As a black American, why the fuck would i willingly choose to vote for Trump?
As a black American, why the fuck would i willingly choose to vote for Trump?
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who cares what you do or think nigger, DOTR is coming tick tock
Fuck off. Try Reddit.
Who cares nigger, stay on the plantation for all I care.
>(((black american)))
Be gone serpent
>surely this anecdote will take him down
go back to africa nigger
sum finna bix nood
but seriously, stop being led around by your emotions, faggot
To stop being a nigger.
Hello yes post profs thanms
As a black America why would I willingly choose to raise my kids?
because you like white dick and you know it bitch
Don’t matter who blacks vote for. Unless they are willing to let go of ghetto culture nothing will change.
that'd be like expecting africa to become developed
Because you're just a black without America, and blacks are only slaves, fucknugget. Where is your fucking gratitude for being dressed in people clothes, being allowed to eat up people food you do not pay for, being left alive despite the fucking repulsiveness of your subhumanity? You have none. I know it, you know it, and all that's left is to applaud any right-thinking God-fearing White Man in the Americans who'll have the heart to rip your nuts off and then whip your worthless monkey ass. You know what your place is? Washing Arab dick. Working Chinese factories. The only people who abide your stain are White Americans, and thank God they are starting to find out why it's a wasted effort. Crosses still burn, nigger. Thank your nigger desert demons every day the White Man leaves you to exist, because there is no reason to beside our kindness.
>Trump once said "nigger"
We're back to this already? I feel like we're just going in circles with all of these allegations. What's next, are we going to have another ugly harpy accuse Trump of sexual assault decades ago? Oh...
You shouldn't. You should keep giving your votes to the plantation master in exchange for food rations and section 8. You have always been a harvesting tool for the same group of people, in exchange for your basic necessities. Why would it change?
Protip: You have never met a white person who hasn't use the word at some point.
With all due respect, tell me what you are going to do for yourself? Not what others will do for you, Trump or not.
This again? They already tried that during his campaign.
OK I am back on the Trump Train
>Trump sad secret word we deem whites cant utter
>im going to vote for an expanded government and ever more powerful police state now.
God damn it gets more tiresome everyday.
Only one, you disgusting fucking nigger.
How about the half a million white men who died because you apes couldn't handle the stress of being a pampered butler? How about that? I wish the Ottomans had gotten your ape ancestor and castrated them, as all niggers should be. Nigger DNA is to genes what McDonalds is to food, you disgusting animal.
Did he ACTUALLY say "nigger", or is this another "oh yeah he totally said that. Believe me with literally no evidence or I will call you racist/sexist/whatever" story?
You can’t vote, Tyrone, you forfeited that right selling crack to tha kidz.
Exactly this.
Why does it matter? People say things all of the time.
For white peepee
Shut the fuck up libertarian retard. Big government benefits blacks.
Well, low IQ wouldn't vote for Trump, that's true. You have more to gain by sitting around with a finger up your ass while you smoke weed and take a gibb check from the government.
>She's credible. You can believe this mentally ill woman this time. She really means it
Where's the proof?
"what the hell have you got to lose?"
> saving that picture.
> where is my self respect?
>Black people vote based on who uses the N-word
God you people are so unintelligent.
I don’t care if you do intend to vote for him. Darkies vote so overwhelmingly for their plantation that any republican votes are insignificant.
because r/thedonald will lose their shit. They won't be going after the nazis since they have been called one themselves. They will go after the ones calling people nazis. Trump supporters will give power to the Fourth Reich if Trump is impeached or loses 2020.
Fuck off nigger
This. Even this monkey is more grateful for the civilizing force of the white man.
shut the fuck up nigger no one cares about you
>H-He might've said the mean no-no word one time Disavow!
You fucking morons call each other niggers on a daily basis but you expect to be taken seriously. I sometimes like to tell myself no, they can't be this stupid nobody could lack that much self awareness. Then I remember there's a PHD graduate named Marijuana Pepsi and I remember why everyone mocks you.
>another we heard from another guy article
>no proof
vote for Hernan Cortez' great granddaughter, do it. Fuck this country into the ground. I aint stickin around though. And when this place is nothing but shantytowns with shit everywhere, you sure as hell arent welcome to wherever I live next. This country is the end of line. Its all you get, so fuck it up if you want.
didn't they claim breitbart did this too?
