>Gold Stocks It's been said by many people, that there is more Gold to invest in (via stocks) then actually exists. In other words, a lot of the Gold that you invest in with regard to stocks, doesn't exist, it little more than a number on a screen.
>Tangible Gold for Barter, Coins, Bars, Bullion This is a Jew meme. It sounds like tangible Gold would be worthwhile right? It's not. I'll tell you why. If shit ever hits the fan, I know you think you will be able to walk up to some trader after a few days, weeks or months and hand over a little Gold Coin and get mounds of goods in return, but that's a lie perpetuated by Goldstein to steal your money. I'm not trading you my medicine for your shiny metal. I'm not trading you my bullets, my food, my water, my knives, my equipment or my binoculars for your Gold coin. Why? Because it can't do anything of any value except sit in my pocket or collect dust. It's worthless in all reality. It won't hunt for me, protect my friends or family.
Name a single period of time in 6000+ years of civilization that gold and silver have not held value as a means of storing wealth and exchange.
Hudson Myers
Still mad about the nazi gold?
Cameron Morales
Right now..
We have no Gold. All we need in the US are numbers on a screen.
And btw, do you honestly think that aside from a pawn shop, you can take a gold coin and buy anything with it? LOL?
Go ahead, I dare you. Go into a mall, or a clothing store, or a grocery store or market, and try and buy food or clothes with a gold coin. They'll laugh at you EVEN NOW, so what makes you think that a Gold coin will be any different if SHTF? Especially considering it just sits there...
Hunter White
the only people who win in the gold/silver game are the people who control it.
Jace Peterson
? not really. gold is gold. gold standard. 1 ounce of gold is worth 1 ounce of gold.
Juan Butler
Who controls it? I see people investing in Gold stocks all the time, but I only ever see numbers on a screen. I've never seen NOT EVEN ONE of these Gold stock investors with any tangible gold. Just numbers on a screen.
Jacob Clark
whoever holds on to it.
Lincoln Kelly
Yeah but what does that mean?
Gold only has value at the moment because WE SAY IT DOES, it's fiat. When SHTF, and people no longer give two shits about some shiny heavy ass metal, the things that will have value are: >Medicine will literally be worth more than diamonds or gold >Ammunition >Oil, Gun and Knife lubricants, car oil >Gas and Petroleum >Food and Water >Shoes and clothing >Coffee, Alcohol, Weed, Sugar, Pepper, Salt, Tea, Spices, Books
All these things will be vastly more valuable when SHTF than any fucking gold piece of metal will.
Jordan Fisher
That's kinda the whole point of gold tho. It's there as something that will hold onto it's value through a time when SHTF.
Carson Jackson
who is behind this memeflag post?
Samuel Robinson
Its for the aftermath. Story from ww2 family begs a farmer for potatos and offers a bracelet with diamonds He gives them 1 sack with potatos After the war it was worth 800k d mark
Asher Williams
Read an account of a major financial collapse situation. I don't think you'll find that gold was at the top of the list, but it might help you prioritize.
He's technically right, Gold was always a de facto in currency because it was hard to find which made a good candidate for currency material. However here is where OP goes wrong, in that Gold would only be a currency in a complete post industrial collapse, not regular anarchy. Traders might take it and if the Jews aren't wiped out in the apocalypse they'll definitely use it as a currency.
David Rodriguez
I stockpile precious metals as a last priority. I got everything else I need already, it's not for bartering during the collapse or civil war, it's for the world that comes after that.
Juan Bailey
I think the lesson here is to learn how to potato. They're bullshit easy to grow and store. Save your oz of gold to buy a commieblock and become the landlord.
Parker Lopez
>Oy vey only X for my gold! My grandmother smuggled it out of the oven and gas chamber at Auschwitz in her uterus you anti semite!
The Irish had their wheat stolen by the English as the usual genocide of the day to keep them in line. Meanwhile, the English had their Industrial Revolution thanks to the introduction of the potato and how easy it was for all the working class to grow.
Try it. Diversify your portfolio and diversify your crops, but you have to start somewhere. Potatoes and squash grow even in situations where you'd think they shouldn't.
Justin Butler
You’re an idiot. I own a rather large farm and canned food with my wife and son. I have more guns and bullets than I’ll ever use. The only people I’d trade food to are people with gold.
Jace Richardson
> my bullets, my food, my water, my knives, my equipment or my binoculars are your binoculars the NVG variety? because if not me and my dual tubes and my thermal are coming for your precious bullets, water, and knives. Enjoy getting hit with a 168 grain bullet at night.
