Is MMA redpilled or just a degenerate homosexual spectacle?
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>any adrenaline filled circus
If you eat the cheese from the maze, you deserve to stay a fried little rat.
Your flag is, yes
>missionary position
>flexing muscles and sweat
Here's a simple way to tell if something is degenerate, ask yourself:
Do normies like it?
If yes, then it's degenerate
Is joe Rogan gay? Exactly.
user be honest, are you gay?
Is mma normie tho?
Anyone who think there's anything homoerotic about being in a fullguard against competent ground'n'pounder is a retarded söyboi who never been in a real fight.
Normies hate it and dont see it as a real sport so no.
it's mkultra homo propaganda
People who think grappling is gay have never been in a fight. There is nothing sexual about fighting for your fucking life when another grown man who has trained for the past several months to specifically kill you with his bare hands is on top of you trying to murder you in front of your friends and family.
Super gay.
Even friggin ancients knew that fighting is homoerotic and used it to their advantage in combat.
did you see the thumbnail from the video OP posted though? wtf is up with that shit?
UFC is gay and just an excuse for men to rub up on each other. MMA is OK so long as you stay away from the UFC and Toe Rogan. Sunscribe to
It just makes me hard, that's all.
I like kick boxing and boxing tho, and that doesnt involve two moaning dudes in a missionary position
bit of both, but mostly the former.
Its courageous to partake in, but excessively dangerous. I'd prefer to just get back into the type of wrestling I did in high school but adult wrestling searches get me actual homo stuff. What I like about wrestling is that it's basically a fight, and a measure of superiority or inferiority in a very direct way, but with the likelihood of actually harming each other significantly lessened. It's good for intra-group competition in that sense, since you dont want to break your comrade's jaw or whatever. The structure of meets where individuals of each weight class, from the manlets to the landwhales, all individually compete against another individual in a completely fair contest, but FOR their team. There is still some cruelty to it though. I liked doing pic related because you could jam your knee into the guy's ribs. I did turn out slightly bisexual though, for full disclosure.
>other than UFC
So, Pride?
Pic related
Oh, and I was saying that the conciliation of the ideas of individualism and the collective were a cool aspect of it that might appeal to the right.
the fighters are incredibly stupid, none have a solid work ethic on their own, but must rely on training camp to do everything for them + steroids
unironically the biggest fag allowed on TV
All sports are a distraction, but it's less degenerate than ball sports.
>it's less degenerate
lol buff bald manlets really shouldn't dress like they're 14
Wait, Is he actually gay?
Rogan aint lookin so good
mma is the only sport i watch. its based as fuck. as a man fighting is the only thing you should watch
sometimes chess as well
Mma is unbelievably redpilled, it's the art of unarmed combat at its peak. If you didn't play sports competitively in high school/college your brain is now wired for you to be a beta söyboy the rest of your life. Notice that both far right and far left extremists are never athletes, cause sports are for superior men. The rest of you are just blobs, amoebas of soft out of shape Virgin garbage. Don't talk shit about sports ever again you faggots.
Why do I know that writing this down have you a diamond hard boner?
We know for a fact that physical fighting between men is an erotic outlet, your brain is literally having an orgasm when you win a fist fight.
Gay much?
So not gay. Okay.
It's quite gay in the way pro wrestling is gay, except it's not booked in advance just how gay they are.
This user is right.
However, boxing is hundred times better.
I dont know, you tell me
>There is nothing sexual about fighting for your fucking life
I am talking about MMA here, not a street fight/self-defence lmao
Also, going to the ground is the last thing you want to do as you never know if the guy you are fighting has a buddy or he could use a rock/bottle on the ground to smash your skull while you are attempting your fancy BJJ leg triangle
He has a wife and 3 kids
a beard and 3 mustaches
One you take the Aubrey marcus pill there is no going back.
It's also obvious that the UFC has taken a totally scripted, Disney, wwe, pride route since EDPN bought them. It's literal propaganda now. You think usman and Colby Covington (33) are genuine? Adysanya and usman getting a huge push so they can have a Africa event. Most white guys lose big fights. The whole McGregor vs khabib thing. All the dykes. And tj dillashaw is obviously in a relationship with bang.
OH yea ESPN is owned by Disney
If theyre up on their feet and not in a clinch it's cool. Two guys rolling around on the mat is pretty gay. But it's cool if it's Paige VanZant
>trash UFC
>comparable to Pride FC
MMA is retarded.
In a real fight you'd get stomped on as soon as you went to the ground.
>except it's not booked in advance just how gay they are.
If you only knew how bad things really are
Owen is a big gay bear
you'd be shot before you hit the ground in a real fight
It's full of spics and other assorted mud people. Neo-gladiators for the Internet Age. There is only violent spectacle for hurrahs from the hoi piloi and it is a bit gay because of that.
Leaning to fight is one thing, but being a professional fighter makes you a golem.
It's more that it's not personal. You're a spectator and one of the plebs when you're just a fan. MMA can be fascinating to learn, but I don't like those nigger faggots at ESPN or Dana for that matter anymore so I will not give them money.
Imagine having to stand there and pretending like you care lmao
highschool/college wrestling is a quality sport. MMA is the degenerate version
MMA is not a version of wrestling.
