Why, 'exactly', did the Jews defame this man, accusing him of things he did not do, and then murder him? Is there a particular reason, or did they just not like his face?
Why, 'exactly', did the Jews defame this man, accusing him of things he did not do, and then murder him...
He was getting too popular and influential, and if you won't follow their narrative while being those things you are a problem to them and must be dealt with.
He was whiter than them
All I want to say is that, they don't really care about us.
When I was young, I always interpreted the line "jew me, sue me" as "be a bigot and call me a jew" and I interpreted the line "kick me, kike me" as "kick me, call me a kike". That is also how Michael Jackson explained the lines (paraphrase) "in the song, I am all the marginalized groups, I am the person being black and whited, I am the jew."
But I think the jews interpreted it differently.
They heard "they don't really care about us" and thought it meant them, because that's what they know to be true.
Then when they heard the line "kick me, kike me, don't you black and white me", they heard, "the jews are kicking people and baiting tensions between black and white", because that's what they know to be true.
It's one of those instances where you're the boss and you think you're cracking down on something to keep order, but you inadvertantly show how little you care about those under you.
>all I want to say is that, they don't really care about us
He understood who the real tribes of Israel were
Also I've been to pelhourinho in sao salvador brazil, where part of that music video is filmed. They still got a shop playing that song nonstop and selling those same olodum shirts. Pretty comfy.
He owned the rights to elvis, the beatles and his own music so theres at least that
are you fucking retarded
>It has been 10 years since he died