Are racists born or made?
Are racists born or made?
Prejudice is born
Racism is learned through experience
>if you had to explain this joke to the police
The absolute state of britcucks
if by racism you mean actual racism (hierarchy of the races) then it's learnt.
if by racism you mean prefering people who look like you, then it's natural.
I was raised up blind to race and told niggers behaved like niggers in america due to racism,then I saw france and realised niggers behaved like that anywhere regardless of history then I kept experiencing shit with enriching shitskins surrounded by old school racists who would usually be right though I didn't like their retarded arguments and then I found about Jow Forums america renaissance,alten at I've hypothesis and many many others who opened my eyes to race realism in a way that catered to me,it explained perfectly what I saw and what I knew and I took some bits from here and there to where I made my beliefs today.
Beeing racist is the natural thing to do. We all are caution by things we don't know well as we should be. To overcome this natural fear we need to define "racism" as wrong and filter it as something inacceptable. A developed society will have a easier time doing that, since they have time to define thouse rules.
His reaction makes it so much more funny.
Monkey see, monkey do, but which of the four was first?
Laughed hard at that. What a fucking cunt. This is the type of person, as a child said. "I'm gonna tell Mom!"
Racism isn't real. People prefer their own.
Hate speech is not free speech. Act like a man and face up to the fact that being racist and hurting people's feelings
Niggers can't handle banter.
Finish your post or you're not getting your 5 cents.
>explain this attempt at a joke to the police
Gorillas are fake animals they are fursuits.
one of those will the father of your grandchildren, be kind to them
>You see officer, you have to view the joke from the perspective that the black "person" (or "nigger", as I prefer) is closely viewed as a non-human.
>If you use a bit of imagination, you can start to see the similarities between a negroid and a gorilla.
>Thank you for asking: yes, approximately thirteen percent of the popula-
We're all born inherently prejudiced; it's a defense mechanism against the cruelty of reality.
Racism is learned. It's the result of us going through numerous experiences with people and noticing the trends that form in front of our eyes.
You're prejudiced toward blacks, because your brain tells you their disgusting dark skin and disfigured ape faces are unnatural and unhealthy.
You're racist towards niggers, because your brain tells you if they commit 99% of the interracial rapes there's something seriously fucked up with them.
Racism is the manifestation of factual prejudice.
We have this discussion regularly. I’m sick of finding references for people that are too dumb to use a search engine. Go look this up.
>babies are racist
It’s a born trait, says some Canadian university. It’s reinforced by life experience, but it’s present before a child learns communication.
>B b but mug fee fees mean more than science.
Should of known you were a tumblr faggot. Hate speech is protected under the constitution. People are born racist according to science.
Fuck off back to your hug box with your worthless opinions.
Bigots see 4 gorillas.
I see an astronaut, a doctor, and engineer, and a pro football player.
Need proof Democracy is a terrible idea?
See Reddit
Are gays born or made?
They are made because everything, including political values, are at least partially heritable.
Did offensive jokes hurt people or they just laugh in secret?
That's insulting to those gorillas, desu. They're known to have higher IQ than blacks.
Pick one and only one.
Facts. I got blackout drunk with my cousins husband and spilled the beans about how I love Hitler.
He stared at me with this blank look for like 5 of the longest seconds of my life. Extra terrifying because he has resting bitch face.
He said one word.
And we moved on to another subject.