Why are Anglos such heightlets?

Why are Anglos such heightlets?

Attached: shart.png (355x388, 17K)

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Polish people evolved a better physical form for toilet scrubbing all day.

They are mostly farmoids

Attached: Haak-et-al-2015-Figure-3-Admixture-Proportions-in-Modern-DNA-With-Linguistic-and-Historical-Origins- (1180x987, 260K)

The more aryan admixture the higher the height

Attached: Yamnaya_height.jpg (700x700, 50K)

True, Poles are actually Vandals and therefore Germanic master race

Height does not help with toilet cleaning, you would know if you actually cleaned your own toilets instead of being lazy and allowing mexicans and niggers to live in your country and do it for you.

Shut up j*w

Recently I saw this picture of a homeless black man in Warsaw.

Poland is Western Europe or maybe even USA now. Thank you PIS, mission accomplished.

Attached: Dp29aWMW4AULFLm.jpg large.jpg (1536x2048, 375K)

Why j*ws hate poles sio much ?

Because a large proportion of our population evolved to be 5'6 and heavily muscled to work in the mines, on the farms or in the factories.
Shit diet, lack of exercise, etc. is also not good.