> 24 hour jewish controlled news cycle inducing fear, paranoia, glut, shallow sensationalism and most of all gatekeeping the masses with constant simpleton debates "red vs blue, gun right vs abortion" and never, EVER, criticizing, or even mentioning jizzrael > transgenders have more rights than any (((vet))) or (((troop))) > white daughters are fucking niggers > facebook controls elections > google controls elections > big tech controls more than the government > big tech can stop the president from building walls or sustaining borders > military used solely as israel's muscle, dying for their satanic talmudic sabbatean frankist chabad noahide endtimes lunacies > money printed by jews > nation enslaved in eternal debt > food poisoned > water poisoned > air poisoned > masses degenerated
Well...ok. But at least they can walk out the door and go buy a gun.
Seriously, the bullying against American members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Americans are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board. Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only American man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Canadians or Mexicans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little country? Brazilians get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in North America. Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful! Would you call an American man a "mutt"(not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Aboriginal man that they are a "el atrocidad"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate? Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.
Tammy Baldwin (D) Bernie Sanders (I) Ron Wyden (D) Chuck Schumer (D) Jacky Rosen (D) Ben Cardin (D) Chris Van Hollen (D) Richard Blumenthal (D) Dianne Feinstein (D)
Adam Schiff (D) Brad Sherman (D) Pete Aguilar (D) Alan Lownethal (D) Mike Levin (D) Susan Davis (D) Ed Perlmutter (D) Bill Posey (R) Lois Frankel (D) Ted Deutch (D) Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) Jan Schakowsky (D) Brad Schneider (D) Abby Finkenaur (D) John Yarmuth (D) Jamie Raskin (D) Elissa Slotkin (D) Andy Levin (D) Dean Phillips (D) Josh Gottheimer (D) Lee Zeldin (R) Jerrold Nadler (D) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D) Max Rose (D) Eliot Engel (D) Nita Lowey (D) Suzanne Bonamici (D) David Cicilline (D) David Kustoff (R) Steve Cohen (D) Elaine Luria (D) Kim Schrier (D)
True dat my circumcised freedom democracy champ, please fight for our rights to vote which ass-fucking faggot gets to take our office, please Jewmerica, you are the eternal champions of (((freedom))) and (((democracy))).
Gyorgy Washingtberg was a freemason and back in those days before freemasonry was a laughing stock old boomer club, back in 18th century when it was FRESH (in fact, Weishaupt the jew founded freemasonry in Bavaria in - guess when - 1776)....back then they sure as hell took their oaths seriously.
So I bet the jewmerican founding father drank some blood, cum, took it up the ass in a circle of goats and who knows what else. Also he was a puritan, which is code word for "retarded blasphemous faggot".
That were the beginning of Jewmerica, of the good ole Uncle Samuel.