Talking with a mutt from UK that says there is no bias against whites there and says to give newspaper examples of it. Brit Bros got any to share? Google searches are all directed to state approved info. Pic unrelated. Captchas suck
Help me UK frens
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This is now a mud flood thread
Tell your mutt friend that some random white man from USA said go fuck himself.
Why did they do it bros why did they mudflood us?
Sorry about the screenshot
How these types of buildings are supposed to look before the mud flood pic related
Is there more to this being underground I never heard of st basil's being mostly buried.
When did the mud flood happen?
Were poos involved?
redpill me on mud floods user
imagine being this retarded
Before civil war. I’ve seen 1700s drawings of Moscow looking enormous and white.
I imagining you
Maybe around 1812 but nobody really knows. calendars have also been mucked with significantly so its impossible to trust the official chronology and pin down a date. Here is a mud flooded poo
I'd kind of call letting Moslems pray in Trafalgar Square to be anti-white.
>what is a foundation
Why are the foundations so deep? Actual question, im an architect and cant imagine why someone would build a foundation as deep as the wall is high
Another disinfo thread made by a retard who doesnt understand that buildings need a foundation underneath, in order to last.
what is the source of this image?
see this comment
>doesnt understand foundations
Got caught up in your own bullshit, mate?
They go so deep because the ground in London, unlike in places like New York is frankly crap, mostly sand and clays, so the foundations have to be insane here.
bruh im asking a legit question. foundations go to frost depth unless youre talking 10+ stories. Is it necessary to make them this deep?
More than half of U.K. universities have fewer than 5% poor white students
>let’s build a massive stone and cast iron structure in a fucking swamp
>why is the foundation so deep
>I’m an architect
Thank you user. I guess I didnt consider that. DC is built on a swamp so that checks out. Still seems like overkill to me but I guess they built the capitol to last
The taller/heavier the building, the bigger and deeper the foundation needs to be.
The Communists attempted to build the "Palace of Soviets", which would have been the 8th wonder of the world(it was going to be enormous, look it up). The foundation for it was so large, that it actually sank under it's own weight, and they had to restart from scratch twice, before 1939, when the materials were diverted to the war effort, and the project never continued. One of the Olympic pools in Moscow is actually part of the hole dug for the foundation of this behemoth.
Classical buildings around the world appear to have their first and sometimes second floors buried in multiple meters of clay and sand. Mud is kind of a misnomer but the meme has stuck. Maybe some kind of electrical discharge was involved and not actually a flood but the jury is still out as far as I’m concerned regarding the specifics. As a cover story for unburying these buildings and for explaining them away they have made up this idea of a city wide regarding projects. Sometimes without any records of them ever happening
You should also look into the new chronology which is in itself flawed but it does a good job of pointing out the flaws of the historical consensus so it’s a good jumping off point to understand this topic.
See this
Foreigners first on council housing list
Just so you know, this is the biggest British scandal of the century but you won’t hear it mentioned at all on the BBC because it’s controlled by (((them))). The British government is purposefully discriminating against native white Britons for council housing and have been for decades.
The government. This was taken when they renovated the place for a visitors center. They laugh in our faces . Only non NPC’s can see the signs of the mud flood everywhere.
SOME facts are so staggering they just take your breath away so you’d better read this one while you’re sitting down: Britain, already the most crowded country in Europe, has to build a new home every seven minutes to cope with the 250,000 immigrants who arrive each year.
Many don’t buy these homes of course because so many of them have no jobs, no skills and no savings. Instead they rely on social housing, which is generally provided by councils and not-for-profit organisations such as housing associations, and is let at low rents to people deemed to be in need.
So if you roll up at Heathrow or Dover from somewhere such as Afghanistan, Turkey or Bangladesh with your three wives and nine kids but without a penny to your name then a kind-heart somewhere will almost certainly declare you need urgent help and will rubber- stamp your priority application for a roof over your head.
Remember the days when council housing was for people such as newlyweds who couldn’t afford a deposit for the first home of their own but got a helping hand for a few years while they scrimped and saved to get their feet on the housing ladder? Forget it.
Today nearly five million families are languishing on waiting lists for subsidised housing. Their problem is they’re not needy enough.
Never mind that they pay taxes and contribute to society, working as bus drivers, hospital cleaners or school
that's why he's an architect and not an engineer
assistants – earning your keep in Britain is for dummies.
If you want to go to the head of the queue come from abroad. Live on benefits. Play the poverty card. This is such a shameful situation, which is bound to cause massive anger now it is widely known about, that the authorities went to great lengths to make sure you know too much.
Ask the Department for Communities and Local Government how many new social tenants came from abroad in 2010/11 and they will quote you a figure of 8.6 per cent.
Of course there are lies, damned lies and official statistics so it always pays to delve deeper. If we look at London, where most immigrants head for, in some boroughs up to half of social housing is handed to immigrants.
In Ealing the precise figure is 45 per cent and in Haringey it is 43 per cent.
Even these shocking figures do not reveal the whole truth because there are gaps in the statistics. In some London boroughs more than a third of new tenants have no nationality recorded so for all we know it could be three-quarters of all social housing going to those born abroad.
In other boroughs only half of new lets are even recorded in official figures.
According to pressure group MigrationWatch there is a sinister pattern. Boroughs with the largest immigrant populations tend to have the largest gaps in the information they make available and are the least co-operative when asked to reveal more.
Just look for a job application to the BBC. Ethnic minorities and those with "protected" characteristics.
Put simply when you add up the wording they more or less excluded white fully abled body men (without saying in name) from a few applications which had drawn attention a while back.
Likewise there have been more than a few examples from the Guardian if you look hard enough (sadly didn't have any screenshots of them).
Put simply they do like to discriminate indirectly to avoid any direct repercussions (unless you are the Green Party as seen in a few instances with forced race mixing and castrating white men, etc).
he should still have some understanding
washington dc was built in a swamp and all those giant concrete buildings required huge foundations to keep them from sinking/leaning AND were updated later on to add required underground tunnel systems to ferry the criminal political class to and fro out of reach from the common populace who want them all dead, in minecraft.
you'd be surprised