MMA is white mans sport, niggers cant compete
You're not suggesting that if the booker decides "suck his dick" that McGregor would do it, right
It would kill MMA as a popular sport
MMA incorporates wrestling and all useful styles of fighting.
in between
Pretty much this.
I used to watch UFC all the time. Now I feel that the experience of watching it is inherently denigrating. So now I come to Jow Forums to be amongst my fellow cultural snobs.
thats ur nigger showing.
The Russian on the left is a stone cold assassin
It often comes down to who has better wrestling skills though.
Not necessarily, that's really what makes it interesting as a fan because everything can be neutralized. Someone really good at bjj can always beat a top tier wrestler and vice-versa. I think that a year or two of wrestling should be mandatory for high school boys in the US btw, I love it but it's not the be-all end-all. MMA can show you how to integrate wrestling and use the years of training to your advantage in an actual fight against a trained opponent. It's based and redpilled.
Not really, UFC sucks Gracie's cock and has rules that gives BJJ guys an advantage (ie no ground stomps and soccerball kicks allowed)
>Is MMA redpilled or degenerate
I don't think its either. I just wish that if to consenting adults are beating the shit out of each other. People stay the fuck out of it [including the police]
Krav maga is redpilled
You might not remember the time before the UFC and how much martial arts bullshit was taken seriously, but it proved some important things: in unarmed combat, wrestling skills are essential. There are no secret magical striking techniques, just dirty boxing, which you have to know how to defend against. Knocking people out is hard (if they know what they're doing), dragging people into a wrestling match is easy. Wrestling matches can easily stalemate for a long time.
Frankly, though, it has made its point and become its own dull thing. Now it's just another sport where people game the rules as much as possible. The gloves are bullshit. Bare feet are bullshit. Soft floors are bullshit. Rules against spine locks are bullshit (a lot of this "guard" crap would go away if you could just grab the legs, stand up, step over, and pull a boston crab). Referee resets are bullshit.
Wear some shoes. Put some fucking clothes on. Ditch the gloves. Keep the referee out of it until he's ready to declare a winner. Add some alternative win conditions, like a hard throw with good control which could have taken the opponent's head into the ground, or establishing and holding a dominating position (pinning).
This, it isn't real fighting, it's basically a fuckin' simulation. MMA used to be real fighting before the Jew Dana White created the American UFC and basically shut down the Japanese industry, which was much less restrictive in its rules of engagement (meaning the matches were closer to actual fights). They even used to do team fights or handicap matches in Japan and Brazil, southeast Asia, and once you throw in even one more guy it actually becomes a real fight.
this. Pride had way less guys-laying-on-top-of-eachother-for-5-minutes stuff
Boxing is the most limited combat sport, and therefore the shittiest. I still like boxing though
I prefer watching some GLORY
Triangle isn’t fancy it’s basic
yep, seen many fights where guys like Sakuraba, Cro Cop and Wanderlei Silva simply stood up to kick/stomp the shit out of BJJ fags lying on the floor like douches
Also, if there was a stalemate, they often made the fighters restart back up again
When homosexuals start beating the shit out of each other and not via slapping, then mma will be gay I guess
Everything you just said is totally meaningless to me. Disconnect from this demon at once. Cast him out and seek ye no more vain content.
Just closet gays looking for an excuse.
You mean like what you are displaying right now?
Lol you're fucking dumb. I played sports and have 'extreme' right views. Try again fag
Spine locks? What the hell is that? You’re allowed to do a move called a twister which is a submission that attacks the spine. You’re just making shit up.
You’re so uneducated please never speak of martial arts again
>I am talking about MMA here, not a street fight/self-defence lmao
MMA is essentially a fight to the death between two men, with a third man there to stop the fight before it actually results in death. The biggest difference, compared to a street fight, are the rules. People can argue over how much those rules water down the "purity" of the fight, and people do argue that every day.
Regardless, each combatant is doing his best to murder his opponent without breaking those rules.
A tap or verbal submission is essentially asking for mercy, "please don't strangle me / break my limb," both of which would eventually result in death if the fight were allowed to continue.
If you don't agree that they are trying to kill each other, all you need to do is see some of the late stoppages. Weidman vs Munoz being one example.
Weidman knocked out Munoz and then followed up with over a dozen more strikes to the head before the fight was stopped, while Munoz was going in and out of consciousness. Munoz was never the same after that fight and even developed a speech impediment and at times seemed to have difficulty formulating sentences. Had the referee let it continue just a few seconds longer, Munoz would have been dead.
The problem with boxing is that we don't get the fights we want to see because the boxers themselves have all the leverage. Mayweather vs Pacquiao came a decade too late. The last time we got to see two of the best in the world fight near their prime was Canelo vs GGG, and even then GGG was already past his prime. Still a great fight though, especially the second one.
There's a pattern.
this. what an asshole.
>Grappling is gay and useless
>one-on-one on a non-concrete floor surprisigly without the other blacks joining in
>you guys need to practice your bjjs
People that think this is homoerotic have never been in a real fight and are insecure about their sexuality. I have trained Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for a couple of years now and could literally fucking kill anyone that hasn't trained on the ground. You can mock how homosexual it looks while I strangle the life out of you.
Funny, but those guys are drunk af lol, doesn't take much to put them to sleep
he does look pretty gay anyway
Good aim.