I told you it will go down today.
Now watch it with me.
I had a vision yesterday that it will crash today and that I should tell you all about it. I don't know who the message is for but I know I'm supposed to post about it twice, once last night and once now.
Market crash
Other urls found in this thread:
Big if tru
wow it's all over this time guys big happening ron paul.jpg
It's not going to crash today.
fuck you and your market fucking boomers
>Down 100 points
This board is just clickbait now
Buy food
Boom and Busts are part of the cycle goyim
You're looking at an hourly chart you stupid goy. The market is going to crash, but more likely near November/December.
Buddy I have been telling people for years this market is on the verge of a meltdown,
but I have been wrong.
I begin to doubt my own reasoning.
But I still can't shake the belief that this market is pumped up on debt, money printing, quantitative easing, Fed refusal to raise rates substantially.
Surely it can't go on forever.
stonks will never crash cunts
You in the /brapgang/, bro?
I know. It's the turning point.
This, you will be waiting a long time OP, they will print more money and rig it until greater Israel is finished and then they will throw us away like a used up whore
It's called taking profits.
It's at -0.31% now
OP is a fag
No you have to believe me just watch
can we watch you from the oven window?
Sure, crawl inside.
It's never going to happen
boomer pussies
The board is really shit today, low volume and absolute garbage like this
Something big is happening behind the scenes.
I’m more concerned when things are still than when the board is chaotic. It’s like a giant rain cloud is floating above.
>a thing that's gonna inevitably happen looks like will now happen
That's what every one of you faggots sound like
Yeah I loose 80% in a day on biotech stocks and still ride it out for a year and make profit.
Boomers and their index funds
>believe me Jow Forums its true
What a faggot
OP, you're a faggot. I can't believe I lost money buying gold because of your "vision". God, I fucking hate myself for believing in people.
Weather in Europe is hot and humid, even Jow Forums denizens have crawled up into the summer sunlight, seeking the sweet moisture of the local fauna.
OP shorted the wrong stock and needs the index to go down today
Oldfag here. Anyone else remember when this shit hit 10,000 and it was international news?
It's all credits and funny money now, user. It's fate is predetermined by people that profit from it.
Actually let me red pill you goys on index funds, truely a Jews invention
1. Predictable and controllable buy cycles as people usually auto buy at the 1st of the month or when they get paid. This lets the Jew act as an intermediary and make a micro differential
2. Can be overbought or oversold, usually the former. This is when a portfolio of say 1 billion in stocks is actively trading for 1.05 billion because it magicially becomes more safe when it's lumped togeather synthetically. The Jew sells u $1 for $1.05
3. Most funds have actively managed costs even though it's just an algorithm that's copying someone else's fund. It costs them nothing to hold ur shares, on the contrary they can use ur shares as leverage for gambling on other shit or giving out loans. The Jew has invented a negative interest savings account basically
4. Can talk about other shit like how they force u to sell at certain times or purposefully slow down ur trade to Jew ur price but this is unique to each fund.
The index fund Jew
>Now up to -50
So OP how does it feel to become a 'buy high sell low'er?
Tisha B'Av this year
>-0.14% now
holy shit
it's happening
op is a massive faggot
-0.16% is "nothing"?
Well, if it turns out to be nothing then my vision had some purpose I can't understand. I thought it was to help someone but maybe it was to hurt someone so they can be helped down the road.
>be DJ
>be 26k
>spergs say it’s crashing
That’s real fucking stupid.
Don't insult God like that my man.
>drop 0.46%
>poltard freaks out
Thing is I predicted it last night, and the days before it was going up.
You didnt though, if anything you had a feeling some stocks would go down.
Thats about as average as average guesses can get; hell, why not go into buying and selling stocks, they'll go up and down regardless of your intention.
The ride never ends.
Guys don't you know Q predicted this.
Check the link now.
100 points is barely a blip.
1000 points is a nothing burger by percentage.
Wake me when there is a 10000 point drop. Now that would be a crash.
That's not even close to a crash user, we had days with -3% this year