>Did they died?
fuck thats sad
if he can afford Adidas, soda and shoes for his kid then he should have stayed home
They would have lived if they faced upwards they deserve a darwin award
obviously drunk or stoned
Better dead than in my country.
If they stayed in their country they would still be alive now.
Then get out of the USA cunt.
Drinking Bud light will do that to you.
inb4 edgelords
shit too late
>I disagree therefore you are edgy
Not an argument, nignog
you have to go back
Fun fact: they probably moved the bodies to a more "aesthetic" position to take the photo.
They did that with the red shirt kid that washed up on a beach. He was originally found in rocks.
>reddit spacing
>no arguments
Come over here and do it yourself
definitely with the kid's arm, i think
>that's sad
t. Real human being
Statism is sanctioned sociopathy. Join in now or live by the discretion of others.
So sad. These brave souls were fleeing a concentration camp, trying to get away from fascist America I'm sure.
I just noticed he's inside the guy's shirt.
They probably stuffed him in there.
if i had to guess (i don't), he put the child on his back but inside his shirt while he tried to cross
but that's just a guess
This is somehow Trump's fault.
Youd probably swim better if you didn't insist wearing the same shirt as your brother at the same time
The story says that they crossed safely--he went back to get the mother and the toddler then jumped back into the water after him. he went back to get the toddler and the current swept them both away.
These people come with no ID or paperwork, so no idea how anyone knows what happened, and no idea how they have already identified who they are, let alone where they came from. The picture is from a Mexican newspaper. Why wouldn't they just have jumped the fence like all the others do?
>if he can afford Adidas, soda and shoes for his kid then he should have been able to procure a pair of life vests.
envious brothers to the last. Fuck
It’s important to soak the beans before trying to make chilli.
so this was on the mexican side?
as far as why they would cross there - i mean - just another guess - it was unprotected
>put your face in the water real quick this will really fuck with their wives heads
Sad to see a child die. F to the kid S to his shitty relative(?)
I suppose we really should stop calling them wetbacks, wetbellies seems far more appropriate now.
>If you dare criticise these poor, brave coloured people for their thoughtless actions that caused their deaths, you're an edgelord
Lmao you sound like a faggot. Imagine bending over for your enemies. You should be face down in that picture with them, cunt.
It's sad that this hispanic criminal would kill his own kid like that.
telling these people that they can live in america is the reason this happened.
What happened to Jow Forums? This little beaner was on his way to take up a seat in your kid's classroom, and say '¿que?' every time the teacher asks him a question. In three years he'd be speaking with that shitty mexican drawl and already clique'd up with his buddies against a disorganized white population at the school.
Beaners are fucking worthless. I'm not even trying to be edgy here. The loss of a beaner baby is merits a shrug/10.
If they don't stop coming, we're gonna have to firebomb them anyway, so you may as well get accustomed to dead spic babies. Harden up now.
yes, it was on the Mexican side, and yet the huffington post headline is "American Horror Story"
Kids deserved to live their lives. If only their parents had not been complete irredeemable pieces of shit and sold their own children into the slave trade. If only we could stop human trafficking at the source at gunpoint.
sleep tight migrants sleep tight
Illegal immigrants
Bro we gotta open our borders now because a dad used his daughter to try and get on :(
adidas is cheap, it might be abbibas though
fuck off we're full.
>drowns in 3.5 feet of water
Oh noes!
The Rio Grande hasn't topped 4 feet since the 19th. When did this faggot "drown"?
This has to be fake. The Rio Grande is a glorified creek. Poor Haji! Fuck that.
Where's that beach kid meme???
At least they didn’t get judaized in america. Better way to end up, for sure.
The pic may be real, but it's probably staged. The story however is 100% fake.
>two less shitskins
The only sad part is that more didn't die
Literally how the fuck do you drown in something that shallow?
That's no way to go clamming!
there's another amazing propaganda buster where 2 camera fags are moving the dead boys body to make a better shot
i think it was the
>poor and helpless syrrian refugee
that was used to guilt all the white wimminz and faggots
Pictures like those should be put up on billboards along the border, facing south.
Include some of those pictures of those illegals herded outside the detention centers.
if that's even his child and not a rental from some dipshit that thought they could use their kid to milk money out of the border crisis
based and shibepilled
please tell me there's pictures of this
It was kinda high like a week ago in some parts...
But not in the last 4 days, and this story published today?
falling for this bullshit again
There are many.
no its not
NGO rescue vessels in Río Grande when?
Damn if only he was smart enough to take swimming lessons.
>when the coming to america hits u
probably fake
Dunno. Just looks like complete staged bullshit - like they all do. Wag the Dog tier propaganda. I guarantee some urinalist staged them anyway; if it's not a complete fake.
thats too bad :/
Bunch of assblasted filthy shitskins and libcucks who kvetch about two dead shitskins invaders getting BTFO by the Chad Rio
>cant swim
>will be useful in a first world country