Supposedly each president passes down the knowledge of this personally from one to the next and there's that story Trump tells of Obama describing the most pressing national security issue facing us to him and that he doesn't want to talk about it because it surprised him so much.
This and the new Area 51 sightings and all the DoD admissions of the phenomena, I'm starting to believe again
I agree with the meme flag. We are completely alone. An anomaly. There may be other life in the Universe but humans are the only intelligent and self-aware life. An anomaly.
Cooper Baker
>humans are the only intelligent and self-aware life. An anomaly. Since we are still outside the distance and time it would take for proof of intelligence to reach us from them The Universe is a big place
Evan Gray
There are 200-400 billion stars in our Milky Way alone and chances are there are more planets then there are stars. The chances of life being on some of these planets are very high. Now with that said all it would take is for one of these planets to develop life that is 1000 to 10,000+ years more advanced than us and to create some type of technology for interstellar travel.
Kike hoax to push the one world government. Like Swinesteins nuclear fear hoax.
Brandon Carter
We're most likely not "alone", but I doubt any sentiment species have moved out of their own Solar system, and the few that have, are most likely far away from us.
Ayden Kelly
Kek thinking that our laws of physics are complete. If these ayyans are far more advanced than us may as well chuck our laws of physics our the window
Eli Gonzalez
we only measure years because of our rotation around the sun
what makes you think there isn't a species that has only lived a shorter time than us, yet is millions of years ahead of us?
Samuel King
Why do you hate Einstein?
Ayden Phillips
At this point only brainlets think we're alone and unvisited by advanced civs. They've been here and what, you think they just say "ok we've seen it let's leave?" If they can travel here at all then they have a way to get here quickly and relatively easily, which means they have every reason to monitor this and other life-bearing planets. They may be monitored partly remotely, i.e. with listening/detection devices, and also physically visit. If you take the time to look at the probabilities, as well as the claims made by highly credible men, in addition to a sea of declassified documents/accounts, you can only come to one conclusion.
The problem is that too many people are married to their worldview, and can't overcome the ramifications of how their worldview might need to adapt. They are too settled in their doxies. That's why disclosure is occuring so slowly, because people have to be conditioned into the truth over time. A sudden disclosure to a bunch of cleetus-tier retards could lead to problems. And unfortunately, most people are cleetus-tier retards when it comes to this topic, regardless of affluence or education.
Samuel Morris
You don’t know that
Connor Lee
It's levitation tech we got from the Nazis. The em drive is just a primitive nazi bell.
>you think they just say "ok we've seen it let's leave?" They might. There's not a lot here that they can't get elsewhere. Entertainment maybe. Roadside picnic is actually a pretty decent book about this.
David Sanders
and meanwhile forces on Earth are actively trying to dumb down humanity to prevent any rational acceptance of them from happening
Ryan Richardson
I’m saying it’s highly likely that there’s civilisations out there far more advanced than ours we are probably idiots compared to them not that they are only a thousand or so years old but thousands to million years ahead of us
It’s easier to enslave low IQ, why do you think niggers were slaves?
Levi Foster
Can’t wait till the day that religion will be a distant memory
Jackson Hall
That lady isn't crazy. You can tell by her final opinion on that matter.
If you notice a soi yogas opinions, they'll automatically start saying it's reptillian, arturians or some akashik bullshit.. they'll even tell you they themselves are aliens
Ryder Brooks
Fucking christcuck. Y’all are bigger cancer than gmo.
caption for that image should read, in large words:
im pregnant
also, this is fucking nightmare fuel holy shit that creature is real its god wtf
Nathan Allen
Don't you understand that your sentiment is just as inflexible? It's possible that a religion on Earth is universally true. This reality could be one reason (among many) that disclosure is so difficult. The most immediate question most people would want to know is "what do they believe about God, the afterlife, etc." Well, what if they answer that they are theists? What if they respond something like "every civilization is visited by the Christ incarnated among them, this is a universal aspect of how God cradles intelligent life in its infancy." Or perhaps they'll say "Buddhism is the closest approximation to what we know to be true." Or perhaps its one of any other number, or they invented our religions to keep us from killing each other, or their all atheists. The existence of ayys doesn't disprove much of anything, but it will be interesting to see what they say. And of course they could always tell lies. We lie, so there's no reason to assume them to be morally perfect. That would be irrational.
Ayden Baker
Flat earth has been the belief forever.. it just makes sense to our senses. It's archaic but I won't fault anybody for believing it.
I've never been to space to see the earth from afar so who am I to pass judgement. NASA are known bullshitters so there's a massive point deduction for them and a bonus to flat earthers.
Where do I sit? I'm a skeptic. As far as I know.. the world that I inhabit is flat. The world in the books is round. The duality of me. When theorizing (and speaking to NPC's) I use the info from the books, in tangible reality I use reality.. a flat earth. That's our world whether you believe it's round or not. Our world is a pancake
Bentley Roberts
If they have actually evidence that that’s the case then I will become a christcuck also
Luis Anderson
But the passage of time is relative, if the alien in question has a similar lifespan (independent of the number of trips around the host star) then it would still be the same. Just cause you live in a system where the orbit of your planet takes 4 times less doesn’t mean that the amount of time you life is actually 400 years as compared to our 400 years. Yes, they would say that they live 400 years, but it’s the same about of time.
