Almost every single township and city in Montana has refugees in them now. All of them brought in by white Christian churches. They are mostly black/africans and brown muslims. Very few spics. I've been all over Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and Utah recently and it's the same everywhere. Same story too...Christian Refugee Ministries run by whites. Of course there are a few of the (((usual suspects))) sprinkled about. White women are running the show while their cuck white husbands follow their lead.
All of the heavily armed white men and their militias are nowhere to be found. They haven't shown up to a single pro-refugee rally even with signs for their usual pathetic larping. Literally the entire NWF and the movement is dead as far as I can tell. The influx of refugees has drastically increased since Trump was elected; when Obama was in charge there were hardly any at least in the areas I mentioned.
I wish all the refugees were all cute asian women instead of negros and sand people.
Isaiah Smith
Alabama user here. Pretty comfy and could use some new frens
Hudson Ortiz
>are you serious
I'm very fucking serious. Some user yesterday posted a great thread with a SHITLOAD of pictures of white christcucks doing shit for black african refugees including giving them swimming lessons.
They are everywhere! Kebab shops are opening up, mosques are going up. It's a fucking disaster. Only the tinest of shithole towns aren't affected. Yet.
It's disgusting. I'm thinking of moving to West Virginia or maybe South Dakota.
Sebastian Taylor
This country is FUBAR. No hope. No going back. It's over.
Gabriel Nelson
its still like 98% white
William Bell
Not that many spics or niggers where I'm at user it's bretty comfy
Juan Phillips
I'm weirdly unmoved by her feetz excellent though they are.
this is why i laugh whenever someone Jow Forumstard talks about how it doesnt matter how many immigrants flood into the country because their inbred hick town in bumblefuck no where is 100% "white".
Moved to North Idaho from Missoula about 2 years ago. Those Soft Landings people are garbage, but Missoula is pretty pozzed anyway. Haven't seen too many refugees here yet, but there are a few niggers.
Parker Hernandez
The number of refugees in Missoula this year dropped by half. I meet people every day that are good folks rushing here to escape the bullshit wherever they are at. It isn’t over.
Christian King
I've only seen like 10 in my area and I've been living here for about 2 years. All my neighbors are racist as hell too and we all carry guns. Pretty comfy lads
Jose Barnes
I was born in Idaho. My family has been from the NW for centuries.....
99% are unaware political tools, religious or not. The greatest irony is they think themselves so distinct from each other while the same puppet masters pull all their strings.
You're all looking at this wrong if your goal is having a white country. The battle was lost in the sixties with the immigration bill. The only way to restore America to whiteness is to radicalize a large majority of whites. The only way to do that is to force niggers and sandniggers into their communities. Obama and the cucked churches have set us on a path to victory after an upcoming bloodbath of a civil war. After we smash the white leftists and the kikes we can begin the process of ridding ourselves of the shitskins.
Adrian Anderson
I was born and raised in Tillamook County Oregon, came to Nampa in like 2006-2007. Great place but going to shit FAST.
Damn terrible to see all the farmland gone forever.
Brayden Gutierrez
this... bamafag here... pick a team before you come, could be a shitstorm... Auburn or alabama...
Jose Rogers
I haven't been back since like '12. It was still fine in Firth on my grandpa's ranch lol. I didn't really see much else of course. I always wanted to go back. Take my son away from Texas somehow.
Jason Campbell
Very good attempt at a blackpill thread Moshe. The refugees are, like everywhere else, only here for the handouts. See how long they will stick around when the gibs start and the bullets start.
Also, you've got to be pretty fucking dense if you think the Northwest was chosen as our homeland only because of its high percentage of Whites. You either miss, or intentionally forget that it was also chosen for its access to an ocean, allowing trade and fishing, something West Virginia and South Dakota both lack (Enjoy being landlocked and starved out like Rhodesia)
You're also forgetting the immense distance it is from the capital, Washington D.C. That is important for a political revolution. As are the heavily forested areas within the Northwest.
Lastly, the Northwest is a huge span of land, with ample room for farming, and space for our people to grow and multiply.
Oh wtf. Montana was my special secret state to retire to existing in a bubble mostly contained from Washington's bullshit. Fug.
