
Could it be?


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Give me a fucking break

So what's your favorite news source? CNN? MSNBC? NPR?

Let me know when either him or Hillary are being convicted and I will give a shit.

>white binder marked "CLINTON EMAILS"

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.....but he didn't get arrested.
So, yet another parlor-game crimesolver.
Great job BLP.
If we want more bullshit in our lives we can just go read Q posts.

>No blue checkmark
I only follow real journalist. Real journalist's have blue checkmarks. Google and Twitter said so, as well did some knitting board apparently. More Russian fake news in my boomer eyes.

you fucking magapedes are pathetic, honestly. bigleaguepolitics sounds as brainlet-tier as kikebart or CNN or any other shitty news source. fuck off.

Paul 'Stone Tear' Combetta is seething somewhere.

Yeah I'm sure thisll put comey away and drain the swamp. Just like the last 10 big scoops we had

This. Nothing but a bunch of faggot beta male trump tards larping as political journalists.

The funny thing is, is that nothing ever happens and you guys latch onto anything that remotely seems like it could be the start of one. Lmao glad I stopped following the happening fad

Big if true.

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Q was right

>super secret illegal data that nobody must know you have
>printing it out and putting it in a big white binder labeled SUPER SECRET ILLEGAL DATA THAT EVERYBODY IS LOOKING FOR
if you have something you want to hide the usual method is to put it in a shoebox and tape it shut with a lot of tape and write CUM RAGS DO NOT OPEN

All of these deep state actors would vanish, or at the very least, would lawyer up and keep quiet if they thought there was ANY chance that Trump would come after them. Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe--they all have books out, now or will have books out fairly soon. They've been paid for their services through the publishing deals.

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Rachel maddow and don lemon are my two best sources of news. I refuse to listen to anything else besides antifa Twitter posts. That's the real news lads.

big true if

They will have to run to Europe, the EU is entirely responsible for trying to shape America with its influence. Anyone that can't see that is absolutely retarded. There isn't 1 single issue where the Democrat's/progressives aren't in lock step with EU policy. That is not a coincidence. We need out of NATO and the UN immediately.

>Let me know when either him or Hillary are being convicted and I will give a shit.
exactly. knowledge, evidence don't matter when Trump lacks the nuts to do anything about it

nah bigleaguepolitics is pretty legit. their reporters have good contacts and they are pretty careful when they do reveal info

He dead

if they run an ad that says 52 states.
seems legit.

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It’s just a P.. p.. prank

This. Its always
>arrests imminent
>muh scoops
>muh emails
No one gives a shit a anymore. DRIMPGHF had his chance but that ship has sailed. Only way out is to accelerate. We need more LA, Seattle and San Fran to start spreading inward

Holy shit your right.

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I hope this isn't Hannity's big story tomorrow.

both sides are literally just repeating the same scandals as before 2016. Hillary's E-mails and Trump rape allegations. These people have no fucking imagination man.

Hopefully can get more confirmation soon

Somebody post a Krassenstein tweet.



blp is as legit as it gets

monster scoop by them