don't close your #goodbyegoogle threads, but we had a good discussion going about aphantasia last night, 2 threads that archived with over 500 posts each, and I just want to put up this, the ABSOLUTE FUCKING STATE of normies. look at the replies to this video about aphantasia.
does video games cause this? TalmudVision? what is happening to people? I can visualize so strongly sometimes it blocks out what I am actually seeing with my eyes, if they are open.
I talked with my coworker last night. I kinda slipped up when I said "Holy shit, if most people can't imagine like that I wonder whose the fucked up one." Hopefully she didn't catch that, but yeah. Most people can't imagine really well. That legitimately shocked the fuck outta me.
Elijah Garcia
this isn't politics
Blake Gonzalez
The fact that you can't see the connection between Aphantasia
Henry Clark
yes it is you faggot because people who can't imagine things (like you) should not hold office; that is the point I am making
John Bell
Is this the new version of the no internal monologue NPC thing? I wonder what the overlap rate is.
I think in words, with pictures as well as sound and smell occasionally. I can imagine taste too, I assume everyone can do this as it would be evolutionary advantageous to do this, and highly detrimental to be unable to.
What I wanna know is does anyone else think in other people's accents? I hear Jordan Peterson, or Michael Pollen or Gordan Ramsay thinking in my head, or random Russian or my bosses voice. Often the thoughts are spelled out using every letter of the words, this gets kind of annoying though