Congolese in Montana

Congolese learning to swim in Missoula Montana

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they arent as dark as expected
my mom is only 75% black and shes blacker than them wtf

Nice oil spill.

When did you realize America was lost and our best hope is to move back to Europe?

White replacement alert

Years ago

Are you actually fucking retarded
There's 300 million of you the fuck you need congolians for?

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This comes to mind.

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The future

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The saddest part is all those white cucks enabling it.

Stay away! We got enough refugee leeches as it is!

NGOs and left purposely imports them to the whitest areas of the country. Wicked people

Dont tell me the federal government is relocating niggers to Montana now?

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Ever cheaper labour m8

You're nigger lol

i pass for white really well actually

says the streetshitter

Yup. I’ve been having a 12 hour fight with some neocon cucks on T_D trying to explain to them why legal and illegal immigration is the same thing. But they’re all just toeing the “goooooood perrrrrrrson” line

Ive been there, Missoula is an ethnostate

You must chimp

This is what you get when you live among Christkikes.

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Look at those cucks

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I don't consider anyone with black hair to be white myself but to each their own. I was just messing with you though, nothing but good fortune I wish you friend.

T. 1488

LOL nigger
id rather have India than you niggers in my country

Theres more Congolese here than in the congo


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We wouldn’t be leeches. We would actually improve your chances of survival and we’re hard workers that find shame in taking welfare.

But it isn't a black ethnostate. Our blood will be corrupted.

Yes and Idaho.

5 years ago when I returned to the small town I went to Highschool in. It was mostly Mexican and had a few Muslim families

So much for the North West front

Yes they are, on purpose. Let’s just vote some more right brother!

>white guilt

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You’re still a nigger

We need to all go to Africa and slip back here one night.

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Those soft landings people are going to ruin that town even worse than it already is. Currents and Splash used to be nice places for kids to hang out, too bad they'll be ruined soon.

Christkikes need regular exposure

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You're fighting the good fight, thanks user. I go to places like that a few times a week. Conservatives online are actually surprisingly receptive to subtle redpilling. Just gotta be subtle... prune the downvoted posts after a couple days, and you learn over time what gets through. I've had some highly pro-white stuff get upvoted.

You need to start the movement NOW. I assume Montana big cities are 85% non Hispanic white? Keep in mind that a place like New Jersey had those demographics in just 1970. Today, it's in the 50s, less than one lifetime.

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Many locals tried very hard to stop the re-establishment of a refugee center in Missoula but the city council was all for it and there was no mechanism to stop it within the law.

Look at them, can't even swim and already trying to drown the whites

>id rather have India than you niggers in my country

Then why didnt you import them instead?

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Someone add the rubbing hands

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Every time

Montana's Gov is a Satanist. The Jews have set up shop, under Obummer in the Missoula area. They also run Jackson Wyoming.

Wait, really? Sauce on this?

How the fuck does somehow flee from the congo to montana? These people cannot even afford a cup of rice in africa.

implying H1B is anything but mass-indian importation?

That's the thing with immigrants. They either take our wellfare or take our jobs. Either way it's bad for us. Immigrants should be shot at the border, I don't care what colour they are or where they're from.

same here - mine looks like the United Nations, but mostly ghetto blacks and mexicans.

fucking Montana - RIP

Why, Montana, why?
There's no where to go any more :(

north dakota?

Who imported them and why?

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Why the fuck are they in Montana? Wtf is wrong with you faggots

>Someone add the rubbing hands
(You) should do it, fren. Your first meme?

Christcucks are a weak link in white society and deserve extermination.

Christcucks deserve euthanasia.

if smt brown floats in the water you should not go in

Fuck off defeatism shill.


Take the job back then. Work for minimum wage and stop being such an entitled crybaby.
Anyone who's subhuman enough to be outcompeted and undersold by an untrained immigrant is excess population and deserves the rope anyway. We'll automate your job; no problem.

Drown them all

Fuck off you pathetic, spineless defeatism cucks. Get your pathetic, juvenile, edgy, self pity shit off our board and go back to plebbit.

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Looks like a bunch of happy children. Good for them. I hope they can get as happy a life as they can. We all deserve happiness, after all.

>north dakota?
I thought since the oil boom in North Dakota that all sorts of migrant workers invaded.

Midwestern Front reporting in

Unironically Montana/Idaho/Wyoming/North Dakota were my backup plan away from this shithole

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Agree with your text, but your image glows...

>What is an h1b visa.

Fuck off you cancerous rich twat. You're being GENOCIDED via deliberate mass migration and you turn around and sneer at the middle/lower classes instead of allying with them.

Jews, Chinks, and Poos will replace you you arrogant shit-smear.

Europe is lost too

Are those the niggers that crossed Mexico?

You're no better than the niggers.

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In the US the cities are where the niggers and other mud people gravitate to. There's nothing magical about the northwest US that prevents that phenomenon. You have to look to rural areas like northern Idaho.

Time to add more chlorine.

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Cause our reptilian overlords said so

This may not be as bad as you think, this niggers will get overconfident and jump to some fucking river and drown.

>dat feel

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Stop fleeing, start fighting.

what the fuck are congolese niggers doing in montana? if you dont believe in the white replacement plan then you must be a literal brainlet



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not even close. Everything east from Wienna is land free of niggers.

How the fuck did niggers all the way from Central Africa get in Montana?

Niggers/Spics aren't human.

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There are already more niggers than Whites. This is representative of the coming tsunami of niggers. The world cannot support this many niggers.

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fuck. I wanted to move back there on day.

perhaps they will teach some local boys how to cook and eat other people in a nice multicultural exchange.

based dutchman

which is why we should all return to our ethnic homelands to occupy the spaces that would've gone to niggerugees

What does that make you jew?

You see the white people in that picture?
You need to kill those.


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Caracalla was probably the single worst emperor.

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Because white replacement is real.