If we had national healthcare Etika could have stayed in the hospital and got the mental health treatment he needed. Since Youtubers don't get health insurance he left after a day because he couldn't afford the bills. Republicans have blood on their hands
Republicans killed Etika
Maybe that dumb nigger could have got a real job.
Damn republicans are really killing it these days
A dead nigger is a dead nigger.
Makes me happy.
Etika was trying to steal my identity and clout to psyop and defraud people
He killed himself cause I was going to expose him as a fraud
t. I'm the reason why Joker is in smash
but YouTube is a liberal company, why wouldn't they give him healthcare?
YouTube and google are racist, thats the only explanation.
if YouTube hadn't demonitized him for being edgy he wouldn't have had the break down in the first place
>gop is killing niggers
Wtf!? I love Republicans now!
Actually it's not because of that, it's because he asked a certain question.
We used to do precisely this, Democrats mandated their closure. Take it up with them.
Who is etika and why do I care?
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
>Stupid nigger wanted attention
Stupid nigger wanted attention
Just a heads up
I'm going to make a video about this stating this and other cases like this is why youtube should be censored(A similar thing happened to behindthememe)
I'm trying to get into the breadtube community, this is the best way.
In the video I will argue that YouTube should actually enforce its bullying policy
If they did that then this incident wouldn't have occurred'
The effect I want is people will move to other websites like Bitchue
I feel like a jew at the moment but,my morals are really low
Why would a tall successful black man kill himself?
okay, but make sure to put my comment
in your video please
because his entire channel got fucking yoinked by the youtube staff
The wh*te man keep bringing us down, brother. They're jealous of our physical and sexual prowess.
We will miss you Etika. RIP King
I left the cesspool that is kiketube months ago. Who's that gaywad nigfro?
We all know who REALLY killed Etika
This is like when boogiee said no free healthcare would kill him despite him being a millionaire that earns 3 to 4 million dollars per year. This dead nig earned at least several thousands and could have very well afford healthcare.
Your arguments are shit. Fuck you and Kys.
this, they killed him because he knew too much about the Jews, say what you will about nogs but some of them can be very J-Woke.
He just had chuunibyou and couldn't handle the embarrassment after everyone on youtube called him crazy for it.
Retard, democrats are closing all mental institutions.
>dead nigger
imagine the smell
qrd please
New York is a democrat dominated state, if their mental hospitals weren’t shit. Etika would still be alive
>Some trannies on Twitter calling him an anti-semite and pedo
Literally who?
Red flag all Nintendo weebs. They are a threat to themselves and others.
He couldn't be a nigger anymore
Literally who the fuck?
Literally who?
It's in the nature of blacks to have short, violent lives. If they don't kill or get killed they just malfunction like this.
>Republicans killed Etika
Yes I agree, the Jews did kill Eitka.
I have yet to go into a Hospital and have them deal with Mental Health - but maybe just my experience.
>hates niggers
20-25% of people in an ER waiting room are there for anxiety/depression and most people brought in for "heart attacks" are actually panic attacks
They usually triage them 1st and put them out of sight of others
How do we seriously go about addressing the mental health in this country?
>inb4 Democrat or Republican
Neither of those controlled groups will really do anything meaningful for the mental of the people in this country.
>A Jewish left-wing megacorporation doesn't provide any support or care for its content creators
Ay Tone, anyone noticed that every single left-wing bitchpoint is literally just asking Conservatives to help them? The Right never asks for help from the Left because the Left can't do shit except bitch, the Left always wants the Right to pay for them or to help them, it's literally an ideology of dependency.
Everybody hates niggers. Why do you think most nigs are killed by other nigs?
As a republican... you're welcome
Th-thank you
That guy was a rich mother fucker, right ? Its his fault then he didnt bought treatment.
>Republicans killed Etika
best reason yet to vote republican. oh and literally who?