Brody Lewis
I have some precious metals along with other investments i got black pilled about metals some time ago but i dont intend to sell anytime soon. I love to think I probably own more gold and silver than most of my family members ever did throughout history.
Connor Garcia
If the situation was ever bad enough gold serves another useful purpose which is getting smuggled out of a country to a country unaffected by turmoil.
When Southern Vietnam fell to the north tens of thousands of south Vietnamese fled for their lives from the communists on boats to Western countries. The going price for an adult was 8 to 10 ounces of gold and a child was 4 to 6 ounces.
Funny that third world peasants in the 70s owned far more gold than any middle class Westerner today.
Mason Collins
Bullets, lighters, and seeds are the best post shtf currencies.
All have built in deflationary mechanisms (shoot bullets, start fires, plant seeds) which automatically deflate the currency as soon as they've been used to create value.
All are easy to manufacture more of but not so much you can inflate the shit out of the currency, all are easy to store/carry, and all last a long time.
Colton Baker
Just leave it in your closet under a pile of your smelly socks and jizz-stained underwear or some other place nobody would think to look for something valuable.
Leave an old bicycle outside for the niggers to steal.
Bentley Gutierrez
While that is true, they were kind of stupid for it being a basis crop.
ya a metal humans have collected sense humans is running low
Jason Collins
oy vey
Lucas Ward
I have it buried in fuck knows were in some family lands. A great place to hide would unironica be inside a used fleshlight,i thought of hiding my gold there,small enough to fit and nobody will ever want to search the insides of a used fleshlight
Charles Walker
I'm still awake you mutt cunt
Daniel Lewis
It’s like fractional reserve banking. It’s how the Rothschilds got rich.
You issue credit notes for huge amounts of money...collect interest profits... but you don’t even own assets worth the credit your are issuing!... it’s like making money out of thin air.
As long everybody isn’t cashing in at the same time, you have no issues.
Sebastian Perez
You could put it in a woodpile or behind a light switch cover plate. Neither one of those places are going to be where niggers can use tools to get to or even white people would think >hey joe >i bet there's gold in there!
Grayson Ward
Then you clearly haven't drunken enough have you you fucking potato nigger. Look at the time, by 9pm EST every nigger in NYC is already wasted, the paddynogs up in Boston are already bar fighting, pick up the pace!
Carter Jackson
You don’t go to the store and buy goods with it... you go to a gold trader and get the cash value.
Or you barter with it.
Sebastian Wright
>flashlight weights 30 lbs >nothing to see here boys!
Brayden Green
>not bringing the 4 D-cell maglight with you to check out what that sound was
Joseph Cox
The point of buying physical gold is just to avoid getting screwed in the event of a run on the paper gold funds or exchanges
Prepping for a fucking apocalypse is another matter entirely
Justin Ross
FUD all you want kike, nothing is going to stop what's coming.
The Aetherpill on gold and silver is that I have seen base metals appear in excess of the mass of the device they came out of, I have found circumstantial evidence describing similar phenomena to what I have personally witnessed going all the way back to the middle ages; to spoonfeed a little more, the alchemists were engaging in electrical science without a knowledge of electricity such as we have.
Gold and silver are very useful metals, but I wouldn't put every egg in that basket.
because Op is being a sperg acting like he is going tobe some unstoppable force during the boogaloo.
Fuck the COTI, its cool but it adds a lot of weight on your head and you can't use it to shoot passively. Get the reap-ir, its the best thermal optic on the market, you can make 1200m hits with it if you practice enough.
Joseph Reed
*society collapses* >heh, I'm gonna be rich in like 200 years when society is stable again
Grayson Garcia
meme flag, nazi of all flags. Speaking about the futility of gold. You nazi larpers are something else. Do you think the people in venezuela right now would love to have invested in gold or silver.. fucking right they do. As they could exchange it for money to buy food and shelter you dumb fuck.
Elijah Baker
if shtf on a local scale gold is useful because you can always move somewhere it still has value afterwards if shtf on a global scale neither gold, silver nor your sheets of paper will be worth shit, you'll be trading goods for goods or killing people for them
Ryan Cook
Can't wait for powerful electromagnetic storm from sun that fuck up all electronic devices, but the life will continue with you have nothing.
Jace Hernandez
If I don't need it then it goes to the family. Maybe they'll need it. Did you ever here of having a brain?
Elijah Hughes
Jobless it's real silver or copper it's crap! Useful crap though that always bring dough!
Brody Morales
I've seen that before. I think you'd be better off posting the circuit diagram for us to replicate for lulz at home. I assume that's not your ground-breaking state of affairs.
Luis Torres
>gold is a meme >i know for a fact that china is hoarding gold Hmmmm
Jonathan Harris
Chyna is also hoarding mining operations. I'm not an expert in mining shares, but if you have the inside story you can make a lot that way.
