Lmao you pathetic racist cant make a single arguement without commiting a logical fallacy.
REGULATING GOOGLE VIOLATES THE NAP WHICH IS VIOLENCE. Google has the right to ban anyone they want and can if they want take action agaisnt the government if they threaten to regulate them.
Google is a private company something you incels can't understand. The same way a cristcuck bakery can be bigotes and refuse to bake a LGBTQAI+ cake, Google can refuse to give white redneck cracker trash a platform to spout racist bullshit. The invisible hand of the free market put Google at the top so they can censor anything they like. Monoplies are fine and to break them up violates the NAP. Read Adam Smith, Milton Freidman or Ayn Rand, but you incels cant read so just watch Stephan Molynexu not those fake libertarian like Styxhexenhammer (the pagan retard).The government cant tell a private corporation what to do. What are you incels communist or socialist now? Your no different than the democrats. This isnt what Jow Forums is pol is a captialist board. We support Ron Paul and small government. What are you socialist shills from reddit? Yang gang retards from discord in full swing. Stay strong and support the free market. If Google is anti Trump. Build your own search engine. Prove me wrong (Pro Tip: You cant)
inb4 "Its to hard to create a competitor to Google and muh payment processors."
Maybe if you incels werent so anti semitic then the banks would give you loans or payment processors like stripe and paypal would allow you to use your service. Just start your own bank and payment processor. You dont have a right to service. You are putting a gun to someones head and forcing them to serve you, thats violence and facism.
Friendly reminder Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic. If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.
You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums
You think you are redpilled(cringe) when you likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Your entire worldview is Jow Forums posts, infographics, and memes. You probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where you try and help the other person and your mother won't feel the need to smack your ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place. youtube.com/watch?v=Hhx6IfKrvEQ youtube.com/watch?v=dMinw5IQjzk youtube.com/watch?v=8NFy6Uc2BHs
>google is a private company true. they're a private company that operates within the US, which means that they agree to abide by our laws. the interpretation of our laws is done by the courts and our supreme court, the highest court in the land, ruled that if you choose to open your private property up to the public, then the public's first amendment rights trump your rights as a property owner (marsh v. alabama). if they don't like it, they don't have to do business here; we won't care because it's not like they pay taxes here anyway.
Caleb Robinson
Believing we should have laws. The absolute state of Jow Forums the only laws we need are the NAP as long as nobodies property or self is harmed its perfectly fine.
Jace Long
This is weak bait you larping faggot.
Joseph Green
I absolutely agree remember back in 2011 when Jow Forums didnt have all these "red pilling" nazis. Whats worse is r/thedonald cucks, plebbitor leftists, niggers, chirstcucks, and discord trannies like youself. Become an hero NIGGER FAGGOT.
Kayden Foster
libertarianism is retard-tier. you simultaneously want maximum freedom while you pretend that other states, states with fewer freedoms, exist and DO tax their citizens. do you know what that means? that means that they'll take your land, your freedoms, and laugh at you while they use the war machines, that they built using taxes, to roll over your hodge-podge defenses. you, and all libertarians acting separately, will NEVER be able to afford an aircraft carrier--only taxes can achieve something like that. that's why, if you ever got what you wanted, it would be short-lived. you are destined to fail and lose the freedom that you covet because you can't see that taxes are how we keep other states away.
it's time for you to grow up, user and realize that the founding fathers had the right idea.
Xavier Sanders
The end result of capitalism is private entities growing so powerul that they become the state in order to restrict competition though force - this is what google is in the process of doing. If you're autism is so intense that you are fine with becoming livestock because to do otherwise would interfere with your faggy code, then you deserve to be a slave and you will be a slave
*anarcho-capitalism *pretend that other states don't exist
Sebastian Nguyen
Yes just let them affect the election. You can argue and say we shouldn't have elections or a government anyway but the facts of reality are that we have both. Google seeks to ensure their own interests are protected by privately admitting they wish to affect the 2020 election. I bet they do considering the anti-trust investigations being done against them. If Trump os gone and a Dem gets in, suddenly they can whisk away all of this and carry on their eventually authoritarian sponsored censorship and private data collection while also promoting propaganda and prpgressivism.
Sebastian Martin
>Faggot flag >Opinion discarded
Since when have faggots been allowed on Jow Forums?
Easton Myers
Who was that gross fag with the cringe ponytail? Why the fuck would you leave the house like that? Jesus Christ. If that homo has anything to do with Jow Forums I never wanna come back here
Kayden Hughes
Buzzwords the post
William Turner
Jace Rivera
Doesn't matter we can build a private army and milita to use agaisnt another state if they violate the NAP. Under a perfect anarcho-captialist world we would have any states using violence to steal the fruits of our labour. Taxation isnt theft its a violent burglary.
