Makes it kind of hard to take this google thing seriously when he lied about the roy moore rape case

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Other urls found in this thread:


You understand with that flag anyone can just discard your opinion right?
I bet you watch Niggers fuck women you fucking subhuman insect, I hope every immigrant into that country fucking rapes, and installs sharia on your white-chinkoid ass. I hope they destroy every fiber of your fucking being. Fuck off, and die in a hole you fucking worthless fucking faggot. Leave this site, and this "movement" and never come back then when your gone and you think we "forgot" about you, realize one thing fag. We never forget, and we NEVER forgive. We're anonymous. We're coming, and we have a rake.

>now i want google to interfere in our elections

day of the rake when?

>leftist media running cover for unconstrained corporate power

The dailybeast AHHAAHAHAHHAHAH FUck you antifa prick

(((Google))) shills out in full force today

This is a slide thread. Theyre trying to prevent the latest Project Veritas exposee of Google from getting mainstream traction
You can help stop them by bumping Goog threads and spreading them to the Normie internet
Keep this shit bumped you nigger fags this is the most important thing on the site right now

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say nigger

Fuck off, Leaf.

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