Give me your best ones.
Black Pills
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Giving Women voting rights and access to social media was the worst thing humanity did in the last 2,000 years.
It took women barely 60 years to destroy the world via democracy and voting. Incelism/Mgtow/Escapism/neetdom is the symptom of hypergamy
>generation of men die in WWI
>women get vote
>women become majority electorate
>women institute welfare state
>men pay most taxes over lifetime
>mens taxes support welfare state
>welfare state supports single mothers
>single mothers raise criminals and drug addicts
>spike in crime and druggies
>men die in WWII
>feminism kicks in
>women demand no fault divorce
>state becomes husband
>divorce rates rise
>Men still pay most taxes
>Women receive most tax benefits
>men taxes supporting single mothers and nanny state
>women demand more
>women vote open borders
>women vote diversiy quotas
>women vote antimale pro women legislation
>all supported by mens taxes
>women can't stop themseves
>infrastructure decays
>education decays
>healthcare decays
>economy decays
>relationshps decay
>women double down on feminism
>men lose incentive to support system
>men say fuck off to society
>women shame/blame men for this
>men don't care
>shit society burns out
"According to the National Center for Health Statistics 50 percent of marriages in the United States end in divorce. Of the marriages that end in divorce, 80 percent of the divorces are initiated (filed) by women."
"Belgium & Portugal have the highest rates of divorce in this data set at a staggering 70%"
just be yourself
We are living in a simulation, and you’re probably laying in a pod of goo getting molested by some AI cuck.
Trump was put into place to keep Nationalism under control while the deep-state/globalists import enough invaders so as to make the fundamental transformation of the US a fait accompli.
Q, likewise, was put into place to placate Trump supporters and prevent them from being angry enough to "hold his feet to the fire", thus buying Trump et al the time they need to replace the US Citizen.
Everything is going to be okay user.
Black helicopter tin foil hat conspiracy theories
The best thing you can do for your country and your people is to have a large family and instruct your children properly (preferably homeschooling) and raise them in a traditional environment.
The blackpill is that this task has been made nearly impossible. Even with a decent job/degree you will almost certainly never own a house, and even if you do the odds of meeting a genuinely trad woman through the workforce is essentially zero.
You will probably never have kids, at least not more than three (you should shoot for 4-5 in my opinion), and if you do you probably won't have the funds/time/space needed to homeschool them properly.
This is due to the economic state of America; I'm assuming this applies, maybe even more so, to certain parts of Europe as well. Unless you were born a richfag it's going to be very difficult and will require luck.
>Black helicopter tin foil hat conspiracy theories
Then explain why Trump is so absolutely deadest against actual changes, ESPECIALLY that of using executive power?
Example: the Constitution explicitly places the obligation of "protecting the States from invasion" on the federal government, repeatedly tying the responsibility to the military — so, why does he just tweet about it instead of make the LAWFUL order to the military to seal the border?
Note, the UCMJ explicitly makes refusing such an order a capital crime.
/Pol is controlled opposition
Everything is was, is, or ever will be is nothing more than the random banging together of happenstances. Your sentience is a cosmic mistake. You think you want "meaning" or "purpose," but those things are coded into you by exactly the same nonsense that spit out every other thing in reality. What you really want is to keep the horrorshow going, because you are made of the same thoughtless goping Will as everything else. There is no escape from this random Hell; any attempt will drive the hooks deeper.
This, but unironically.
The blackest of all pills.
>muh existential dred
kys faggot
Americans are the bad guys.
You are gay
The poster above me is black
Don't call me a nigger you kike faggot.
Stay in the EU and let muhammad keep raping your daughters and sisters, cuck
I agree, this particular black pill brings me the worst feels.
So true. Fuck knows what we are going to do about it, but things don't look promising.
same here user - really makes me sad
Go away Jew. You won’t divide me from our women.