Freemasonry is founded on Jewish mysticism and Babylonian-Egyptian paganism...

Freemasonry is founded on Jewish mysticism and Babylonian-Egyptian paganism. It's a way for the Jews to recruit non-Jews, who are thirsty for wealth and power, to do the Jews dirty work. The rituals involved in freemasonry are based on rebuilding the temple in jerusalem. You'll notice that the giant pillars used in Masonic lodges are called "Jachin & Boaz". These were the two names of the pillars used at Jerusalem. You'll notice in freemasonry one pillar represents the sun, while the other represents the moon. You'll notice that there are three smaller pillars next to a table. And when we look at the Kaaba, the holy temple of Islam, we'll find the same three pillars next to a table, as well as the sun and the moon imagery.

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All these groups may not appear to be united, but they are united in two things: First being, the destruction of Christianity. Islam destroyed Christian rule in North Africa, Asian minor, and the rest of the middle east. And made several attempts to conquer Christian Europe. As Communism made the exact same attempt to eradicate Christianity from Europe. The Second point that unites these groups is the Talmudic Pharisaic influence. While there is a lot of literature that speaks against the jews like Muhammad's dying words where he curses the Christians and the jews, what can't be denied is that the entire muslim religion is grounded in talmudic pharisaic judaism. When you discover that Islam grew out of the ashes of the jewish arabia himyarite kingdom, you'll understand why Islam is so similar to Judaism. From the religious fasting, public praying, multiple wives, the wearing of skull caps, praying facing the direction of their holy shrines, pedophilia, animal sacrifice, and how the stories in the Koran aren't based on the bible but on the Talmud and Jewish mysticism. The thing that unites Muslims and jews is their hatred for the apostle Paul and the divinity of Christ. Likewise with communism, the manifesto was written by grandson of famous Talmudic Rabbis, Karl Marx, who comes from the same family tree as the Rothchild banking dynasty. The same banking family that would fund the destruction of Russia.

All these groups can be linked to the enemies of Christianity, the jewish Pharisees.

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All Abrahamism is cancer, to Hades with the lot of you.

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Look up "aleksandr solzhenitsyn on the protocols of Zion" he believes they are legitimate and predicted the Russian revolution perfectly

Where is this from?

you're a retard

Jesus Christ is the lord.


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