I'm not going to go into the nitty gritty because if you're reading this you likely know the situation, but basically yesterday a body matching his description was found in the Manhattan and a little while ago the NYPD confirmed it is in fact his body.
I just wanted to dedicate this post to him in an attempt to get people on board with attempting to honor his wishes for his funeral he spoke about live a long while ago. If you don't know what I'm talking about here's a link to a clip on youtube.
I'm honestly heartbroken right now as Des was one of my favorite people in the world and he will be missed. I just got off from my part time job and learned about this news. Rest in peace my boy! Even when you're dead, the JoyCon Boys will remember you!
He was a content creator that made all kinds of stuff over the years, but what popularized him was his news coverage of mostly Nintendo stuff which is why he apparently has an e-celeb sticky in /v/. He eventually stopped doing that though and for a while he was mainly just a variety live streamer that did whatever he wanted
Jason Ramirez
Fuck me. Poor guy. He was funny.
Leo Carter
Mod's favorite e-celeb.
Brayden Mitchell
Just a heads up I'm going to make a video about this stating this and other cases like this is why youtube should be censored. I'm trying to get into the breadtube community, this is the best way. I feel like a jew at the moment but,my morals are really low
>I'm going to make a video about this stating this and other cases like this is why youtube should be censored Sure faggot, it's better to have blood in the streets instead of giving people a way to vent on the web. Real big brain you got there.
Adam Green
literally who? also, for a racist board, you guys are pretty obsessed with non-whites, and not in the way you want to be
You didn't read my next sentence I just want to do it for the moneyz Also I'm arguing that YouTube should actually enforce its bullying policy If they did that then this incident wouldn't have occurred
Wyatt Williams
Maybe he was 56% whiteish? --that's a new "one drop rule."
Christian Walker
They killed him because he named the jew. He was /ournigger/.
Nathaniel Hughes
>I just want to do it for the moneyz And i didn't say that you were doing it for that reason. I said that if this happen, there will be blood in the streets.
>Also I'm arguing that YouTube should actually enforce its bullying policy Again, big brainer, guess what will happen once you censor MORE? If you are so desperate to get censorship on the net, please, go on the street, and get your ass pounded, don't pund humanity's collective asshole.
>If they did that then this incident wouldn't have occurred But what happened really? He named them the jews, and then what?
Etika isn't me and has nothing to do with my kek/+++/smash clout
He killed himself cause I would have exposed him as the worthless fraud that he is
He was trying to steal my identity for the left to genocide white people
Connor Miller
People will move to other websites like Bitchue That's the other effect I want to happen >I said that if this happen, there will be blood in the streets. I doubt it
>I doubt it If the net goes down? It will happen. And then massive autoritarian government will begin to crack down on the population. If just youtube is censored tho? Nah. The boomers don't understand the importance of free speech.
Michael Phillips
>He named them the jews, and then what? You have a point, however I am just going through what I will say in the video, not my actual beliefs. He would have to go through the 3 strike system. Also he did that on twitter not YouTube.
Robert Martinez
That's just another bullet saved when the race war comes.
What the hell happened? Last time he was live streaming saying he's rich and cops gona get him cause they hate that while several cop cars appeared and they took him in an ambulance and drove him to a mental hospital. He was swated or some bs. WTF happened after that?
Ryan Gray
he was bullied by chat and reddit for several years
David Ortiz
>>I doubt it >If the net goes down? >It will happen. >And then massive autoritarian government will begin to crack down on the population. True >If just youtube is censored tho? Nah. >The boomers don't understand the importance of free speech. It's censored though, extremely, people like Varg aren't even on the website anymore and most conservatives are demonized. I doubt a war would occur over a video asking for more censorship.
Xavier Allen
Christopher Perez
Ryan Diaz
I'm glad /v/ is having a meltdown about e-celeb posting
Kevin Hill
Watch there: Also: >It's censored though, extremely, people like Varg aren't even on the website anymore and most conservatives are demonized And it's bad already.
It's weird seeing more sympathy on Jow Forums than on /v/
Eli Campbell
eh, stickies are always going to be shitty, no matter the board
Luis Robinson
> About 5% of the jumpers survive the initial impact but generally drown or die of hypothermia in the cold water. imagine being that 5% and just waiting for death, knowing you fucked up
For people I see asking what happened, basically he was the guy that made all those crazy tweets and was sent to a mental ward a while back and he was let out because the doctors didn't see anything wrong with him. He then claimed he was totally fine and nothing was wrong. About 5 days ago he posted a video to his channel apologising for lying and mistreating us and that he wasn't fine at all and that he felt guilty for making shit up to avoid more concern. About 3 days ago his wallet, phone, and switch were found on the Manhattan bridge. Last night his body was found in the river after police were searching for him since he went missing after he posted the apology video. Today the body was publicly confirmed to be his
We know from all jumper survivers regret it immediately after jumping. Oh the intense irony that the surge of adrenaline right after the jump that jump starts their dopamine deprived brains makes them immediately regret their choice,
Henry Morris
imagine being this guy and breaking your bones. just being unable to swim for air