Hot Scottish woman converts to Islam
beautiful mashallah
only the blessed will be guided to Islam
fuck u tranny lovin faggots
>convert to islam
>pick from one of five names
why are Muslims so unoriginal?
Blame on you Scots.
not watching that shit, but let me guess - it has nothing to do with faith and everything about some shit that she thinks benefits herself
Looks like an ugly cunt wrapped in a pillow cover...
It's either :
> Give me attention
> I have an absolute cuck in my life who puts up with this stupid shit I do for attention
Come home white man
> attention seeking
Pretty much explains most of the retarded shit women do
Indeed beautiful my brother. We should all take the islampill
actually she found peace
while ur faggot ass jerks off to tranny porn and you're faggot ass is completely mentally unstable
hamdullah for Islam
Daddy issues.
sure thing retard
jesus christ how the fuck can anyone understand scots when they talk, is this what you UK folk have to deal with every fuckin day? I can only imagine how much worse it is when they're drunk
What does she look like under the mask?
>look at me, I'm doing something weird
I like her ninja costume.
>dodgy eye
It's called conjunctivitis. "Pink Eye."
Stop putting your face into shitskin asshole, and your eye will be fine.
as with ALL things women "do" her conversion is purely for attention
If I pull off her mask, would she die?
White women look better in Burkas
incredibly based thot patroller
based. Praise Allah.
fucking dio
Kike filth
Try it.
It would be extremely painful
fight iran on your own bitch
I just hope she doesn't bring her "tolerance" with her
>convert to Islam
>get juicy thicc fertile traditional Somali wife
Come home white man
At least she stopped dressing like a whore.
omg what a lil asshole
I bet he has no friends just like me
This. You're beyond redemption if you think that cunt is genuine. Absolute Kool-Aid niggers.
Also have fun sucking up to achmed and his bazillion cousins he "knows".
>get shit tier genes
No thanks
Your sandniggers always hangout at fast food joints too? They always buy the most terrible food too. Pure sugar.
The women have good genes
I would assume wearing all that cloth would make her feel warm.
Based. But she needs a white husband.
Shitskins must die
>omg what a lil asshole
Shlomo, your Mohel Rabbi says he needs help holding down his next victim so he can drink blood.
Everyone should
OOf, I want to breed her so much!
Hey I found Fatima
Even in Scotland this shit is happening? When I visited in 2010, was 95%+ white.
>Spend the rest of your life managing your somalian in-laws.
I've never met a somalian who didn't make me want to start building a gas chamber for their entire race in my garage. Managing is a bad word for it, it'd be more like coping at that point.
This board is full of salahuddin fags.
Only every now and then though
The guy's pic they used for Anas is actually a Jew lol. An ultra zionist Jew called Joseph Cohen
I'm reporting this post
>mfw went to indon before
>legit muslim country
>full ninja garb is actually extremely rare
>people, even the ones with jilbab turns head to stare at the ninja muslims
typical retarded white women lmao
she's a big girl...
nani the fuck
No way man; they're not going to crash my email server, answering machine, and phone asking me for money (and probably legal assistance in all likelihood). I grew up in Toronto, I've seen what they're about. Bad times man. Dark times. There's a reason the rest of Canada treats Toronto like it's a zoo.
Muhammad was White.
Good thing I'm using incognito.
For you...
It is true Islam was created by White Men, and Muhammad was White.
To the next British poster, Please thank the geordies for keeping the Scots right where they are.
We know about the gay sub culture and massive heroin problem in Islam
The very thing Jow Forums wants but are too cucked to admit. White sharia is the future brothers
How the fuck do you even know she's hot? You can't see her face.
I dated a Somali chick. When her parents found out about me they packed their stuff and moved to England without telling her. Such caring loving people.
they don't teach you your mother language in school? i expected too much.
her sun is a mutt lol
What if you converted and married her?
How do you know she is hot?
>even kids don't want to be around niggers.
I said it many of times before. It's going to be hilarious the day all the EVIL WHITE MEN in the world converts to Islam.
What now you stupid Dumb WHORE?!
pick one
We need Traditional Catholicsm + EthnoNationalism = better world.
Traitorous woman
Kek i know amina,jessica and salahuddin
What did she look like before?
That kid will be alright.
Bye then, byeeee
they have low IQ, high aggresion genes
Somalis are some of the racist people on earth , they would never accept a white man dating their daughter no matter what.
Also I’m not fucking converting for some pussy
wtf everyone on pol is fatima
Hi Lauren.
>Hot Scottish woman
Can I get a copy of this image?