Why is Hollywood encouraging girls to be sluts?
Why is Hollywood encouraging girls to be sluts?
>Why are jews encouraging girls to be sluts?
Gee, I wonder.
Because ((they)) benefit from non-commitment and mindless consumerism, Satan.
Hollywood is jewish, it amuses them
both his kids are freaks.
IS this really the best you can post?
bait/slide/no one gives a fuck thread
To destroy the nuclear family which the foundation of all scociety. Jews divide the family, thus dividing the community, thus dividing the county, thus dividing the state, thus dividing the county until we have broken homes where children either turn into cucked soiboys are violent criminals thus killing off civilization because kids grow up to be obsessed with sex and violence which is detrimental to civilization.
Based mulatto.
polygamy is pretty old school and wasnt all that uncommon
this is more or less the same thing just repackaged to appear new and shiny
this is the world women want evidently
Cesspool is a cesspool
Gee Chad, why do you get to have two?
>willow, call me ;)
That polygamy you fucking retard, Polyamory means she wants to fuck other dudes while she's in a relationship.
Who the fuck? is willow smith?
Hyper individualism and the destruction of Western Christian tradition and society. Hyper individualism and hyper sexuality are promoted because it creates mindless consumers that are easy to program and control.
no more mom and dad, just parent A and Parent B, The Pol Pot blueprint.
that's hot, that's hot
>Look at me!
>Give me attention!
More importantly: why are will smith's kids so fucked up?
All I know is Will Smith and his "wife" are merely married for appearances
Will Smith loves boning dudes and she is bi
a pretty big Hollywood buddy told me
same guy who lead Owen down his purity spiral
its hard to be a relephant.
I know this is the kinda thing that upsets the locals here, but realistically - why the fuck is this news? If she wants to shack up with a couple of people and fuck like rabbits, whatever, go do it, her life. Nothing illegal about it, and she certainly has the money to make the practical problems a nonissue.
I'd fuck.. call me, Willow