why are there no new long range bombers? both the b52 and the tu95 go back to the 1950s
B52 and TU 95
1950s you say? That was the last time Germany had a military. I think we're safe not upgrading.
the b52 will be in service for at least 100 more years
if its not broken, dont fix it.
they are building the b-2 which will ultimately replace the b52 but still curious why there is such a long span between it
Because they are the same frame with upgraded engines and electronics. It's like re-inventing a wheelbarrow. It lifts heavy shit and goes zoom zoom. Fuck off germany, go eat some poo covered sausage.
The B21 Raider is not too far away from service
yeah i read that too, curious does russia have also a new one coming?
Because the strategy around how to use heavy, strategic bombers does not require the technology to be upgraded frequently. You aren't trying to sneak them into other countries' airspace, you aren't trying to zip them around air defense, they lumber along at 500mph and either fire cruise missiles from stand-off range or drop bombs from airspace that you've already secured with fighters and SAM's. If you need to make it more network-centric you can just rip out the computers in the crew compartment and stuff in some new ones, there's no need for a new airframe