Why do we Europoors have no air conditioner?

Attached: article-heatwave.png (764x521, 526K)

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I'm Romanian and even we had hvac there.

Sorry, Air Conditioning is only for 1st world countries like America

burn for your sins, yuros

>be in Germany
>hot as fuck
>have climate control unit in my room
>put it to lowest setting
>room is still like 85°F

>be in Germany
>cold as fuck
>put climate control to highest setting
>room is still like 50°F
Fuck you and your muh grün klima technologie you fucking temperature nazis

Had it installed today
Had to put a shirt on and will maybe sleep with a blanket, it's freezing in here

Attached: 1560974879644.jpg (334x506, 42K)

In the Southwest it’s so dry we can use swamp coolers, which are cheap AF

foarte bine frate


how are you going to pay the sudden surge of electricity, Dumitresčù?