Christian Peterson
Alaska, fren?
Isaiah Adams
>It's over. >Defeatism >Blame Christians >Ignore (((Christians))) >Promoting Asian race mixing >Its DRMPFS fault >Obama was good >What now? Celebrate with some bleach, shill.
wild proposal. There was a recent document regarding sex trafficking NK women in China and SEA. why don't we make christian groups that are dedicated to saving these women? The eternal roast will love it.
Brody Jones
You are getting BTFO'd by Jewish and Christcuck NGOs. Don't join or start white philanthropic organizations though goy. Keep giving your money to e-thots
DHS subcontracts BCFS to distribute these people all over the country.
I have no idea why they aren’t just held in border states and deported to Mexico within 48 hours even without Mexican cooperation.
That would also helpfully end the MSM complaining about detainee treatment.
Daniel Morgan
Yup im one of them
t. Bozeman spic
Hunter Allen
>what is the best place left in montana
The coldest areas are the best. Rural. They won't last for much longer either. I don't feel anywhere is safe at this point. The Christians are intent on destroying the white race at all costs.
this is probably correct.
>Very good attempt at a blackpill thread Moshe. The refugees are, like everywhere else, only here for the handouts
Nice flag. Even nicer COPE. Bury your head in the sand. I don't care. And no, most of them are NOT staying on GIBS for very long. Most are opening businesses or taking the jobs whites used to do while the white Republican business owners laugh all the way to the bank.
Philippines is an interesting thought.
Montana will be totally pozzed within 5 years max.
Bury your head in the sand. I don't care. It's what most white men are doing. One day you'll wake up and your neighborhood will look like Jamaica. We'll see how many memes you're spewing then.
Julian Hughes
Juan is that you?
James Morgan
oh fuck off they have subverted every institution. you dont just give up on western civilization, you reform what is compromised. you dont jist reject the church when the leadership has failed. you fight back.
Joshua Cruz
Both Montana and Idaho have seen huge drops in refugees settling in. The fuck are you on about?
Samuel Lewis
Jow Forums is going to just sperg out about this to no end. We have to outjew the the jew and use institutional power. until you guys understand this enjoy the shitshow.
Evan Reed
Not all hapas are omega fags. Don't let the r/gook fags fool u. Raise them to be strong and they will be
Matthew Bailey
OP is just a blackpill shill
Bentley Sanchez
There's no logical way a half Viking/ half samurai can't manage to be properly masculine. I blame beta as fuck parenting for the male hapa problem.
Parker Howard
You aren't going to outjew the jew. Have you learned nothing over the past 4 years?
Jayden Diaz
This. They also intentionally send them to rural white areas
Luke Parker
Not refugees faggot. Parasitic invaders
Cameron Ortiz
Agreed. And that's a common problem among all western countries nowadays.
Nathan Torres
I also want to marry an asian woman and have children with her and I'm not even white.
Leo Carter
Is that a sex doll? I honestly can't even tell at this point.
Michael Gray
The good thing about the Philippines is that they worship white people. Just keep your wallet safe and find someone you can trust until you learn the local language. It helps to find a family that you can live with that has a hot daughter for you to marry.
Colton Perez
No im Ricardo
Jayden Ross
>South Dakota. No sorry dude we have many refugees here Its just like sweden here Trust me Just dont come here and look
Adam Johnson
Cause its racist
Elijah Phillips
Keep telling yourself that. Its a good excuse not to do anything.
Too bad Jow Forums is too retarded and doesn't realize that massive portions of south and central america are white.
Oliver Jackson
The Northwest front was never a good idea. Only shills tried to get white people to move there, because the inevitable Yellowstone super-eruption will kill everybody living in the area.
Township? WTF?! We don't talk like that in MT, Shlomo. As much as it is true that the state is getting darker by the day i don't know wtf you are talking about. pro-refugee rallys? Where? Never even heard of one in the state. Gay pride parades, yes. I think this thread is a black pilling psy-op. Fuck off, JDIF. I have a wood chipper waiting for you kikes.