Kayden Nelson
Fuck off Amerimutt take your le 56% ass some where else.
Levi Richardson
that's exactly my point. your private army would NEVER be able to compete. taxes are the only thing that keeps the monsters away and prevents you from becoming a slave.
Wrong taxation is theft and violent burglary. Its no different then rape. Taxation by the government is no different then a nigger raping a woman. Both violate the NAP. Taxes keep us as slaves. Without taxes we would be able to compete with other states. Leaves woundn't dare fuck with us. My guy coke a cola had the 7th largest navy in the world. We dont need government.
Also Amerimutt opinion discarded.
Gavin Lopez
When we live in ancapistan and actual free market competition is not crippled in every direction by the state, then we can talk about ancap solutions.
Until then we have a government perfectly willing and able to protect our freedom of speech. In fact, they have an obligation to do so against a monopoly. So fuck off.
Nathan Sanders
Your welcome, I'm trying to save Jow Forums from the authoritian cancer that has been killing it for years.
Jacob Peterson
ohh, it's zog again wth the same thread posted last night.
Ryder Johnson
The only solution is an ancap solution. The final solution to every question is an ancap solution.
Jace Harris
Now this is Jew-tier arrogance. After the first post LARPs as ancap, the kind of liberal who is actually behind this shilling makes an appearance in the first fucking post to proclaim his perceived superiority and posts links to known dishonest shills.
Who do you think is actually gonna fall for it kike?
Jacob Rivera
>google is a private company WRONG! google is a public company, which is completely different. They operate as an unbias utility and are essentially a subsidized monopoly controlled largely by the cia.
Samuel Campbell
>Be amerimutt >Call others (((zog)))
Listen ancaps would deal with the kikes better then you authoritarian retards would. Kikes by subverting nations violate the NAP, so when they act up we will act accordingly. By the way Im not anti-semitic I just hate all (((jews))).
Daniel Diaz
Two different ID's faggot. Me, OP being based and redpilled. The first reply being a (((Destiny))) and (((Shaun))), discord tranny.
Caleb Walker
They cant ban anyone if it doesnt violate the contract. If it was in an Ancap society they would be punished already.
>Implying you aren't both incompetent discord trannies.
You see if you were actually Ancap you'd want to tear down the current system so you could institute anarcho-capitalism in its place. Google is a part of that system which prevents any meaningful establishment of ancap(or any other system for that matter). However instead you're doing the liberal's dirty work in defending the google monopoly and their use fo that monopoly as a globohomo liberal propaganda machine. You're doing the Jew's dirty work and you expect me to believe you aren't in league with them, that you aren't just another shabbos goy?
Ryder Peterson
Anthony Walker
I actually a Palecon who like to have fun unlike you discord trannies with a dilator up your ass. This shit reminds me of my tf2 days I cant get banned its great. LARPing as an ancap saying an unpopular opinion in this echo chamber is great and I will do it more often. I hate (((google))) and havent used there email, search engine and browser in years.
John Morris
Honestly, it's good stuff. Libertarianism needs to die so you're doing God's work
Owen Gonzalez
Nice try, retard. Ancaps and voluntarists fucking hate government-company collusion raping the productivity of the whole sector. sage
Samuel Taylor
weak copypasta. and only tards engage in "debate". the "debate" is a psychological framing device tptb use to foment conflicting ideals and polarization among middle class americans, where there is no real conflict of interest.
Isaac Price
>WRONG! google is a public company, which is completely different. They operate as an unbias utility and are essentially a subsidized monopoly controlled largely by the cia. don't forget that Silicon Valley was basically started by the military, the US military was building the internet in what would become Silicon Valley in the 1960s
Christopher Clark
>I believe that the writings of Ayn Rand have the force of law inside the united states
Joshua Foster
Shapeshift some more kike, I'm getting a good show out of it.
Robert Campbell
and in fact, it's quite an amazing phenomenon. there is, by and large, no conflict of interest between middle class liberals and middle class conservatives. none whatsoever. just a trumped-up (excuse the pun) set of conflicting "ideals" that appeal to the ego rather than pragmatic interests and goals.
Parker Bennett
>Google can rig our elections and undermine our entire system of governance >Not a violation of the NAP >we do something back and it is a violation
Every day i feel more and more convinced that anyone still a Lolbert is a kike.
Blake Williams
monopolies violate the non-aggression principle
stop spamming this shit, sage
Gabriel Martinez
>Lmao you pathetic racist This is my favorite meme