My 401k plan removed the gold mining fund just before they tanked the stock market. According to the charts, it was way outperforming anything else by a landslide >nothing to see here goyim, move along
Robert Clark
make a coil like pic related, activate it with a heavy duty reed switch and permanent magnet in such a manner that the coil energizing cancels out the permanent magnet opening the reed switch and resetting the circuit, the result will be many oscilations that give off high power transients from a high concentration of aether in the coil, just have a neon with a leg soldered to each end of the coil if you want to see blue and pink neon gas
What's the best way to wind a coil like that? Lamp cord? What do you use to keep it in place while you wind it?
David Sullivan
10/10 correct.
David Jones
I do this with magnet wire, polycarbonate and wingnuts in a circle around the edge that i attach and loosen with each layer of wire going in a circle. best method I have managed, but I find some small improvement to try everytime I make a new coil
And be sure to keep your computer safe and working and connected to the internet, not just powered. "Internet": other people keeping their computers safe and connected to the "internet".
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yadda yadda yadda I just remeasured my supply and it turns out it's only just over 14V instead of float charge voltage due to "whatever" and probably bottom drawer pots.
I'm going to chuck this thing in the ocean because it gets dragged back down if I leave the analog meter on it for a few days, so it seems like an ideal case something better. Especially because I don't know where my cute deep cycle motorcycle batter went off to.
Carson Kelly
fucking christ i hope you are trolling or you know nothing about electro magnetism
Oh shit. I've wound pickup coils for guitars and shit and it's not something I want to do by hand. Do you have a machine that rotates that for you from the spool into the plexiglass plate? At least it's not the fucking #40 wire that snaps if you look at it and then it's just between you and the soldering iron to find a way to get it back connected.
Daniel Ross
Grid connected power supplies are unsuitable for larger scale aether experiments for many reasons
I wind all my coils by hand as I still havent settled on one particular coil geometry and I would invest what I get into more parts before an expensive machine
Landon Moore
"Non auro, sed ferro, recuperanda est patria" ("not with gold, but with iron, will the fatherland be regained")
John Lopez
for an american you said nothing. i already know that link is shit. and how did they build that in the middle ages? 10/10 bait for summer fags.
I guess I can probably see for myself for the magnet wire and other supplies. Let us know when you find out what works best. The reason I brought up lamp cord was that you get two easily insulated strands in one run and it's cheap as fuck.
You can go buy a 50' spool of it and plug it straght into the wall to degauss CRTs. It's like somebody's in the electric chair while you do it, but that's all part of the fun.
Elijah Turner
In the middle ages they used deep pits, darkness, a full moon (gravity affects the aether, rather gravity is an effect of the aether), many nested layers of red clay pots (faraday cages), magnetite, heavy metals and high aether state atoms extracted from human urine to concentrate the aether in a substrate over time to bring out the odd properties of aether saturated matter.
orly I was using a motor to power my lego pickup winder-undwinder >not using the 4" wheels for momentum control so the wire didn't snap
Nigger I'm sitting within arm's reach of my guitar, rewound to vintage specifications because the vintage reissue pickups were using bullshit parts off the shelf.
Cooper Turner
lol you are trying to figure out how to wind copper. you arent going to get shit.
Why don't you draw your own circuits? Every time I wanted to do something as simple as a light switch for yucky loud box fan control I drew my own circuits.
Angel Wilson
OP with the protip. Always felt gold was kind of useless. Gonna stockpile ammo instead.
If SHTF, gold and silver will be infinitely valuable.
Nathaniel Sullivan
Don't forget about the guns and how to use them. You don't want to be the guy who bought a SW radio and then doesn't know how to use it, can't even turn it on because he left the dry cells in, and wouldn't know where to tune in to anyway. good jerb.
Jace Davis
were they even wax dipped? you kids act like winding up some copper is a new thing.
It was magnet wire, so of course it comes with a coating. I dripped slow-set epoxy through it once the job was done to keep it in place. No problems for years. The epoxy kinds of gives it a strange aggressive sound like knocking on glass, but I'm happy with the outcome.
Jordan Perry
99% of my notes would be terrible gibberish to anyone else, I draw for my own reference usually to work out the geometry of the aether flow in the device, drawing a full circuit map of what I am doing would require displaying concepts that do not exist within conventional electrical science and would mostly serve to frustrate me if I bothered to post such a thing.
Once I get a ufo working I will get exact info on how to do so to yall as soon as I can manage it
Lincoln Robinson
i can respect that, i play guitar. never bothered to wind my own pickups though