Oliver Thompson
Montana is fucking huge, best way to get rid of rapefugees is with racist vandalism. Just go spray paint the word nigger all over town ffs, make them want to leave of their own accord
Kayden Anderson
Only way this stops is for the citizens to SHOW RESISTANCE.
I was just in Montana for about ten days. Visited Missoula, Kalispell, Bozeman, Butte and Helena. I barely saw any black people at at, and I don't think I saw a single hijab. I did not witness what you speak of.
That said, ALL the bars and restaurants in Helena did have rainbow flags out for Pride Week.
Aaron Nguyen
>White is Right. enjoy your asian manlet son retard
Easton Jenkins
I have been saying this exact thing for months, always I get to hear "It's just in the big cities" and my idea of moving to Maine, the whitest place in the US gets shot down
Jordan Williams
Or "Pride Month" rather. I can't remember when they expanded it to devote an entire month to butt fucking.
The social justice presence was palpable in Missoula as well, but I didn't see many blacks, Muslims or anybody who wasn't white.
Jaxon Peterson
Hi, I am the owner of the Montana Jow Forums discord server. No, you can't have an invite. I live in Belgrade, outside Bozeman. Bozeman is rich lib pozzed but I only see niggers in like grocery stores and KFC. Or the downtown bars. There is a mosque here however, too close to the high school for my comfort. It's not a very big building. The majority of the sand niggers here are students at MSU and won't be staying long hopefully. I just keep hoping for colder and colder winters to keep the equator dwellers at bay. If I can get a name to the organizations in MT that are shipping in refugees, I will call them and tell them what I think about their jewry. Pic unrelated
I'd never impregnate a full asian chick, but I have this idea sometimes that if I have a kid with a half asian girl I know our kids would basically be finns and that's good enough for me
Blake Young
FIND A FERTILE JEWISH WOMAN, AND IMPREGNATE HER. Lock her down, raise the children christian. The best defense in a war is a good offense.
Henry Ross
Baltimore city is the future whitopia, not kidding. Beautiful and redpilled city that knows the scourge that is niggers
Mason Fisher
>muh honeypot has failed Hahahahahahahahahahaha
Caleb Clark
Five minutes in Bozeman and it was apparent how much money that city has. Spencer's city, Whitefish, is posh, but I think it's mainly due to skiing and outdoorsy tourism - it's basically Montana's Aspen. Bozeman has the university and a tech scene. Demographically, seems to be the Marin/Boulder/Bend crowd that runs the place.
John Brooks
Yes it is horrible here in the NWF, all you faggots stay where you are. Its terrible here and no one would ever want to live in these horrible blacked states. I swear to god its really bad here, save yourself and don't bother coming here. Its completely fucked here and you would hate it. Its 1000 degrees in the summer and -1000 in the winter. I promise you upon my mother's grave I am leaving here as quickly as I can. We are literally Mecca up here, stay away if you value your white women. There is no land and the water is filled with toxic waste, subhuman gangs roam the streets with impunity. There is a mosque on every corner and the call to prayer can be heard on the streets every 30 minutes. I am literally the only white person here we are basically Africa now. For the love of god stay away, we are on the verge of going blue. There are communist flags on every house and everyone has blue/green hair. I have personally been to every city and town in the entire NWF and can report it is all refugees and cucks. So stay away.
nice try, but your state literally does suck ass. I'd rather live in the dying remains of true white heritage (AKA the east coast) than wade through the sea of hipster redneck LARPers, fitness chicks and suburban shitbox architecture that is Montana
Gavin Jenkins
You're not wrong. The median price to buy a home is like $400k in this town. It's fucked. Land in the boonies around three forks is cheap as shit though but even those prices are climbing. Lots of similarities to Bend, I spent a little bit of time there when I lived in Oregon.
Angel Wilson
>live on coast >vote for taxes >cant afford house now >move to cheaper place inland >vote for taxes interstate migration should be completely illegal
Levi Gomez
Christians have doomed america
thanks alot, christcucks
Gavin Miller
How come OP can't provide a single picture of this happening?
Carter Hill
This. Winters in Montana reach as low as -40F. Nogs and Muslims will become frozen popsicles when Winter slams them.