the jew has avoided this very legitimate question
Catholic Church is BASED!
based shizo
Exactly. We have to clean the Vatican of the traitors of the Church.
>Based shizo
Whats a shizo?
And you are avoiding the question. Answer the question schlomo. Why do we only see Catholic priests as child molestors on jewish controlled (((TV))) but never muslims or jews when both of your sand nigger religions condone pedophilia? Answer me i dare you.
Starting with this pope
I'm not a jew or a muslim, so I wouldn't know for sure, they probably have some kind of pact, they wanna bring muslims in Europe, in Israel itself they know this and point it out.
>I'm not a jew
Thats it shlomo, change the subject. Ok I'll play your game. so who wants to bring muslims into europe? Is it jews?
I know right... Fucking KEK this kike is so dumb even for a jew
there like 5 jew left in georgia and Georgian jew were never as bad as ashkenazis.
are you stupid? I'm not changing subject and you'll find the answer already in my comment, I already said it's Jewish media who wants to bring in muslims
For someone who claims to not be a jew you sure know a lot about what people in Israel are thinking . And yes you did change the subject. You're making a fool of yourself with your lies and people reading your bullshit are laffing at you.
t. satanic shill
>Everyone in THE WORLD is the problem, except us!
You've really internalized those kike morals, alright.
All men are pedophiles. Little girls are better than old hags. That's why they made them illegal because they can't compete so just outlaw the competition
Oh look. JIDF had to call in re-enforcements to bolster their bullshit narrative. I wonder why?
A warning to all JIDF pedojews. I will DESTROY your narrative every fucking time. I am an old veteran at fucking your shit up.
This is weak because you are a weakling an very obvious. Try harder JEW you are losing the narrative all around the world
Jews fuck kids.
Christkikes worship Jews.
Christkikes fuck kids.
It's not that surprising.
Your days are numbered
>so mad he responded to the same post four times
The church is perfect is teaching and morals yes- tell me what you don't like, you fucking idiot, and we can talk about how youre wrong. Evil people in the church ONLY PROVES SHE IS RIGHT YET AGAIN IN HER TEACHING ABOUT MAN= and his utter corruption. If the people in the church were all saints, the church would be WRONG.
Catholics are not Christcucks you dumb jew. But you already knew that. You just wanted to make the association as if there is no distinction between the two. Try harder jew. You suck at this.
Thanks for helping me bump up this thread retard.
Are you implying Protestants aren't pedos too?
And yes I will bump a thread about Christkike perfidy.
>The church is perfect is teaching and morals yes- tell me what you don't like
The fact you worship a Jew and 66 books by Jews and a Jewish demon god, and act as the conduit through which the Jews control the West, I suppose.
Your bullshit memes only prove that there is a definite (((media))) bias against Catholics while hiding the fact that your jewish holy books speak favorably about pedophilia an despite the mountains if evidence the jewish media remains silent about it.
Protestants are not Catholic. Why do you keep trying the same tactic. Are you stupid or something?
Don't you mean *your* Jewish holy books? I don't worship the kike god, so I don't have this problem. You do, because you worship Jews as a "chosen race" and worship a Jew and a Jewish god.
Go ahead and call me a "kike" again despite the fact I don't worship Jewish bullshit like you, Jew LARPer. Semitism will die, your time is almost up.
I never see anything in the (((news))) about protestants. This thread is about priests which means Catholic. Christcucks dont have priests you stupid fuck.
>can't keep his schizophrenia in check long enough to remain coherent for more than ten posts
1/3rd of this 91 post thread is you sperging out. Yikes.
>worship a jew
Catholics don't worship a jew you retard. We worship Christ who was not a jew. Keep trying, you just made yourself look stupid.
Im Catholic. We do not worship a jew or jews or israel. You have us confused with Christians. Go read a book you absolute moron.
1 of me against 4 JIDF retards. What would your low IQ jew brain expect?
I warned you when you came into this thread that i would destroy your narrative. Is this all you got? You retards are not even worthy opponents. JIDF is not sending their best.
He's not a Catholic he's a Jesuit. Look up black pope
They sure are, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of our jewish media.
Catholics have been infiltrated with jews since it's very inception, the whole religion breaks many of the new testament commandments and instructions.
Look at that pope of theirs, such a crypto jew piece of shit, he's even been busted didiling kids.
Catholic is just another branch of jew corrupted Christianity.
so your own imagined fairy tale- and no seeming nderstanding of what morals and teaching means.
Back to school sunshine.