Michael B Jordan to play Neo in New Matrix film

Not as if the Matrix wasn't cucked already. Just rewatched the trilogy, I enjoy the films and respect the amount of thought that went into it, but it's still globohomo propaganda.
Firstly, the cast is highly diverse, especially for the time. The protags are literally soldiers of fucking Zion, which is a melting pot muttland with tribal raves, sadly the last of real human "civilization".
Secondly, can you think of a single white male protagonist in this movie, seriously.
The only one I can think of was one of the ship captains (Roland), whose personality was rigid and stuck in his ways. Eventually, he cucked to a black woman (Naiobi? Niobi? Wewuzbi?) and she was right all along.
Not only are there no white male protagonists, all of the antagonists are white males. Every single one.
>Agent Smith
>The Merovingian
frog, but still white
>Albino Twins
>The Architect
Also white
Not to mention the Wachowski brothers are now the Wachowshe brothers. It's time to wake up, the Matrix had the right idea, but the execution was cucked and bluepilled.

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Who cares. Most cityfags (mainly non-whites and lefties) will perish with the incoming Carrington Event 2.0 via ignorance of self reliance and ultra reliant on water, fuel, food, grid and goods from arfar. The Great Reset will happen. This is all just a waiting game until then. Let them poz themselves meanwhile.

>PIC RELATED?!?!?!!?

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This is the most autistic post I've seen on Jow Forums

Keanu Reeves has visited Israel multiple times and signed a contract with them that included to NEVER criticize Israel or join any type of boycott movements/any movies directed or written by people who have a history of anti-semitic rhetoric

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The Wachowski Brothers are now the Wachowski trannies. Sage anything to do with them.

and just who in the fuck are these "Jews" everyone speaks of?

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Are we pretending that Keanu's performance as Neo was amazing now?
It sucked, but fit the character.
B. Jordan is honestly a much better actor and The Matrix was carried by Hugo Weaving and Laurence Fishburne any way.

Where is the SkyKing?

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Proof of a Hapa/Kike conspiracy.