Iran has Weapons of Mass Destruction

(((Intelligence))) confirms and there is another 9/11 style false flag... What will it be this time? A dirty bomb in a major US city? What will spark the war with Iran?

Attached: WAR.jpg (249x249, 11K)

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Can we just withdraw support from Israel so they can get nuked by Iran with the nukes they don't have?

truck bomb

Iraq: Part 2

Bolton's mustache gets beheaded. War with Gillette ensues.

It was always about Iran. Look at a World map, goyim. U.S. bases surround Iran. Do you really think that Afghan farmers deserved to get bombed along with WMD Saddam?

Attached: serveimage.jpg (517x399, 59K)

last night i had a dream about a nuke on a cargo ship, it totally destroyed golden gate bridge

(((This again))). "It's all so tiresome" .

Attached: d4cb3.jpg (851x233, 42K)

>Military Intelligence
...A contradiction.