Redpill me on anime
Redpill me on anime
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anime posters are agents
The ADL really does not care for it
Agents of good
anime, in conjunction with intensive vidya, makes life worth living
>People that hate anime :niggers, cartelspics, neocons, feminists, kikes , boomers...
see for yourself
CIA go away.
Watch Hunter x Hunter 2011
Niggers, spics and feminists love anime though.
Niggers because of the power fantasy in shounen. Spics for the same reason.
Feminists think that all the female MCs and shit are woke. And even if they hate lolishit, the stuff they support is far more common. Not to mention that if you look up things like anitwitter, they have an extremely high abundance of trannies, fags and other leftists that openly tweet with anime avatars and talk about how woke and left leaning and progressive anime is.
Anime is mostly blue pilled cuck shit. It's only older stuff from the 80s that is red pilled.
Fuck anime, i hate it too.
i don't care what you think niggers.
It's useful because no spic can resist anime so you can draw them out like moths to a flame.
kikes dont control or influence it, therefore, its based and redpilled but sometimes kino too
One of these things is not like the other.
Based. Anime is some of the most onions shit going.
Most are awful, some can be good.
Same for movies and series.
At least anime doesn't create tons of ideological virtue signal faggot celebs
The best days of anime are long gone.. .
the redpill is that AMERICA gave imperial japan so much FREEDOM that they gave up on their "raical superiority" and created anime.
yep, there's a lot of anime with a good message that people can live their lives by
yeah, anyone who is a "white nationalist" and watches anime is just as bad as a bluepilled LGBTQ+ faggot.
Retarded shit for retarded people.
Specially affected are white BETAS, talk something bad about their retarded anime and they'll come out of their basements to defend it.
Only liked steins;gate and cowboy bepop, all the rest seem like garbage, especially the "spice of life" shit or whatever it's called
>Specially affected are white BETAS
fuck off prieto oaxaco shitskin
feel-good degenerate slice of life pedo shit needs to die. still there are plenty of anime that will fuck you up psychologically in the same way pol can
If you avoid the shit with 9 year olds theres probably some good stuff. No idea what people see in that other shit. If you watch that shit your worse than a "brony" as far as i can tell.
Some Anime series are really based, have just finished watching "Dororo", damn, that was epic, it's like Dostoevsky's reasonings about "child's tear", but with katanas, demons and Karamazovs brothers slicing each other. Kek. Itt's really sad, that such gems in anime are so rare. Harem shit and Isekais should be banned though.
I has a plot unlike american cartoons which are just comedy and unrelated episodes
>Feminists think that all the female MCs and shit are woke.
most women fucking hate anime
Anime is a lot like meat balls....
context? (i know its kichreis but im confused)
It's good stuff, man.
Subs only.
Dubbs are for faggots, unless you have a learning disability, then it's okay.
Its generally better than western crap. Based Nipponese still know how to create a good epic hero's journey with interesting characters.
Not to say that all anime is good though, There is SO MUCH anime every season though so still lots of good shows overall.