My girlfriend's ex-boyfriend is a nigger

Looking at old pictures, I found out that my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend was a nigger. What should I do? Niggers are the most disgusting thing in this world, I can't stand my girlfriend kissed niggers lips. I'm fucking angry and upset. I think I'll beat her up and leave her.

Attached: nigger lips.png (371x276, 82K)

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He licked her pussy with those lips lmao. And now you will lick it.

Suck her pussy dry

Dump her. You know theres something wrong with her FOR SURE now.

Tell her you're dumping her for a conservative Japanese girl.

you know what to do. sexually humiliate her first

Attached: merc.squad.jpg (384x480, 19K)

there are niggers in chile??

Sadly this, don’t make the mistake op, move on, there’s tons of women out there find someone else

Attached: 5658E259-B895-4662-98F2-DD813562DE2B.jpg (657x1000, 172K)

Any bitch that fucks a nigger is tainted. Don’t beat her up, that will make you a nigger.

>i'll beat her up and leave her're a nigger too?