Why do most young women these days profess to hate “Straight white men”?
Why do most young women these days profess to hate “Straight white men”?
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it's the only group politically acceptable to hate
Because you memeflag warriors keep pushing the narrative that it's cool to hate white men. Thanks Jacob Goldberg.
they still fuck us though, who cares what woman say, watch what they do
As with most things, Jews are to blame.
Because their sense of justice and morals comes from the media and geoup of friends, they think its cool and the society will reward them for that. They are afraid to think outside the box due to marginalization.
Can someone translate that post into something intelligible? I'm inferring that it means "deez nigga' a clown doe", but I fail to see any wit in that commentary.
Rule number one when dealing with women:
>ignore what they say, look at what they do
You're welcome, virgin.
because it's cool and mainstream and edgy and basically like Jeanne d'Arc and like fighting Hitler.