I don't understand why all of you are mocking AOC...

I don't understand why all of you are mocking AOC. We need more politicians who care about the forgotten peoples of the world. We need more politicians who genuinely care for the well being of humanity and empathize with the poor and destitute. What you see in those pictures is pure indignation and anger at an immoral policy that she won't tolerate anymore. That's a good thing.

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I saw a woman lying .

never forget the 6 trillion lice

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When the elite genocide a fraction of humanity, this site is the closest evidence that perhaps they are in the right.The way people operate here cheapens my perception of the human experience and reveals how disgusting alot of people actually are beneath the surface. They like to dehumanize others but are in fact dehumanizing themselves in the process. This topic alone is probably sarcasm to prove my point

As Nietzsche said, it is an act of trickery by the poor themselves that we have been led to believe the poor and destitute man is moreso righteous than the strong.


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Well she's dumb, and wrong. This wouldn't be happening if commie retards like her would agree that we need to just lock down our fucking border to protect the civilization that she indulges in on a daily basis

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What about caring for the 50million babies that have been genoicded since the 1950s

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why isnt mexico begging for their citizens back?

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anyone responding is just pointing out her behavior. It's not mocking when it's truth.
grow up

i dont think she honestly cares for them though. if she did why arent her polciies catering to them first and foremost and instead propose 70% taxes which would subsequently annihilate their lives and chances at survival

fuck, that's good.

>approximately long brown hair
what a weird description

80% of illegal women are sexually assaulted en route to our welfare centers. Why doesn't she care about that? Why does she want to open the doors to more women being abused?

But these aren’t her people. She’s a congresswoman from NY. She has no constituency near the border at all.

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>We need more politicians who genuinely care for the well being of humanity and empathize with the poor and destitute
she doesn't

They over empathise with the poor and destitute to mask the fact that they knowingly introduce policies which will make the situation worse. This is how people commit evil in full sight and get away with it. The bible said about judging things by their fruit, the democrats produce bad fruit every time

>thinking a politician actually cares about you
Wow. They fucking pulled the wool over your eyes. You are what is known as a "useful idiot". Wake the fuck up. These people don't give two shits about you. They just want your vote so they can stay in office and acquire more power/wealth while you slave away.

It frightens me more that people actually buy all this propaganda. People that think they smart. People that somehow even went to university.

we still come here though.

We need it added to this.

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>well being of the world
She's an American politician. She is in the house of representatives. She should focus on bettering the lives of her district. The world at large is not her concern.
Meanwhile her district constituents are paying obscene taxes and losing economic opportunity everyday.

>We need more politicians who care about the forgotten peoples of the world
She doesn't. She's to stupid earn a living doing anything other than vomit buzzwords and talking points while lives off taxpayers like every other non-white in this country.

You're an idiot and should be gassed

>forgotten peoples
>illegal beaners trying to rush the border

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That about sums up the first half of 2019.

Total agreement. I've been here since before Trayvon Martin and the evolution of the new reactionary ideology has been one of cold dehumanization. This heartless behavior goes beyond the satire tagline of Jow Forums; I truly believe it's inherent to reactionary politics now. How ironic that the supposedly "empathetic white man" image is touted by those who refuse to accept that the American government is literally meatgrinding the lower and middle classes with shitty policy.

>We need more politicians who care about the forgotten peoples of the world.
If they hate their own people I doubt the care about the "forgotten peoples of the world". No, the those people are a convenient way for them to climb the political ladder, the sufferings of those people are transformed into the claim for power of your lefty politicians. The statesman that truly cares about the world tries to strengthen his own nation's position and then helps the rest, and he does it in a way that impulses their growth and civilizing the worst aspects of their culture and governmental body, not by instituting policies that allow the worst elements of their corrupt organizations to keep power, like open borders does.

shut the fuck up you bleeding heart faggot, go genocide another 2 billion unborn children

>hook line and sinker

No, we need mass graves for all former slaves and all white liberals nailed to crosses

This nigga doesn't know about immigrant gumballs

You call others stupid, yet don't know the difference between "to" and "too".

She appears fake, her overdone emotional expressions. Looks like a pouty child who accidentally let their balloon fly away at the county fair. It’s emotionally loaded and staged garbage.

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meanwhile the left murders unborn children, replaces all white people with gleeful manipulation of our laws and customs and laugh about it while importing more violent criminals and protecting the ones already here with the all their might

never forget it was the left that killed more in the 20th century than anyone else

Her constituents belong in mass graves

Muh reactionaries
Kys faggot

>woman takes picture of the refugees she's going to rescue

Leddit fuck off

Why should I be concerned about shitholes and people I will never ever meet irl? America should return to isolationism(or follow it closer than preWW2 era America) to fix our shit and let the faggot burn with their lands.

