Why the fuck are all these big tech companies, especially google, microsoft, and apple...

Why the fuck are all these big tech companies, especially google, microsoft, and apple, which were founded by mostly white dudes, pushing for muh diversity and lgtbq+32423423 shit so much? Why are they so against hiring white males or anyone who's remotely conservative? And obviously hiring non whites and spending money on promoting degeneracy doesn't give them profits

Bill Gates, Steve Balmer, Steve Jobs. Larry Page, Sergey Brin... All of them are old white dudes, and the fact that they'd support discriminating other whites, and support trans non binary shit, is rather hard to assume. One thing is being an old fashioned liberal , which is something more reasonable, and the other is being a sjw who hates white people and promotes stuff like dragqueen kids

Are they on their own bubble? Are they even aware of what they're promoting? I have the feel that they just go with whatever is accepted as progressive without giving it a thought. It's quite hard to think that, let's say, and old white dude like Bill Gates wants white people to be hated and discriminated, or that he'd be happy to have a drag queen grandchild .

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>all of them are old white dudes
motherfucking sage

The Cathedral, read Moldbug


>Larry Page, Sergey Brin
They aren't really white if you read their bios, but that's beside the point. I think these companies have been purposefully infiltrated by radical socialists with an agenda. Project Veritas already proved this with government workers.



They don't actually give a shit, they just want a "good" public image and the shekels that come with it

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They're jews, retard.
These that aren't have handed the company over to be ran by them.

but they had the power to change society

they could've prevented this

bill gates is the only white guy on that list