>if you went to college for a non-meme degree and worked hard to pay off your student loans you get the privilege of higher taxes
>if you majored in something useless and couldn't pay off your loan as a result you get all your debt paid off
How is this fair??
If you went to college for a non-meme degree and worked hard to pay off your student loans you get the privilege of...
Life isn't fair
he supports useless degrees because graduates of such degrees vote left
It's not but I'm voting for him because the state has fucked me countless times with fees. Little does bernie know I've been using student loans to buy firearms and crypto lel.
Yeah but the government is supposed to keep equality and equity in check
This Jew wants people who work hard to take responsibility for those who have done nothing with their lives, it’s going to help his bottom line but it’s going to kill all of the important and most necessary degrees
Sanders is just yet another crony trying to give abusive capitalists trillions of dollars of our money to bail them out of a predatory lending scheme gone awry. Anyone who supports him at this point is a smooth-brained troglodyte
You're going to pay for my loan kek
I want Bernie to win so academia is destroyed forever.
>if you got an apprenticeship and now have a great career job you get nothing
Bernie winning would cause a dramatic shift in American politics. Would normie democrats vote for stuff that would potentially hurt banks and the fed? It'd probably fracture the 2 party system even more.
This may surprise you to learn but he's lying. These collage idiots have about as high of a chance of getting their loans forgiven as trumpets have of getting their wall built
They're not doing a good job of keeling private corporations in check, why did you think they would do any better here?
>now the jew wants people to escape debt that you couldn't even bankrupt yourself away from for some reason
Sure, user.
>continue the infantilism of America by eliminating personal responsibilities
>Democrats continue to promise each group free shit
Nah. I'm not.
Trump will lose in 2020, Bernie will win
If I become president I'll swap college and collage in the dictionary
You aren't dealing with a rational person. Bernie is a whack job.
>It's not but I'm voting for him because the state has fucked me countless times with fees. Little does bernie know I've been using student loans to buy firearms and crypto lel.
I love how you just negated your own argument by pointing out that you took a student load debt and didn't even use it for its purpose...
>spend money meant for something necessary on something else
>Go broke.
Dumb poorfags.
>Would normie democrats vote for stuff that would potentially hurt banks and the fed?
No, because dem representatives would reap the piggy bank for themselves and tell their stupid voters not to blame the fed
>Kind of like Obama and the "Wallstreet" protests that went nowhere.
>So lets fuck over everyone smart including doctors and engineers so that they'll be motivated not to become a doctor/engineer
This is how a communism starts and perpetuates. No one will do anything necessary and reap free gibs, lol.
>and that's a good thing
>but I can't expalin why
Those of us who worked hard, planned ahead and actually earned the fruits of our labor can go fuck ourselves. Is this a ploy to prop up the failing housing market? Sure, goy, we'll forgive your student loans, but only if you take this $500k mortgage for a cardboard mcmansion. 2 birds, 1 cup and all.
I wonder if student loan servicers are still receiving payments after Bernie said this. Seems to me it is enough of a possibility to fully stop until the uncertainty is cleared up.
bernie is an economic flat-earther