Actually based.

Let her go channel mother Theresa on her own fucking dime then. The implication that every US taxpayer should give a shit about and pay for her pet causes is ludicrous.

>We need more politicians who care about the forgotten peoples of the world.
Forgotten? You goblins are taking over everything (thanks to your Jewminati masters) and wont STFU about "la Raza". You're not even a race.

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Some peoples are best forgotten. Get back to me when mexicans are building a cool temples and shit again, instead of killing each other over drugs and bathing in shit and garbage.

Who's the far right?

She still has half a tamale in her mouth and it is very spicy. She is handling it pretty well though.

The reason we get so outraged is because of this, how can you not see that? Would you like your race to go extinct?
Fuck you anyways, I plan on keeping my home lands, And if you're going to make the only way be blood, then so be it.

the guy on the right was one of the people literally caught moving the body of that little muslim kid into the water for a better press shot

Shes a racists piece of shit that hates white America

She needs more cock.

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Fuck off we’re full

>We need more politicians who care about the forgotten peoples of the world.



You seem a little booty-blasted there, fren. In the future maybe try to not self-own so hard.

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Calm down. The bitch was probably wasn't even the best bartender where she worked before. The fact that she is now in politics is a joke.

You just hate white people

Yeah, better to elect the 1% to represent us, not regular folks. How has that worked out for us so far? Oh right.

How does she know what time it is there are no numerals

This is the look of a deciptive woman faking tears to get her way. I know because my mom makes this face when she doesn't get what she wants. Pretty childish. She probably shouldn't be in a position of power.

Imagine thinking that has a soul.

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Theres Difference between general empathy and destroying yourself. I'm not lighting myself on my fire to warm others, the non-whites need to go home or blood will be shed,
Might makes right.

That guy on the right looks edited in...

lol fucking faggot, don't pretend like "the other side" is vast ocean of empathy and humanitarian aid when the only reason their stupid ideology exists is to be able to victimize white men without reprieve

These are the most based things I have read on this board in a long time, and something that has really been bothering me about Jow Forums lately.

She's a flake, a show boat and drama queen. All 3.

>look at meeeee

>pretending to cry while wearing a $600 watch, a $400 pair of shoes, and a pair of crisp clean white linen shirt/pants she also paid a few hundred for.

>cares about the world
She doesn't represent the world. The only people she has any business caring for are her constituents in New York

>We need more politicians who genuinely care for the well being of humanity and empathize with the poor and destitute

She wants to weaponize the empathy of White people so that she can bring millions upon millions of foreigners into the country so she can transform it into a place which is no longer America.

yeah those based mesoamerican savages cutting kids heads off and performing ritual human sacrifice were much better

where do you think mexico's unlivable circumstances stem from

You're just trying to beat around the bush.

Is it me or is ALL giving the same fake look that PM Jacinda Arden gave when she was pretending to care about the dead Muslims that were killed?

Calm down. This is a containment board for incubating memes and cathartic venting.

Add a peeking eye through her fingers.

>We need more politicians who care about the forgotten peoples of the world
We forgot them for a reason fuck face.

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Fuck off kike. We both know those are crocodile tears.

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No one cares about brown children.

Remember when AOC said there was no border crisis?

If she had actually cried her mascara would have been smeared.
If her mascara had been smeared I would have fapped to it.
Neither of those things have happened.

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empathy is for cucks, illegals should be shot on sight.

Checked and kek'd.

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>about the forgotten peoples
why don't you care about homeless in your city, faggot?

Consensus cracking, eh? Alright, I'll bite. You can't dehumanize that which was not human to begin with. Meanwhile Cortez' obviously phony reactions for a photo op are worthy of criticism for being the naked facile propaganda that they are. If there's something here that's heartless, it's that leftists have convinced a large number of people that destroying your country with a neverending horde of enemy invaders is empathy, and wanting your country to not devolve into a third world hellhole is lack thereof.

She checks her phone like everyone else. To her that's just jewelry.

Dem digits

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stop responding to any AOC threads and sage them its the only way to make her lose power

Imagine the smell

>1 post by this id
all fields

But muh raise
They need raises, user.

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It's actually 60%. But this woke socialism stuff is all larping and idealism. If you say bringing in more people will logically suppress wages, they say that borders and differences in wages between various countries are part of the capitalist system of oppression.

Yes, very based and they give you hope that a few decent people still post here. White America used to be the courageous leaders of the free world. Now they cower in fear of men, women, and children who risk their lives to flee violence, poverty, and injustice. Very sad.

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