Ayys are and always have been a deep state psy-op.
Mason Kelly
My grandfather worked on the Stealth Bomber. My mother and father both had UFO abduction experiences that involved a "V shape" of lights. It is my belief that they saw a stealth aircraft with lights affixed to the bottom.
They also experienced "missing time," however, and that is more difficult to explain.
Ryder Peterson
Only brainlets think we've been visited in recorded history. We're not "alone" by chances, but chances also say it's highly unlikely that AYYYs have come here.
Camden Powell
one of those fucks kids, i'll let you guess who.
Aiden Barnes
basiccally just watch the Tom Delonge joe rogan interview and you will understand whats going on. there is some disclosure happening, but they cant say everything because people would freak out
Dominic Davis
Parker Green
I was at a Carnival in Ripon, WI and I saw a dude do that. He leaned too far back and rippen through the tarp and flew 100 yards before landing in someones backyard. They still ise that gravitron but theres a huge parch of duct tape where he rippen through.
Benjamin Gray
They’ve probably always been here desu
Brody Jenkins
Wyatt Russell
Those v shaped crafts are usually reported to run silently. Stealth jets aren’t close to silent.
Christian Sanders
>I guess if they never had niggers to weigh them down
what if they had a colonial period just like britain except the one person in charge looked at the situation, saw the future, and said "no the future will be white" and then enacted genocide before it was even defined as such.
> future liberals continued to cry about the complete annihilation of the non-humans > but since there were zero non-humans around, it didn't have much impact besides sore ears
Isaiah Evans
No, you don't know shit just like the rest of us. So why go out of your way to make sure we think like you?
Lsd or other psychs used to monarch them to scare them if they try n talk. Conditioned tortures or something so you go insane if you try n reveal anything real. The triangles are just some image replacement thing.
Wyatt White
>only brainlets think we're alone and unvisited by advanced civs What evidence have you seen that makes you so sure? It being unlikely that we're the first or only life, or at least intelligent life, to exist does not necessarily mean it's not the case. I would very much like to believe in super advanced aliens but I've yet to see any proof or even compelling evidence.
Christian Cruz
Why do people take this LARPing cat lady schizo seriously? Even if body language analysis was that accurate and sophisticated(which it isn't), you can tell she's just making it up as she goes along.
Angel Cook
Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook as a way for the ayys to study human behavior
Luis Rivera
>change human behavior Ftfy
Colton King
Blah blah blah.....
According to Lt. Col. Michael Aquino's book MindWar Aliens are the biggest psyop in history. The NSA and US Army top brass are laughing their heads off at the entire "UFO" community... Everyone with a brain in their head knows that the blackops craft you dimbulbs call Alien Craft were and ARE built by US... Why else do you think they're "caught" on film.....
Aays are a psyop troll...
Military black operatives and Satanic pedophile traffickers were the ones doing the abductions the whole damn time.......
Juan Perez
I think its more like lsd, the internet, n reality tv- to hold a mirror to socity; but theyve all backfired.
Mason Martinez
As unsexy as it is, the true answer is >Little column A, little column B
>Fact: UFO sightings go as far back as written human history Explicit, unquestionable descriptions and paintings, you can't miss it unless you're a brainwashed retard.
Having said that, (((they))) have had spacecrafts at least since the late 19th century. The >Tunguska event was one of them, some of the ones Jews serve tried to leave this planet, but got rekt by the quarantine bubble Earth's inside. (((They))) got the tech by talking to dark entities outside our realm, and they paid for it by spilling goyim blood over the past several centuries. Look up John Dee for who got that shit started. It's all very (((convenient))). Michael Tsarion has great resources on the dark occult history of the West.
Christian White
Space is fake
Elijah Young
well they cant prove they are real but they cant prove they are fake either im sure
Samuel Robinson
I dunno if I believe you, but that's kinda awesome.
>advanced civs It's a matter of probability. Given all known life on earth, humans are the only intellectually advanced form of life. We can only make conclusions based on what we know, and that is most forms of life are unintelligent, or their intelligence is very limited in scope. Thus the only logical conclusion is that any form of extraterrestrial life is more likely to be quite primitive than advanced, if not just simply animalistic. Especially given the fact that whites are the exception among the exception. Most humans are literal subhuman garbage who are barely better than animals.
Parker Thompson
desu with all the current news about it, and seeing the current numbness of everybody, they might as well disclose everything and it might get a 1min segment in your midnight news, people are too braindead to give a fuck nowadays.
Adrian Lewis
body language don't mean shit and no one can know that your lying if it's not obvious
Luke Jackson
Hardiness for environment. Teaching slaves to read was one of the highest crimes you could commit. That would be unnecessary for low iq groups.
Think of the Garden of Eden story from that point of view.
The worst freak out, for those in charge, would be a wholesale declaration of allegience to the aliens. The loss of power would be immediate and devastating. Think Aztecs versus Spaniards -- or even the very last episode of the new version of V, where the rebellious priest said fuck it and willingly joined the humans accepting the alien feel good vibes.
Slow disclosure is for the current PTB's benefit, not for us NPCs.