We should come up with a name for women who reap the negative outcomes for their voting habits. If you've voted for more open borders and then get mugged or assaulted by a refugee what should we call you?
Refugees welcome
>what should we call you?
nobody needs that many magnets jesus christ
Great fucking contribution guys
Today I chated with my Albanian co worker about lives and differences in our culture and he explained me how they beat shit out of women if they cross them or do something stupid.
He told me that is how they keep them in line and they usually happily give birth to 5-6 children from a "abusive" husband.
I asked him: "are you not afraid she will call police, or make problems even more"
He told me they are too afraid to do it and whole family and relatives would look very negatively that she is snitching to cops about family problems.
So I congradulated him how they keep their women in check, then he asked me how old I am and if I am married.
I said I am 30 not married and its impossible to get along with modern women. (I felt ashamed)
He gave me insight how important to have community support around keeping negative behaviour in society and not be stupid tolerant individualist and white knight who is defending "rights"
Also all their families live together share costs and accumulate huge ammounts of money while dumb germans and westerners have to have their own 100m2 private space and spit 1000€ for it.
I am not mudslime and do not support Sand Nigger ideology but boy they got one huge part right.
Jesus this just remind me how pathetic and childless I am
>fridge magnet overload
slavic qt detected
1000€ for 100m2? Boi are you lucky
you can have your own property and save at the same time. we had that pre globalism. when you flood the market with foreign labor then labor stops being scarce and therefore less valule. when you start getting pay cuts because your labor is worth less then thats when issues arise. but yes women like violence for some reason
is this some shitty /x/ meme or has that house got a ghost
Lolwut I've seen this picture a lot and never had anyone bring that up heh
Maybe a child died under the pile of laundry
Vote toll
I am a Chechen and I grew up with immigrants. For us strength is important, not showing fear is important etc etc. You know what I mean.
I am not trying to offend anybody but I will say the truth. Germans (and this most likely applies to the whole west) are often cowards. They do not defend themselves or run away. Of course this goes not for all but for most of them.
They rather get hit and their shit stolen instead of defending themselves and fighting like a man.
Of course beating someone or stealing from someone is disgusting. But unfortunately this shit happens.
I also know why this happens. Its clearly how western parents raise their children. My father told me when I was a child, that a man does not run away etc etc. There is no such thing in german families.
It´s really sad actually. Every man should be able to defend themselves and their families. Its not even necessary to win every fight. Important is though, to fight fight fight when necessary.
"Joining the Toll-Payers' Union"
You Reap What You Sow.
I feel bad for that ghost. He has to see their shit everyday.
kek now I'm imagining a roastie whore getting beaten up by a nigger and turning into Harbinger
that is how you become when you grow up in peaceful paradise. how should someone get tough if all you know is softness. our parents generation themselves are mostly soft hippies.
It has been invented thousands of years ago. The word is "harlot".
The reason is that getting an assault on your record for defending yourself in the West is common. And thanks to background checks it can mean a life of poverty.
As a muslim invader, you know that none of this matters because your fellow muslims have soecial protections and also don't care if you assaulted a kaffir.
In the US I have beaten peoples asses so bad in self defense I fled the scene to avoid identification and charges. I found out later that one dude I elbowed in the face had his jaw wired shut and lost 5 teeth.
But Im glad that Im white, concealed carry, and people think Im a coward.
By the way, did you flee the Russians....coward?
Mollys or Tibbits
" Femaiv" (Female Naive)
We had a word for women who sympathised with the germans during WWII: moffenhoeren.
The uprising has already begun...
Now i want blini, why did you post that you fuck.
Also i just call every pro-migrant girl "inkwell" in Russian.
That is true, an assault on your record will stop you getting a decent job. I've got a degree and experience however I can only get basic manual labour work. At least I'll never have to pay off my student debt so it's like a middle finger to the government.
We call them OP, because they are a worthless failure with nothing interesting to say
Well, the west's words are certainly as empty as its future
You could say he is dispirited
How many girls in Russia are pro migrant?
>Ah yes, "muslims", the violent brown skinned subhumans alledgedly replacing native white Europeans
>We have dismissed these claims
>Also all their families live together share costs and accumulate huge ammounts of money while dumb germans and westerners have to have their own 100m2 private space and spit 1000€ for it.
You have to go back, turkroach.
Dude wtf
we have many names for em
It’s the ghost of the cat she ate.
Nice one mate
Not as many as in the west, but even 1 is too many.
White women have always betrayed white men and will always do, they need to be killed on mass if our race is to survive.
No gender bias btw.
I am not going to, you can't do shit you soft girly voice Basedgerman.
Your whole existence revolves around working for sub human races. Hitler really did great job of achieving that
You saw it too, eh? S P O O P Y
the ghost of the aborted son
Nice. Have a (you)
So tell me again how as an ethnic Chechen you're talking to Albanians about the difference in cultures? You're the same people from the same cultures. You both molest children and beat women lmao. Stop trying to peddle your faggy, demonic Islam on this board please.
Fine let me rephrase European women need to be exterminated for being the biggest weapons jews have used to destroy our society.
Women are easy to influence, it's European men that allowed their women to get so out of control.
Underrated post
Oh so it was European men that were doing terrorist attacks in the 18th century to be given equal rights because the noble blooded women and jewish "psychologist" were pumping this bullshit? No women willingly followed the jewish ploy and now they need to pay and only blood can solve it.The jews need to be incinerate to the last and European women buried with their jewish overlords.
Must suck living in a country whose name is literally land of .
>must suck to live in land who is literally going to be land of Somalies in next 100 years.
So much from so called Uber Mensch
nice coping mechanism, well practiced
I want to walk up behind her and rub her tits, smell her hair and tell her she is doing a great job but don't forget the bacon.
Not sure that is how it works. They need to be put back in their place though, for good.