What happened to North Africa, pol?

North Africa used to be a hub of trade and culture, and it flourished under the Romans, Greeks, Copts etc. What happened, why is it such a shit hole now?

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Brown people and their irrepressible barbarism

This, the Arab conquest and Berber revolts sealed its fate.

Jews and islam



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North Africa even became better when it was liberated from Roman occupation. We (berbers) started to enter Europe, conquered Spain, Sicily, Crete and more.

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Egypt though was non-white, and flourished for thousands of years up until the Arabs conquered it. Copts, Assyrians and other Middle Easterners built grand civilizations. Them simply being non-white doesn't really explain it. Arab invasions and Islam perhaps?


I find it funny you say that considering how Berbers were treated by the Arabs, and the fact that they are still looked down upon by peninsula Arabs. Why follow the religion of primitive goat herders pushed on your ancestors against their will?

We don't care about racists, when they die they will meet God and they can explain their racism to Him. My ancestors accepted Islam and became the first to enter Europe in the name of Islam, we kicked the Ummayads back to their desert within 40 years and Berbers finally reached pure sovereignty in their first time in human history, Islam brought us the needed collectivist mindset and ideological homogeneity, resulting in us become the masters of N. Africa and even the Mediterranean sea, also we were civilized, created universities, hospitals, cities, knowledge and so on.

>What happened, why is it such a shit hole now?

Still just some smelly niggers

>Egypt though was non-white
The populations in the lower delta, and especially the elite, may very well have been closer to "white" than not
>Copts, Assyrians and other Middle Easterners built grand civilizations
The people inhabiting the Near East pre-Islamic invasion were whiter than they are now. The conquering Arabs initially just overlaid a warrior aristocracy on top of Greek, Roman, and Persian civilization; these areas sank into increasing irrelevance as the negroid-admixtured Arabs came to occupy a larger portion of the population. It's no coincidence that the last (Ottoman) caliphate had as its core the non-blacked populations of Byzantine Anatolia and the Balkans

Can't speak for OP, but what I got from them was that they were asking why it's a shithole now when it wasn't for most of its history, which is true.

North Africa was top-tier for such a long-ass period of time: you got Egypt, Phoenicia/Carthage, Greek colonies, Roman colonies, Berber caliphates (which were the best Islamic states behind Persia).

Then it totally loses all relevance in the latter half of the middle ages and remains a nothing-zone forever afterwards.

>The populations in the lower delta, and especially the elite, may very well have been closer to "white" than not

The populations along the Mediterranean look more "white" than those of for example, lower Egypt. That's just common sense. To my understanding, it's the Muslims in Egypt and Syria who's ancestors mixed with the Arabs etc as they were able to mix with them due to their conversion to Islam. The Christian Copts and Assyrians remained Christian, hence couldn't really mix since a Christian man cannot take a Muslim wife, while a Muslim man could take a Christian wife and their children would become Muslim. I strongly believe the Assyrians,Maronites, Copts etc are all the descendants of the peoples that inhabited these lands thousands of years ago.

The fall of Islam?
I mean, Marocco is about to become big, if they play it rigth.

The Fall of Gnosticism & Hermeticism in Ptolemaic Egypt following the 4th century.
>Gnosticism flourishes through Egypt, worshipping the pursuit of knowledge.
>The Library of Alexandria contains all of the known scrolls in the world regarding every form of religious, spiritual, and philosophical belief from India to Hispania.
>Alexandria is seemed at the symbol for knowledge, Peter the Apostle even states that Simon Magus went to Alexandria to study, which is where he learned his magical skills (levitation, allowing objects to pass through him, etc.)
>Catholics get jealous of “big brain Christianity” and call it heretical
>Catholics come to Egypt to save them from the “heretics”
>Burn Library of Alexandria, the most expansive complication of spiritual knowledge ever acquired.
>Edit the fuck out of the Bible removing all the most important sacred gospels (Gospel of Judas, Enoch, Mary, Thomas, to name a few)
>Catholics perfectly set Egypt up to get raped by another shitty Abrahamic religions.
>Mohammed the goat fucker is born and absolutely rapes Egypt with islam.
>Now they’re a symbol of stupidity. They have regressed without their Greek overlords, and the influence of Gnosticism in increasing morals, ethics, and intelligence to the mass population.

There is no 'strongly' believe anymore, because DNA has debunked most of these thoughts. Lebanese Christians, muslims and Druze are genetically almost identical to each other. According to the latest GEDmatch data the Lebanese muslims are even more European shifted than the Christian ones. But in broad terms, Lebanese people in general are homogeneous when it comes to DNA, the differences are very minor.

>What happened to North Africa, pol?

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It's kind of hard to believe saudis could conquer anything
Or it was probably mercenaries and soldiers of fortune who did the dirty job as usual

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Why do you use that degenerate flag in your posts the EU is part of the problem

>What happened to North Africa, pol?