Repeat after me: President Biden.
Repeat after me: President Biden
checked! I do love his tastes in girls ;)
Based Biden for the win
Stay away from my kids, Creepy Joe!
Don't touch me there.
I think he’s in the running just to fix some “patriot act” leaks and loose ends.
>Repeat after me: President Kidtoucher.
President Biden
President Biden touches girls.
Okay, done!
The media already decided it ain't gonna be him.
I’ll be voting Trump to stop Biden, an even bigger Zionist.
Trump made a circle on a map, moved a building, and let some Obama era money go through. Biden married a Jew, attended every AIPAC since the 1970s, and voted to send hundreds of billions to Israel.
I mean I didn’t really know MIGA was a thing, until a bunch of anons posted it here but now that I do I realize it’s bad. We have to stop Biden, people, he is going to make Trump’s MIGA seem like small potatoes. Biden by any objective measure is a much bigger Zionist. We have to stop MIGA from getting much worse and ironically the only way to do it is to stop Biden by voting for Trump. What a world lol!
He can't be any worse than Trump at this point.
*dies of old age*
>He can't be any worse than Trump at this point.
>mfw a left leaning radio station is shutting all over him right now because of the openly racist shit hes said in the 70s-90s
He's unelectable. His opposition could just play hours of campaign ads of him fondling children
>You've only got the two choices we provide you with, goy! Don't even think about any other options!
Thanks for stopping by, rabbi.
Joe Biden has what it takes to be a Great Man that knows how to get a good night’s rest! I Love you, Joe! Defeat Trump!
For a cunny in every pot, vote Biden.
Lmao no refunds cuck
> don't support the incumbent, go for the third party candidates that have historically never won an election!
t. Jewish fag
Match me!
Can't believe this is even debated.
There is so much...
It just never ends.
Repeat after me your mother's pussy smells like her asshole
This can't be real... Why is he bragging about walking 1 mile downhill lol? Is this a sarcastic joke?
Pedo Joe
Cant believe it's not a bigger deal considering I can accompany every comment with another example
Imagine how conspiracy-sphere will react to pedophile creep in chief. This is going to be a bliss. You thought guys who speculated about Obama being anti-christ migrant were bad? You thought that "Michelle Obama is a man" conspiracy was spicy? Wait till you see pedo-Biden conspiracy in 3 years after the election. I bet some faggs could even go as far as trying to ass-te Biden, convinced that he rapes millions of kids every day for breakfast and actually working with tranny-Obama and Obama-antichrist to bring army of fallen angels from hyperdimension back to Flat Earth to enslave christians. Americans becoming dumber and more crazy each year, they might even exceed my expectations.
(vice) President Biden
President Biden looking to his side to see a raggedy Trump begging for change on the sidewalk (9 months after the 2020 election, colorized)
Works for me but if mr panders or Pocahontas get nominated I’m going to hold my nose and vote for trump.
Stop touching
um, ok
Do you understand that this is not a proof of anything? Its just that he is a public person and he faces scrutiny. His dick probably died long time ago, i don't think the guy even thinks about naughty things now.
Those career politicians sure seem opulent
*blocks your path*
>The whitest man in the race is a fag
his ass is so loose its not even an obstacle anymore
or this homo. The guy is a complete puppet, his advisors talk through him, he doesn't have a thought of his own.
>1 post by this ID
MIGA! I bet Trump doesn’t even like a good brick oven cheese pizza!
The DNC will choose Biden as their candidate and shortly after Michelle Obongo the tranny will
be announced as his VP running male.
he's pretty much out already.
Michelle Obongo added to the already determined Joe Biden run is the best option if the DNC wants to win.
There other option is to post up a loser ticket like
McCain/Palin was for the GOP, and regroup for 2024. Biden is a throwaway in either scenario. If he wins, mark my words he will die in office by a heart attack to the back of the head.
>President Biden.
Nope , there is no ring to it at all
so not happening.
Pedophile Joe Biden however rings true
Biggest joke to exist. He's gonna get so btfo on the debates, reminds me of Rubio
>Pedophile Joe Biden however rings true
Biden/Obama will be the most fun you've had during a presidential cycle. It will rival 2016, and it will make for a shitposters wet dream.
Imagine the anal eruptions /ptg/cucks will have after 3 Nov 2020.
So that's why Irish-Irish are good-looking and American-Irish look like goblins