The absolute state of Jow Forums

The absolute state of Jow Forums

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Stop cute boy posting

British boys are way more feminine and QT than the women

Also stop sliding
This is a slide thread. Theyre trying to prevent the latest Project Veritas exposee of Google from getting mainstream traction
You can help stop them by bumping Goog threads and spreading them to the Normie internet
Keep this shit bumped you fucking mexicans this is the most important thing on the site right now

He's cute though.
The guy in the Discord image actually does look Nordic too if you've seen other photos of him, which is different from being a chad.
Remember to sage.

Shalom gentiles :)

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i know him

Stop it! I already jerked off today!

what does he smell like

Post Discord

I hope u sucked his dick. If not kys

I'm sure he feet smell just the way I like it :)

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Master Race Confirmed.
Aryan Babies Confirmed.

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s-shes cute :3

What would that yellow stuff taste like


Imagine the smell

It's literal fat

damn her legs look like tortillas
mmm.. taco bell is right next door

Damn Jow Forums always questioning my sexuality

Attached: the-shit-i-put-up-with.jpg (253x763, 29K)

imagine those lips wrapped around your cock

>pupils are hexagons

Acid or just decomposed over time?

i talked to this guy and asked him to show his feet

I want to suck his sweaty feet

its just Fat user so it would probably taste like rotten fat, a rancid garbage taste extremely slimey and chewy like stale bubblegum


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he said he dips his smelly anglo feet in the thames, poisoning it.

reminds me of that one vid where all the british boys are brushing that one kids hair and he is cute af

>hi I'm joe rogan welcome to fear factor
>now you have a snort a line of this yellow stuff

Imagine hittin that shit I wonder if the legs would fall off would that be legal if it was consensual it would be like a reverse abortion

This is actually a good advertisement for head and shoulders as well, hair is looking pretty sharp in comparison

In this case I just want to lick his buttcheck

only feet are good

Attached: stink pale feets.jpg (508x640, 145K)

>Theyre trying to prevent the latest Project Veritas exposee of Google

they are?

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Why do they wear the cube

>the absolute state of brazil

Attached: IRL Wakandan niggo.webm (198x360, 1.75M)

he probably has enough gay guys hitting on him already

>British boys are way more feminine and QT than the women

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