Bet there is no footage, thats okay though.
Yellow journalism doesn't need proof in order to get the desired polarizing effect.
Because he's in your best interest unlike marxist commie democrat traitors. Stop getting all butthurt over stupid shit faggot.
Isnt this Tom Arnold's larp?
Audio? Evidence? Ethos isn't good enough anymore.
No one cares what you do, nigger
Who voted for Trump thinking he was a timid, monogamous Christian?
To the best of my knowledge, he never courted the religious right and the left constantly calls the right racists.
Who do they think they're socially-shaming out of supporting trump by saying 'he used the BAD word!'?
Just continue to reflexively vote for the Democrats as you always do. They call you the same thing, BTW.
Actually I got redpilled about how stupid black people are when I saw that 98% of them in Alabama voted Demonrats. GOP has been trying to win your vote forever yet you just want to vote socialism. I say give up trying to win you over.
Fuck you nigger
Niggers smell like poopoo ewww yucky.
I don't think anyone believes anything that Demonrats slander people with anymore. Kevanaugh woke us up.
Because if you don, thees MY country NEEGER
>t. REAL black American, GOP, in Los Angeles
They always pick ugly women. Look at any woman he's been with. They don't look like that. Lol
He literally spoke to the Christian people every time. He got the support of literally every famous Protestant preacher. He attended the Values Voters weekend which nailed sleepy Jeb's coffin. He got Jerry Falwell's son's blessing. He got the pastor of Dallas Baptist.
i remember this story from 2015!
As a white American, nigger tongue my anus.
what a get for cooper!
Thumbnail looks like Trump's got a cool mustache
I don't know, because the Democrat party was the one who owned slaves and supported segregation?
If that's true then shame on him for tricking those people into thinking he was the type of guy who doesn't use foul language
That was hilarious. Can't put the fake in fake news without all the fake.
stop being led around by your emotions, faggot
Everyone knew he did but he still spoke to us even though the other candidates ignored us. Yet we are a huge voting bloc.
Because a black man held the cross for Jesus and Donald J. Trump cares more for this country and its children than the left EVER will.
They're reviving this blast from the past?
Once a slave always a slave. First to the plantation jews and now to the democratic party.
Based leaf, you'll be spared on day of the rake.
Go ahead, don't; Blacks are only 13% of the population
Vote for whoever you want, OP. Your vote is worth about as much as a post on Jow Forums anyway, desu.
You will vote for whoever the media tells you to vote for
Imagine spending years of your life posting this inane shit over and over and over and having absolutely nothing to show for it.
Thefuck? Who would even fuck that nasty lookin bitch plus trump is loaded now how the fuck would he choose her
Doesn't matter. Felons can't vote.
LMAO forgot your VPN leafoid. Day of the rake is coming
You're not asking the right question. Niggers shouldn't vote at all.
she looks a little bit like mitch mcconnell
What does it matter? Black people say nigger like they're fucking poke'mon or Snarf anyway.
>black American
No such thing.
Consider suicide, nigger.
>Marijuana Pepsi
seriously? i hate niggers so much.
Then don’t
I don’t give a fuck anymore
Because the other choice (the Democrat) treats your vote like their property. That's why.
All they see when they look at you is a likely Democrat voter and they don't bother listening to your real concerns...... which are the same as ours = wanting to be given the opportunity to succeed if we work for it.
You are not the property of the Democrats, don't let them mindfuck you, your family and friends like that.
This is the fucking formula here.
> trump says x does x or thinks about x
> more government more censorship pleeze
LOL who cares nigger.
Because he's done as much for blacks, as it pertains to employment, as most other pro-black presidents. Probably more. What do you think the Blaxit movement is? Get a brain; get off the Democratic plantation and vote for the orange man. Oh, and there's no audio/video evidence of this thing that supposedly occurred, so why would you believe it, you dumb shit? Wakey fucking wakey.
>As a black American, why the fuck would i willingly choose to vote for Trump?
>As a black American, why the fuck would i willingly choose?
That's fucking hilarious.
>oops this one isn't working out, let's bring out the next accuser!
>being a nigger
but did he ever say kike tho